
Sunrise eiyuutan: the legend of the vassago

In the midst of a war between the federation and the Dutchy of zeon a young mercenary with a mysterious mecha joins the G-beeaker force to defend the world from evil however the mercenary finds himself guarding a beautiful princess from the Britannian empire and discovers a conspiracy behind the church of iron will

ian_brooks · Video Games
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the agreement.

" okay here's the deal we'll help escort you to your destination and in return you guys will serve as Freelance Fighters aboard our ship and don't worry you'll be given wages for your service.' offered bright.

" Just so you know beccas will leave after we arrive at the African front apparently something or other about a important client." Said fié.

" Anyways let's introduce ourselves I'm doctor lūn kazaki these two are my wards kanji Akatsuki the pilot of the FT-77-01 impulse 7 and this is his kid sister fié she pilots the GT-74-03 Gunblaze Destroyer as for the colonol kent Wayne just like me he pilots the GT-74-01 Gunblaze infintry.

" Those mobile suits of yours sure are small compared you ours hell even the Deathscythe hell is taller than them and it's only 14.3 meters tall." Said amaro.

" There not mobile suits their mobile troopers and their smaller because their meant to be used for higher mobility combat!" Explained kanji.

And this two are mercenary's who have been hired to help us.

"I'm sagatoshi sanada" said sagatoshi.

" And I'm beccas no surname just beccas and technically our machines are of a different caliber call combat mecha our machines were built specifically for doing prolonged skirmishes for about two hours." Explained beccas.

Amaro whistled.

" Well welcome to the white base we'll be heading to the African base of kilimanjaro before we head towards the south american base of jabaro." Said bright.

" Well we were heading their anyway." Said kanji.

By the way whose the girl with the long blue hair.

" Oh that's Ojūn she's a refuge but she wants to be of help maybe offering to help her learn navigate a ship." Offered fié.

" But fié I.." she began but was cut off by fié who looked her in the eye.

" If your interested in my brother than your going to have to work for my blessing so your going to be a navigator." She said without any concern that everyone heard her.

At that moment mirai yashima spoke up.

" I can help her learn something navigation skills" said mirai.

" Well let's introduce ourselves." Said bright.

" I'm bright noa the acting captain of the white base that woman who just spoke up is the helms woman mirai yashima." He went over introductions of each crew member.

A blonde woman with a the heir of a that of a big sister stepped forward.

" That's sayla mass the ships CIC operator." Said bright.

( Combat information center its the ships sonar radar cameras basically it's the ships strategic computers")

" I'm basically in charge of combat communications with mobile weapons." Said sayla.

" By the way amaro?" Sayla said trying to get amaros attention.

" Hai sayla-san." Said amaro.

" I'll see you in my quarters after my shift.." She said winking at him with her lips making a kissung shape.

" Amaro you are a god a god I say." Said Kai and Hayato who were bowing theatrically.

" Is that really allowed?" Asked kanji.

" Relationships amongst crew members in operations hours are forbidden but as she said after her shift." Said mirai.

" O-kay." Said kanji.

" I'm frow bow I'm the ships guest officer" said a young girl in a cadets uniform.

" And that means?" Asked Orūn.

" Basically it means that she's the personal nurse and attendant of the refugees of war." Said a short boy with in a cadet uniform.

" I'm Hayato Kobiyashi." Said the boy whose name was Hayato.

"I'm the sniper for the RX-75 Guntank." Said the boy.

" And I'm Kai shinden the pilot of the RX-78 gun cannon I can show you a thing or two "if" you want?" Said Kai in a tone like a teen letcher.

" Check thyself before thy wreck thyself." Said a boy in a green military tank top and brown cargo shorts.

" That's heero his mobile suit is being repaired in kilimanjaro which Is actually why we were making a stop there." Said a boy with a braid wearing a black jodhpurs and a red turtle neck sweater and a black leather biker jacket behind him was a girl in a green sports jacket yellow shoestring top and white bell bottoms jeans on her head was a brown kasket hat

" This is my girlfriend hilde schbeiker she's a former OZ cadet she serves as a reserve pilot." Said duo.

" It's nice to meet all of you." Said hilde in a rich German accent.

" Thanks it's nice to meet you all too." Said hilde.

" Say hilde how would you like to pilot one of the Gun-blaze units" asked lūn.

" I'm not familiar with mobile troupers but if they control similar to a mobile suit than I think It could be of some use." Said hilde.

" Great it just so happens I have to do some research on a certain project so you can pilot my Gun-Blaze infintry unit just be careful though it's a highly mobile ground trouper." Said hilde.

" Great come I'll give you some instructions on the control schematics." Said lūn.

" So this Gunblaze unit you guys have developed just how many variants are there of them?" Asked bright.

" Five of them there's the ace also known as the infintry type, the backup also known as the sniper type, the Destroyer also known as the artillery type, the intercepter also known as the high mobility type and the knight also known as the close range combat type." Said lūn listing them off.

" And what about kanjis unit." Asked Bright.

" It's basically a new model a unlike the ground troopers The impulse 7 is a flight capable unit which is why we call it a flying trooper."

" it is capable of independent flight however you must know that machine is kanjis by birthright; his father helped design it hell it was his father's idea...I just programmed it and completed the testing after his demise." Said lūn.

" I see I think we can come to an agreement you guys can join our crew for the time being we can help train you to navigate opperate stratigize whatever you want allow we ask in retyis you help us deal with our pursuers and end this unholy war and who knows maybe we can help you guys get a ship of your own." Said bright.

" Mister you got yourself a deal" said bright.

( Elsewhere.)

" Haha Those pathetic sacks of shit had nothing on us" said serenity.

" Well they were just a bunch of tanks and and walking cannons." Said Elaine.

" I would like a real challenge I want to face lord beccas again." Said Elaine.

" That bastard what can he do that I can't do." Asked serenity.

" Keep me warm at night." Elaine muttered under her breath.

" Well we've got two days until we reach the neutral territory of Solomon shall well give the earth federation a wake up call and tell them to invest in some more advanced tech instead of these died down mass production models."offered serenity.

" Our job is to assassinate Dozel Zabi nothing more nothing less." Said Elaine.

" But all's fair in love and war right.' said serenity.

" If it's for both parties!" Said Elaine.

Serenity tried to cop a feel on Elaine's chest but was immediately thrown to the ground.

" There is only one person who can touch me like that and you are not him." Said Elaine and she climbed aboard her mech and began to walk towards the Menachem begin crossing."

To be continued.

Next time on sunrise heroes

We're almost there.

" It's called the cloud system."

" Gundam I shall shoot you down."

" That's a mobile trooper."

" Around take my hand."

Who will survive