

I have always been the bright and happy girl always smiling and friends with everyone.

Until you came to the picture and told me the thing that i never expected to hear on my 17 years of life.

"take that stupid mask off"

I don't know who you are but how did you know that i was having a hard time.

A hard time on smiling 24/7.

I can't cry whenever i fail my quiz

I can't cry whenever i feel sad and i can never even tell anyone the words "I feel sad".

Everyone will laugh and tell i was joking. But it's not easy i can't show the real me.

And now i don't even know who is me.

I wanted to get close to you so i asked our teacher to make us a pair in the activity.

I didn't know it will be this hard. I didn't know how you will always avoid me. What am i to you?

Everyone calls us sunshine and the moonlight

But, if you are my moonlight can i be your sunshine?

I hope you can realize my worth now so it will never be too late.