
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Ch.19 The Top 8

While the final eight battles continued to unfold with great excitement, for Zhuge Xiang and his peers, these were not their opponents, and hence, they paid little attention to these matchups. Utilizing the time wisely, Zhuge Xiang and his fellow competitors focused on adjusting their breath and reinvigorating themselves. Their goal was to be in peak form when they stepped onto the dueling stage.

The final eight matches were also underway, with four consecutive games determining the four victors. Subsequently, two more battles would decide the top two contenders. These two would then face off once more, and the winner would claim the coveted first place, while the runner-up would secure the tenth position. This meant that, even though the overall champion of the grand competition had not yet been determined, the identities of the ninth and tenth place finishers were already established. They merely awaited their rewards from the sect.

It was a remarkable feat for those who had reached the top ten, considering they had emerged from a pool of over 100,000 disciples. The audience, consisting of hundreds of thousands of disciples, wholeheartedly supported and applauded them. Their journey to this point was nothing short of impressive.

With the ninth and tenth places determined, attention now shifted to the forthcoming battles for the top eight positions. The first match featured Lei Potian, a formidable contender in this year's competition. As he ascended the dueling stage, a massive axe rested on his back, and each step he took exuded an air of confidence. Despite being just fifteen years old, Lei Potian possessed a robust physique that made him appear as if he were seventeen or eighteen. His massive hatchet conveyed a sense of immense power even to onlookers.

Lei Potian had rightfully earned his reputation as one of the most outstanding talents of the year. Even though his opponent understood the immense challenge ahead, he approached Lei Potian with utmost seriousness. Before the duel commenced, he spoke directly to Lei Potian, saying, "Senior Brother Lei, I understand that I may not be your match, but I am here to witness your full strength firsthand, so I can better gauge the gap between us."

In the Shura Sect, surrendering without putting up a fight was considered the utmost disgrace. Not only would fellow disciples hold you in contempt, but the sect itself would frown upon such behavior. Even if a disciple believed they stood no chance against an opponent like Lei Potian, they were obligated to participate and give their best effort.

"Your strength is truly commendable, standing at the third level of Qi Cultivation Realm," Lei Potian remarked calmly as he gripped his massive axe. "If I hadn't undergone a fortuitous experience during my training, I might not have been able to defeat you." Among the top eight competitors, each was a remarkable genius who was familiar with one another.

Lei Potian paused for a moment, his grip on the axe tightening. "However, since you wish to witness my full strength, I'll oblige. Prepare yourself to witness the vast chasm that separates us."

As Lei Potian spoke, an immense aura radiated from his body, sweeping across the entire arena. A blood-red energy enveloped his skin, his long crimson hair flowed as if moved by an invisible breeze, and an eerie, blood-red aura formed grotesque faces, creating a terrifying spectacle. Lei Potian, who was already imposing, now appeared as if he had transformed into a humanoid beast.

Witnessing this display, even those in close proximity to the dueling stage instinctively retreated, their expressions filled with horror as they beheld Lei Potian's transformation.

The Bloodthirsty Technique, mastered to the extent of entering the "house," was something Zhuge Xiang had always been aware of regarding Lei Potian's abilities. However, he had never witnessed it in action until now. Observing the top eight duel, Zhuge Xiang's narrowed eyes revealed a mix of unprecedented pressure and excitement.

For Zhuge Xiang, facing a stronger opponent was invigorating, as it meant not only a greater challenge but also the potential for significantly more experience points and a higher item drop rate.

The Bloodthirsty Technique's "house-entering" state was a facet where Zhuge Xiang had no advantage. Although the Blood Thunder Slash of the Blood Refining Knife possessed formidable attack power, it required a substantial amount of time to gather momentum. Furthermore, Lei Potian's massive axe clearly favored a high-impact combat style. In terms of cultivation level, Zhuge Xiang also found himself at a disadvantage, transitioning from the second level of Qi Nurturing Realm to the third level...

As Lei Potian activated the Bloodthirsty Technique and his reputation preceded him, the atmosphere surrounding the first battle of the top eight had already reached a fever pitch, even before the clash commenced. The audience watched in awe, amazement, and excitement, while some voiced their astonishment and others cheered loudly.

Lei Potian's relentless charge, fueled by the Bloodthirsty Technique, left no room for subtlety. He was about to make a move, and with his newfound strength, his overall attributes boosted by 50%, he was a force to be reckoned with.

Lei Potian's massive axe swung with terrifying attack power and astonishing speed. As it descended, the disciple at the third level of Qi Cultivation, who had blocked with his longsword, was forcefully pushed back seven or eight steps. His face turned pallid, clearly indicating that a single blow had inflicted significant damage.

