1 1-Hallway Surprise

    I took a deep breath and told myself to calm down. I was walking to my class and the "popular group" were making fun of my blind eye as usual. Only if they knew the story behind it.

   While I was trying to ignore them and get to my class as fast as possible I heard someone yell my name,"Willow, WILLOW!" I turned around,shocked; "Me?". "Yes silly, you are the only Willow here aren't you?". Then I saw Ophelia running towards me, screaming my name. I looked at her glowing tan skin, dark chocolate colored eyes covered with long, thick eyelashes and wavy  auburn hair. I must have zoned off because when I came to myself she was infront of my face staring at me."Oh hi Ophelia, did you need anything?" She looked a bit uncomfortable and answered," Uhh no..Just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out after school". I was surprised because nobody in school ever talks to me. I did not even realise Ophelia knew my name. "Hang out? With me?" I said,still shocked. She said, " Yeah? I thought it would be fun.." I mumbled " I wonder what you want from me". "Sorry what was that?". I did not think it would be smart to repeat myself so I just said sure."Great we can meet after the last class. Come to the 2nd exit ." Then she left.

  I just stood in the middle of the hallway, still shocked that she spoke to me and asked to hang out. I am normally the outcast at school who has no friends. I only have my twin brother.I get bullied a whole lot and nobody really talks to me.So it was interesting that the prettiest girl in our grade wanted to hang out with me. She never bullied me or anything but we certainly were not good friends. 

    I must have been standing there,thinking for a long while because when I came back to myself class was nearly over. I had skipped class once again. 

   It was nothing new,I have been a bad student my whole life. My twin brother was always the bright,clever child in our family while I was the mediocre kid.I am not completely useless or something; I love to cook and I am in charge of cooking in our house,I have a passion in dancing and I have been told numerous times that I am a fantastic dancer.But other than those things I don't have anything special about me.

  While I was thinking how much of a disappointment I was to my family I saw my twin, Luca, approaching me. "Oh here you are Willow,I was worried.You promised me that you wouldn't skip anymore." He was mad and he had the right to be mad. I did break our promise. I explained to him what had happened and that I was in shock so I forgot about class. He wasn't as shocked as me to my surprise. He just let out a little laugh that I couldn't understand the meaning of. I asked him, "What's that supposed to mean Luca?" He just shrugged and said " Nothing, don't worry about it." I knew it wasn't nothing but I didn't really care so I just stopped questioning him.

I must have zoned off again because I came back to myself with Luca tugging on my arm. "Willow, Willow!" I looked at him, confused "What do you want?" I asked. He just sighed and told me that we had to get to class. I really didn't want to go but Luca dragged me there.

Atleast it was an English lesson and I actually enjoyed it a bit. English might be the only lesson I enjoy because I love our English teacher, Ms. Cordelia. She always tells me that I don't have to be great at every subject and nobody is perfect. But I am pretty sure Ophelia is perfect.

She can do every sport without getting a mouthful of dirt(like I usually do when I try to play football). Her hair bounces up and down like in the shampoo ads, her big eyes shine beautifully every time she smiles.

While I was deep into my thoughts about Ophelia I heard the bell ring. It was the end of class. School was over and it was time to meet Ophelia. I got out of my seat, picked my bag up from my locker and started walking to the second exit nervously.
