
The Prophecy

Long ago, a planet named Earth was created. When Earth was created there existed no other planet, not even a Sun or Moon. For many years there existed no Sun nor Moon to illuminate upon the Earth. However, as time progressed creatures known as humans appeared on this Earth. You may think that these humans were unable to see due to it being dark, will you are mistaken. These humans were able to see everything just fine. But they wanted to find a way to bring some light to their world.

One day they created fire to give them light. They lived many years using fire to illuminate their world. But humans wanted something that wouldn't endanger their lives, they couldn't find or invent anything. Eventually, they just gave up and tried to live with the fire. But there were still some humans that had hope. The people that still had hope set off in a journey to see if their ancestors had left something behind to give them a clue of some sorts of what they could do. When they entered in a mysterious cave they had people found a scroll that their ancestors had left behind about a prophecy. "A day will come when two children shall be born bearing the mark of a circle . One shall symbolize the Sun the other shall symbolize the Moon. These marks will appear when they are 8 years of age but one day these two children will have to release their power and..." This prophecy was written centuries ago so the scroll where it was written on slowly started decaying throughout the years and when it was found more than half of the prophecy was gone and nobody knew what the rest said. The scientist told the people about the scroll and what it said inside and that more than half of it was missing or was turned to dust. 

When the scientist told the people about this prophecy people used their creativity and lies to fool other people that were so blind to believe them. It's truly sad how humans are so easily fooled to believe that someone had already found the other half and read it to only find out that the children would have to...die to give the other humans light. Many people believed the lie but was it truly a lie or is it true that the children would have to die, I guess you'll have to find out by reading the rest.

If those children from the prophecy were to one day be born, do think that the humans would be capable of killing innocent children so that they can live with light or will they let the children live and lose the ability to have light in their world? What would you do?