
Sun Sun Fruit In One Piece[ON HIATUS]

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Control is the key

It had been a few days since Merlin had disappeared to take care of her business and left her guests to their own devisings.

Ra had engaged in meditation and was still busy with it. He'd meditated numerous times in the past but what he'd been trying to accomplish the past days was different.

Not really different but more intricate. Back then he had been trying to control the power but this time he was delving deeper into it, the control part.

Trying to figure out its mechanism and how it flowed inside his body cause this time it didn't feel infinite like the way it had while he was growing up and when he always put it first in battle. So it was somewhat accessible to him for studying.

Right now his main focus was in trying to maximize how best to use the power while not in excess and not in a way that is too minimal.

After that would be a more extensive training over haki then would come helping Deri in trying to get a hold of proper use of this different form of haki before they would get back to sea.

The haki described by Merlin seemed eerily familiar and he couldn't wait to see the final result.

As he let go of the distracting thoughts he finally came into contact with the flow of sunshine.

It was like another beating heart, with a miniature energy source pumping the energy everywhere throughout his body...yes everywhere, without exception.

It was not a violent flow, but it was powerful in the way it controlled itself but he was pretty sure that it wasn't working at 100% cause if it had been he would already have awakened his devil fruit.

The best part of it is how it was strengthening his muscles,bones and internal organs gradually. So he was not going to try and interrupt and at the same time disrupt the flow of sunshine.

What he was going to do was try and guide it to strengthen his body at a faster rate and maybe make it a constant process. Who knew that he didn't need to tear his muscles apart so they could grow stronger.

So he put his mind to work and shut off any external stimuli to accomplish his task. Mainly the eyes which were of main priority in this goddamn place.

The next time he opened his eyes, it was like his view to a whole new world had been unlocked...just kidding, nothing had really changed, according to him perhaps.

While Ra was trying to figure out what was different Deri who was completing her training for the day was taking in Ra's change at face value.

He had grown taller, that much was obvious a bit more robust in body stature and more pronounced was his change in hair color which now had a tinge of dirty blonde to it.

Usually the air would burn when Ra used his power but what Deri could feel was a slight increase in temperature and with how Ra's skin was glowing, indicated that today's happenings were taking place inside of his body.

With Ra now fully awake, his power settled down and he went back to normal.

Immediately after Merlin appeared carrying a glass cylinder that contained a miniature power source as she said,"Oya, looks like you are all done. But forget about that, look at what I just made."

There was a bit of excitement on her face but more than that, she look tired. Really tired, as if she had not slept for the past few days. Maybe few weeks to be exact but that didn't matter.

Ra focused on the tingling sensation at the back of his neck as he felt a gradual increase in his sunshine reserves.

That was something he couldn't have felt before his deep meditation session but now he could.

But it was miniscule and the gradual increase would be taking a lot of time before it reached a significant level for a full scale battle not even considering if it could ever reach an infinite amount.

Despite all the cons he could think of, it did not in the very least diminish the achievement that Merlin had given birth to in this world.

"Now, now you can stop admiring my hard work and get to the part where you shower me with all the praises you can think of." She said though you could hear the sleep creeping up on her from her voice.

"Good for you I guess." Deri gave her honest thoughts

"Yes, indeed that could be the invention of the century. Congratulations Merlin." Ra praised the woman though she wasn't listening at all.

She has fallen asleep where she was and her body was busy floating.

Ra whose curiosity was piqued by this unusual sight moved to touch her body discarding the warning that Deri was giving him.

"Um, Ra I don't think it's a good idea to dosturb a sleeping woman."

"What's the worst that could happen," Ra said uniterestingly not knowing that something interesting was about to happen.

As he got closer, just about to poke her head. He was blasted away, crashing through boulders which with all their toughness failed to cushion his flight even going to the extent of adding more damage to his body which was nonexistent in the first place.

Coughing up dust from his lungs, Ra took a moment to recover from being caught off guard as he complained wistfully." Haaah, getting future sight would have been so useful."

About three hours later, Merlin was yawning as she finally got to the part where she was explaining to her two guests in detail about the residents of the Dark island.

"Let's get this class started. So what you should know we are only getting one chance to speedrun this."

"There are about more than a hundred creatures living here but what you should be most aware of is three species of them. Count four if you think about the guardian but that won't be help cause even I don't know much about him."

"I think you've already met the infernal brutes and shadow miscreants. The infernal brutes which describe their brute strength in name. Though they have a habit of attacking in patterns and continuous motions which make them very annoying to deal with."

"The shadow miscreants are sneaky little bitches that hide in dark places and attack by cutting you with those long deadly nails of theirs. Lastly we have Darklords who can summon a vast army of demons that can and will flood you as they watch from afar."

"Now the guardian we'll have to fight head on with no plan, defeat him and exit this godforsaken place."

"You might be wondering why I said we only have one chance of leaving here because that is literally what I meant. If you fight and defeat an army then retreat to fight another day, then on that day you'll find double the amount so it's like an infinite loop of increasing difficulty."

"Now then, let's get to training before the D day arrives." Finally Merlin finished her explanations as a blast of air sending both Deri and Ra away.

"First lesson, while here death is always around you." Merlin smiled brightly as she floated on the air


Have gotten back to campus for a new semester so creating chapters isn't coming easily as before but bear with me cause I am not really planning on dropping my first fanfic
