


A year and some months passed since I was adopted by Nezu. It's been really peaceful and somewhat uneventful but I understand Nezu a lot better now and he really cares about me...like a lot. He was really nice to me from the start and it made me a bit suspicious but after a while I realized he really cared about me. I guess living in a giant mansion alone while being a rat makes you lonely.

Anyways, Nezu is trying really hard to make sure no one knows I exist...like no one at all. Not that anyone knows I existed to begin with but he's trying to keep it that way, I'm guessing he has a lot of enemies and he wants me to be safe. Honestly, I'm starting to see him as family now...I even called him Dad once...I miss my parents...

Alright moving on from that. I was supposed to start kindergarten when I turned 4 but Nezu decided he would homeschool me whenever he was home and not outside doing whatever he does. And that's when I found out another thing about him. He's smart...like really smart. Apparently it's his Quirk I think it's called High Spec and it makes him the smartest in the world and also lets him do stuff a normal human would be able to do. I was kinda worried he might figure out that I'm not exactly a normal 4 year old but apparently he just thinks I'm a rare genius or something...which still isn't exactly normal. That would've been good and all but because he thinks I'm a genius he's making me study things that are normally taught to High Schoolers....well he WAS making me study things taught to High Schoolers but he changed it to things that even College students have trouble with...

...All because my dumb ass couldn't stop showing off my unordinary intelligence...

Another thing I remembered was who exactly Nezu was. He's the damn Principal of UA!! I think that gives me a pretty good chance at getting into UA so I just have to worry about developing my Quirk whenever it awakens. I think my Quirk should awaken sometime soon. I'm not too sure but apparently it awakens when kids are 4 years old.

-3rd Person POV-

While Kaito was in his room making a progress log to no one in particular Nezu came into his room and said ''Dinner's ready! It's your favorite today so go wash up.'' Kaito's ears perked up when he heard this and quickly made his way to the kitchen...or at least he tried to before his eyes flashed red and he lost consciousness, falling face first onto the floor.

Nezu's kind and relaxed face turned into one of horror as he rushed to Kaito's side screaming ''KAITO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!'' Nezu shook the boy's body a few times before he pulled out his phone from his pants' pocket and dialed a number. After a few seconds the call was answered as a voice from the phone asked ''Nezu? What's wrong? I'm kind of busy right now.'' A few explosions could be heard in the background but Nezu ignored them shouting ''TOSHINORI! COME TO MY HOUSE IN MUSUTAFU QUICKLY AND BRING RECOVERY GIRL IT'S URGENT!!''

The voice stayed silent for a while before a huge explosion was heard and the voice answered ''Alright hold on. I'll be there quickly!'' Nezu quickly hanged up on the call before he desperately tried to get Kaito onto his bed.

After a few minutes that will surely traumatize Nezu passed, a large figure with blonde hair and a large smile on his face crashed through the front door yelling ''I AM HEER- Ah?'' The figure stopped his famous catchphrase when he noticed Nezu standing near Kaito who was laying on his bed which was being lifted by a robot.

''Where's Recovery Girl?'' Nezu asked with a bit of worry in his voice. He looked like he had come face to face with death but he relaxed a bit when he heard an elderly woman's voice asking ''Why're you so worried Nezu? You look horrible.'' A short elderly lady stepped forward from the large hole that used to be the front door but stopped when she saw the boy who was laying in bed.




''Did you kidnap that child...?'' asked Recovery Girl as she prepared to beat up Nezu and put most Asian mothers to shame but she was left even more confused when Nezu said ''No...he's my son.''

The giant blonde and Recovery Girl froze when they heard that and just stared at the boy in bed with expressions that went from confusion to horror as they thought 'Who...why...HOW.'

But they were taken out of their thoughts when Nezu said ''He's adopted but that's not important right now! Just please check on him. He suddenly fell unconscious and I don't know what to do so I called you All Might.''

Recovery Girl quickly went to the boy's bedside to check on him while the blonde giant that was All Might turned to Nezu saying ''I didn't expect you of all people to adopt a child Nezu...Is there something special about him?''

Nezu slightly smiled and responded ''No...well yes, he is a genius...one that could probably surpass me if his growth rate stayed the same but I didn't know that when I adopted him.''

All Might was a bit surprised when he heard this but asked ''Then why adopt him?'' to which Nezu smiled gently and responded by saying ''Well...I don't know...I just got this feeling that I should do it. So I did and well...I don't know what I'd do without this kid now. He tries to hide it but he's aware of everything I do concerning him but he still trusts me. He wasn't even disturbed when I told him I'm actually a rat and I just...I don't know, I want to protect him and make him happy...I don't know why but I just do.''

All Might smiled at this and thought 'This is good...maybe this child will ease his hatred towards humans or at least make Nezu fight less sadistically...'

But his thoughts were interrupted when Recovery Girl said ''The boy is fine. It's just his quirk awakening, nothing to be worried about.''

Nezu sighed in relief and wanted to sit down and wait for his son to wake up but stopped when Kaito's eyes suddenly flew open, his irises flashing bright red before returning to their usual black. Standing up with a big smile on his face Kaito let out an unusual laugh and said ''Shishishishi... I just had the weirdest dream!''

All Might and Recovery Girl was slightly surprised by him but none more surprised than Nezu who was basically doing the surprised pikachu face. Kaito noticed all three of them but turned to Nezu and said ''Dad! I think my Quirk awakened. I'm gonna go see what it is!''

Nezu quickly composed himself and said ''Yes. I think so too.'' He watched as Kaito jumped off his bed and merrily made his way to the garden while thinking 'Quirk awakening has been proven to effect personalities so... that is probably the reason for his sudden change.'

''He's a lively child.'' commented All Might with his signature smile on his face.

Nezu smiled and nodded at his comment and asked '' Would you two like to stay for tea? I'm sure Kaito would love to talk to someone other than me for once.'' All Might and Recovery Girl nodded and the three made their way to the kitchen.


Thanks for reading!

I'm still trying to figure out how I want to say stuff for now so sorry if its messy.

Next chapter