
Sun Sun Fruit In One Piece[ON HIATUS]

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 22

Ra pov

Fuck, my body hurts. What the hell even happened? If this continues to happen regularly, I'll start thinking there's something wrong with me and the way I fight. The silver lining was that there was no headache this time round.

Now, my bed isn't this hard so where have I been sleeping. I stretched my arms yawning as my body came back to life. I saw that I had been sleeping on the deck, though for how long is something I had yet to find out.

Realizing that my wounds had not been dressed nor nursed made me remember that my ship lacked a doctor. In turn it meant that my body had been healing by itself, sunshine included.

But that wasn't what mattered most at the moment. I finally had my first serious fight, one that could have resulted in my death and I had come out on top. Douglas Bullet, the man I clashed with was someone I'd never heard of, making him the first unaccounted for character I had come across and one very powerful at that. I should probably learn that flying technique of his, I remember it was something the marines used.

He was strong, immensely at that and as seen by his age, he should probably not have reached his peak yet. Shit my body really hurts, he was a really heavy hitter. I guess I shouldn't underestimate the people in this world my ass almost getting handed to me as a reminder.

Now then, where's that little shit that put me on the deck and left me here all alone to recover by God's grace. I stood up in order to search for Deri but I realized that she was quite close. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I failed to notice Deri who was seriously sparring with the ghost of Bullet, generating gusts of wind with every attack she threw.

I can't believe she succeeded in making an imaginary opponent apppear and even fight him. She had that serious look in her eyes but the disparity in size between the see through Bullet and Deri made of a somewhat comedic sight. I think that the only reason I could see her imaginary opponent was because I had faced Bullet up close and knew how he fought.

I decided to play a prank on her for failing to rest my seriously injured body on a soft and comfy matress. I sneaked up behind her gave her a scare,"Boo!"

All I had to show for it was a bloodied nose.

I should probably be upset but it was my own stupidity that caused the bleeding nose.

We were seated at the same spot, with her sulking for me having ruined her training.

"So how long are you gonna sulk for?" I asked her

"Sulk! Am angry and upset, do you know how fuckin long it took me to completely bring him to existence? Three fucking days. That's how long you were having your beauty nap and the first thing you do after waking up is ruin my hard work so of course I am sulking or whatever you think I am doing." She shouted

" Sheesh calm down and do something about that foul mouth of yours, you could probably ruin someone's esteem with the way you talk. And in my defense, I thought it was a good idea to prank someone who left me to sleep on the hardest wood known to man."

"I see, Bullet probably hit you so hard that you lost some intelligence. Aren't you the one who said that you recover faster when the sun's rays shone directly on your body. And here you are complaining when I put you where those rays would have the most effect on you. And also you are too heavy for a little girl such as myself to carry alone so I did what I could and let the apex of humanity brave the changing weather at sea." Deri rudely said.

How could she even say that with a straight face though she was right but I wanted to blame someone for causing my back much suffering. Considering how badly she can insult someone, I'll just apologize and hopefully she let's it go. "I am sorry, I'll have a fight with you to make up for it."

"Save it, you aren't as much of a fighter as Bullet so you'll just train me in haki while I improve my hand to hand combat with Bullet's shadow or whatever you call it." She finished

I can't blame her, Bullet was that much good of a fighter but she knows that my axe wielding is unmatched though how to find an axe strong enough to withstand my power still eludes me. What I wanted to know was where we were and where we were going so I asked her.

"Hey Deri where are we headed to right now?"

"I don't know?"


"I mean what I said, I don't know where we are going, I don't know how long the log pose would have needed to reset and you guys destroy much of the island so I made our escape in order to avoid the marines surveillance as soon as possible."

"So where we'll land depends on luck entirely."

"Yes it does."

"Then it is what it is." I ended the conversation.

"I am going to my room to rest, wake me up if something drastic happens." I said as I headed to the Captain's cabin to rest.

The journey was quite peaceful, as peaceful as the weather in the grandline could be and I had finally recovered enough to spar with Deri. She had annoyed me enough so I put my observation at full output striking her every now and then whereas she landed no hit on me. What I didn't expect was that I would frustrate her so much that she awakened observation only to hit me. It was something unexpected but not unwelcome, with me choking it down to my incredible teaching skills.

Some days later we spotted a pirate ship who were kind enough to let us borrow their log pose headed to where they said was Kyuka island for a retreat . So we extended our kindness and let them follow us though they would tremble after seeing Deri for some reason.

We arrived at the island where I decided we would have our own retreat to compensate for the exciting journey we've had thus far.

The island was composed of many buildings that looked like resorts and a very large cup shaped tree at its center that weirdly enough had houses on top of it.