
The Meeting (1)

Morning tram rides were depressing.

Tiring. Jimin hated it. It made him get out of bed and rise even before the sun had done so. It made him wake up early just to catch a crowded, uncomfortable ride. And if anyone knew Jimin well enough, they would know very well that he was NOT a morning person. If he had to choose between his brother's life or his sleep, he would very gladly choose the latter.

However, if he wanted to keep his job, the roof on his head and the food on the table, he had to wake up. And so Jimin rubbed his eyes and shuffled out of bed, grabbing his uniform from the closet.


"WAIT!" Jimin sprinted towards 7.03 tram. Sweat endlessly dripped down from his forehead and his hair was a mess, resembling a mad bird's nest. His earpiece was barely hanging onto his ear. His lips were turned down into a scowl and he was panting.


All eyes were upon him. Jimin immediately looked where no one could make eye contact with him.

Down. On the grey, dirtied floor.

He weaved through the crowded tram carriage, face flushed red and burning as he made his way

towards the only pole still available for support. Jimin pulled out his copy of [ My CEO husband ]. After all, the delightful story was not going to be read by itself.

"Woke up on the wrong side of bed, huh?"

Jimin looked up. In front of him stood one of similar height barely an inch taller. His hair was tousled and in dire need of a hair cut. His skin was milky white and his lips were crooked in the form of a smirk. If there was anything Jimin had learnt from his parents, it would be to stay away from strangers. After all, there had been recent reports on missing children. And though Jimin was a fully grown man, he wanted to protect his life at all costs. And so Jimin adjusted the earpieces hooked into his ears and looked down again.

"Hey, you."

There was a light tap on his shoulder. Jimin flinched and shook off the touch. He lifted his

head up once again. It was Milky skin. Sighing, he removed his earpieces and snapped the book he had in his hand shut.

"How can I help you, kind sir?"

Jimin forced a smile, his voice laced with sarcasm and annoyance. An amused smirk appeared on Milky skin's face.

"I thought you were the one that needed the help."

Jimin had to fight the urge to scowl in return. Instead, however, he simply smiled even wider before he returned to his book.



I'm the editor, my friend is the author. This is an ORIGINAL.

We are just amateur writers and editors so please comment on what we can improve on!!

BUT, please do not give these shameless writer and editor such harsh comments. Our little hearts can't take it!!

We are releasing just the first chapter, just to get public opinion.

If you guys like it, we will release more.

And if you guys really feed us with your precious power stones, we might just release a chapter every day, and even bonous!!

But, if the opposite happens :( , then we will not release the future chapters but instead we will improve them.


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