The intense fight had garnered the full attention of the audience, and Lei Potian's opponent responded with a fierce display of swordsmanship. However, when Lei Potian brought down his enormous axe, it transformed into a blood-red torrent of power. It was relentless and unforgiving. The third strike came crashing down with unmatched destructive force. After three consecutive, lightning-fast axe strikes, Lei Potian sent his opponent flying out of the dueling ring. The duel, from start to finish, lasted mere moments.

It wasn't that the opponent was weak, but that Lei Potian's strength was overwhelmingly formidable. After all, anyone who could reach the top eight was no ordinary cultivator.

Courage and strategy guided Lei Potian's approach to the top eight battles. He understood that without utilizing the Bloodthirsty Technique, he would need to engage in prolonged battles, leading to greater overall exhaustion. Activating the Bloodthirsty Technique not only served as a potent deterrent to his opponents but also allowed him to maintain peak combat effectiveness. The Bloodthirsty Technique's three-breath duration had minimal aftereffects, providing him with time to recuperate before the next three matches.

Lei Potian was known for his martial prowess and indomitable spirit. Before stepping off the dueling stage, he pointed his massive axe towards Zhuge Xiang, who stood beneath the platform, and made a throat-slitting gesture, a clear provocation and threat. The crowd turned their attention to Zhuge Xiang, who displayed no fear or arrogance. Instead, his face revealed excitement and an intense fighting spirit.

"Worthy of a martial genius, his warrior's heart is unparalleled," many spectators marveled at Zhuge Xiang's response. Even Lei Potian's opponent, who had been sent flying moments ago, felt a sense of admiration. In the face of Lei Potian, he had lacked fighting spirit, but Zhuge Xiang, despite being at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm and bearing serious injuries, exhibited such indomitable spirit that it left a deep impression on him, making him acknowledge Zhuge Xiang's remarkable character.

With Lei Potian's battle concluded, the stage was set for Ling Wufeng's appearance. Given the electrifying atmosphere created by Lei Potian, the audience was brimming with anticipation for the next showdown. However, this duel managed to disappoint everyone—not because it was dull, but because it ended in the blink of an eye. The throwing knife had vanished, and Ling Wufeng's opponent was left severely injured with no time to evade.

Even Ling Wufeng's opponent understood that he had been spared. The throwing knife's speed had surpassed his own reactions. If the knife had been aimed at his heart or throat, he would have met his end. Ling Wufeng didn't engage in prolonged battles or elaborate strategies; instead, he ended it swiftly with a single throwing knife. 

The audience had witnessed Lei Potian's three devastating axe strikes, followed by Ling Wufeng's lightning-fast throwing knife, leaving them to wonder who was the stronger of the two. Lei Potian's strength was deeply etched into their minds, but Ling Wufeng's approach remained enigmatic. His fighting style, revolving around throwing knives, created an aura of mystery and unpredictability.

"In the third quarter-final battle, we will have Lu Yuling competing against Hua Nongying," announced the duel stage host after declaring Ling Wufeng's victory.

Upon hearing this announcement, Zhuge Xiang's expression grew more serious. While Lei Potian and Ling Wufeng had lived up to his expectations, the real question was the strength of Hua Nongying and Lu Yuling. Who among them was stronger, and who was weaker?

Zhuge Xiang wasn't the only one taking this matter seriously; everyone else was equally focused. Lu Yuling was a genius on par with Lei Potian, with her ethereal appearance and an aura akin to the solitary moon in the sky. Wherever she went, she was the center of attention for all disciples.

Hua Nongying also possessed her own charms. Although her looks might not have rivaled Lu Yuling's, she had a vivacious personality, akin to a carefree lark. Her mastery of martial arts set her apart from the rest, and her understanding of martial techniques was unparalleled. As the third duel in the top eight unfolded, featuring two beautiful disciples, it naturally drew significant interest.

In her white skirt, Hua Nongying gracefully made her way towards Lu Yuling, who had already taken her place in the arena. Lu Yuling stood still, emanating an air of calm and aloofness that discouraged undue familiarity. As Lu Yuling appeared, an unexpected ghostly shadow suddenly fell over her face. In the presence of Ling Wufeng, she truly seemed to embody a ghostly presence.

Hua Nongying, clad in a light green dress, sported a lively smile on her face as she approached. "Hehe, Senior Sister Lu Yuling," she exclaimed, "I've been wanting to spar with you for quite some time. Today, I finally have the chance. Please don't go too easy on me!"