1 Prologue

(Not beta'd because I'm way too lazy for that. I downloaded Grammarly though. This has to be the longest thing I've ever written online. P.S, I don't believe in GiGi's way of thinking. 1K WORDS LETS GO! Honestly, no other chaps are gonna be as long as this.)

GiGi woke up and rubbed his light brown eyes, heavy with non-existent sleep. I mean sure, you could consider the hour of him being unconscious sleep, but he considered it a short nap. Then again, he'd never been asleep for more than a medium nap, so there's that to add into the mix. Moving on from his shitty sleeping habits, he wanted needed to get to school. Rushing downstairs, he was in such a good mood, then-

There were no lucky charms left. Fuck. Suppose he would just eat later. There was screaming outside, as per usual. GiGi didn't really care. Well, he did but he just couldn't make himself check it out. And it shouldn't have been anything life-threatening, since the screaming was at 7:23 every morning. He quickly fed the cat he didn't have a cat and made his way out the door.

The twenty-minute walk commenced. He soon passed a girl's house, the female joining him in his long-ass walk. GiGi was supposed to know her name since he saw her every second of every day, but he just couldn't remember it. Neither with the other girl proxies that followed him around. Female proxies were millions of times better than male ones, since the girls were more intelligent, better at spreading rumours, and listened to everything he said like it was the meaning of life. GiGi knew the girl had been waiting for him; everyone knew GiGi's schedule, and some just suspiciously walked on the other side of the road, watching him. Kinda creepy, kinda don't give a shit. Mostly don't give a shit. More of his entourage joined him, and after listening to many unimportant things that he couldn't even try to pretend to care about, they arrived at school. Hakesop High was a horrible place. Many loved it, and GiGi could see the appeal for teenagers, but in reality, the only worse place w a s-

He felt distant and didn't feel like he was in his body.

GiGi was suddenly in class. What? He must have zoned out or something... The teacher was talking about some bullshit, and it didn't make any apparent sense. She's talking about division. He realised. That made sense. Well, it would, if he'd done the homework. Unimportant. After around an hour of mindless droning on about maths, the bell finally rang, and he got the fuck outta that hell hole. His entourage was waiting for him, and they caught him up on all the gossip he missed. Apparently, Jane was going out with Kirstennow, not Olive, so that was a huge shocker. Peace and Serenity got into another fight, but they didn't break each other's bones this time. Laaaame. Next class was Drama, so that cheered him up a bit. The only subject that he bothered with. It helped that Ms. Beese was super nice. "Right! Today we're going to do some auditions for the school musical! You've already had a week to practice, so don't tell me you're not ready just to get out of it. Everyone needs to audition. Not kidding, you jocks in the corner. Line up at the side of the stage." The musical theatre gays rushed to the front, and GiGi was left somewhere in the middle. They were auditioning for Hamilton, and that was an amazing musical, so it had to be good. They weren't actually auditioning for one part, Ms. Beese would see what she thought you would be good at, and put you in there. After many minutes of listening to good, horrible, and amazing singing, it was GiGi's turn. He was sure he could get out if he wanted to, but he needed to do this. If he got a part, it would (do wonders for his self-esteem) make him more popular. Who doesn't want more fame? He stepped up to the stage.

The lights were dazzling, and everyone was silent. They weren't silent with any of the other people, GiGi supposed they just wanted to hear this queen sing. You were supposed to sing a musical theatre song, preferably from Hamilton, so GiGi just put the playlist on shuffle and chose that one. Guns and Ships. Honestly, he should have changed the song because that had the fastest rap in broadway history, but he would settle to make it a bit slower. After two minutes and a bit, he took his bow. "Yes!" Ms. Beese muttered, and then he was off the stage. His entourage left the line and started singing praises. He preened himself. Class was over, and the teacher approached him. "GiGi, you were wonderful! Have you ever considered musical theatre as a career?" He had, in fact, but he knew his grades were too low to apply to any college. He was smart enough, he just didn't do the homework. Well, more like he couldn't make himself do the homework. Brushing his light blonde hair out his face, he replied with that. Ms. Beese looked sympathetic. "My grades were shit back in the day too." Hold up, did the most responsible teacher in this school just swear? "But I eventually got there, just needed a tutor and some sleeping pills. If you need help with anything, I recommend visiting the school councillor. Gel's a really sweet person, and she's helped me a ton. Anyway, you should probably get going so you don't miss lunch. See you!" Ms. Beese left. She just casually said he should get therapy and left. Was that an insult? He wasn't weak enough to need therapy. What would everyone think? He would just be another freak, who was mentally unstable. People would make up 'the GiGi disease' and act like they would go crazy if they stayed near him for too long. It already happened to Meridith 'Beachy' Escrolite. She used to be more popular than him, but then she was caught going into the therapy room, and now everyone hates her. Well, excluding Julie, but no one counts Julie these days. He was NOT a freak, and he was NOT going to the councillor.

After lunch, it was English, and that was so boring that it didn't deserve to be mentioned. Imagine writing. Couldn't be him. Then History. He didn't care. FINALLY HOME TIME. School was tiring as fuck, and as he walked home, he thought about random things, like his (non-existent) cat. He sat down on his couch and lay there. He felt oddly out of touch with reality, like he was sitting there, but he really wasn't sitting there. It didn't feel like he was there, if you got what he meant.

He must have fallen asleep because he came to in his bed.
