
Chapter 1

Jack is a boy with bright blond hair and blue eyes. He has a caring personality and is willing to help anyone if he can. He lives in the upper-class village of Sunrise. His parents are both from wealthy families close to the castle of the skies. I walked down the street with my parents to the festival of crowns. This is the one time of year both clans must join together to share thanks to the sun and moon for their protectors, Queen Mal of the sun, and King Gill of the moon. When we finally arrived at the grounds, I noticed a group of moon kids my age sitting by the eclipse clock. Curious about what they were doing, he moved closer and realized that they were most likely in the lower-class because they weren't amongst the adults in suits and dresses. They also weren't wearing jewelry except for the rank brand on their arms which held your rank, family information, history, record, etc. Not to mention the boys didn't look like my friends, the nice smiling type. But before he could get close to them, his friends Ella, Leo and Logan came up behind him.

"What you looking at Jackie," Logan said with a smug look. "You want to meet them?"

"No," I replied sheepishly.

"Uh-huh," Logan teased.

"Ok, ok I do!" I said.

"Then go talk to them, unless you're scared," Logan said.

"I am not!" I say defensively.

"Um, guys, they left," Ella said with a slight laugh. Suddenly, the announcement went off, interrupting Ella.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please send any children the age of thirteen turning fourteen this month to the Temple of the Eclipse. Please, sun clan on right and moon on left. Find your numbers on the seats, and sit until the arrival of the protectors. Thank you."

"Come on guys!" Ella said excitedly. "It could be one of us!" We quickly followed her to our seats.

Crystal is a thirteen-year-old girl who was born into a non-wealthy family. Her father is a moon archer and her mother just never cared enough for anything and left Crystal to the streets. But that never stopped her, as she became an archer in training and soon met her friends, Scarlet, Sky, and Alexander.

As we sat on the eclipse clock, Scarlet noticed a sun kid creeping towards us in the most obvious way possible. So, we soon made our way to the temple, of course, we sat in the back-back because of ranks. I noticed the kid that was looking at us earlier in the fourth row in front and thought wow, what must life be like with servants running left and right for you while you sit on velvet couches never lifting a finger. What am I saying he's got nothing. He's just like the rest, a brat with everything he could think of. Meanwhile, there are kids like us, struggling to get food and waiting for the day when someone sees talent in you, like an old archer or something in a higher rank. As we all took our places, a man stepped up on the stage and said,

"Greetings, boys and girls of sun and moon. Tonight, we're here to find our next protectors. When Queen Mal and King Gill's time is up, and when the clock hits sunset the pendants will choose our next rulers And now, may I welcome our King and Queen."

We all look to the left, as a man walked out with a smile. He had jet black hair and brown eyes. He wore the crown of the moon. Next to him, a woman walked up with bright orange hair and emerald green eyes and wore the crown of sun she wore diamonds and other gems and made her way to the center of the stage.

"Bring forth the Pendant of the Sun and Moon so we may begin," the king said with a gentle tone.

Mal slowly took hers off with a sort of frown, knowing she would lose her power of the sun to a child. However, Gill took his off quickly and held it for all to see. Then, a few boring minutes later, the clock chimed and both pendants began to glow. First was the selection of the sun, followed by the moon. Mal held the sun pendant in the air, and sun rays of light powered out of the pendant. Everyone watched in amazement as it swept over the sun kids.

I watched as the rays of light bounced off of walls and over us. You could feel the power surging through you for brief moments. Ella turned around to look at everything happening then the lights gathered on the top and went over as one.

"Show me the child of eclipse," Mal's clear voice rang out.

The lights came over us and stopped. I closed my eyes waiting for her to call out a name or something, but all I heard was a voice

"Jack, you're the child of eclipse!" Ella's soft voice said.

I opened my eyes to see the rays of light pouring over me.

"Come forth son, you have been chosen," Mal's sharp voice interrupted my daze. I slowly made my way to the stage, excitement taking over with every step. Finally, I stood in front of Mal.

"What's your name," she asked calmly.

"J-J-Jack Your Highness," I stuttered.

"Well then, Jack, congratulations!" she said, a very subtle hint of excitement in her calm voice. She then turned to address the crowd. "Thank you, everyone, meet the sun prince Jack!"

People clapped, then quickly silenced as Gill stepped forward and held the moon pendant up. Then, dark light flew through the room again but over the moon kids this time, until they gathered at the top.

"Show me the daughter of eclipse" Gill said, looking down at the upper-class kids, betting on any of the girls. I realized the light never came down to the front, but instead in the way back. The girl chosen had dark black hair tied in a long ponytail and purple eyes that looked filled with anger, hate, and sadness she stood in front of Gill.

"What is your name?" Gill asked, his excitement much more prominent than Mal's had been. The girl stood there for a second before answering. I couldn't make out what she said. However, Gill must of because he exclaimed loudly, "I give you Crystal the moon princess!" I keep my eyes on crystal but she seems to have no interest in anything

The girl, Crystal,stood up straight looking at the back row where she had sat.

A few hours later, we were escorted by Mal and Gill to the chariot when we boarded. Gill told me to sit next to Crystal. So, of course, I did what the king said. Crystal didn't even look at me once. Mal began to ask about our families and where we are from.

"My name is Jack, and I am from the upper-class town of Sunrise. My parents are both merchants," I replied eagerly

"That's wonderful dear. Now, Crystal, how about you?" The queen asked. Crystal looked at Mal for a minute before answering.

"My name is Crystal, and I am from wherever I choose to be. My dad's a moon archer who soon forgot about me and mom left when I was younger," she said, a cold, stony look clouding her dark eyes.

"Oh well," the queen said, looking over at Gill for help.

"Your life will be different now," Gill said, trying to reassure Crystal. But I'm not sure it worked.

My life will be different now, I repeated, thinking of Mal's smile. I brought my attention to Jack who has literally been staring at me this entire time. I show little interest, but I think he notices because he looks from Mal to Gill then back to me again. After a while, I realized all of the archers, guards, and people would be there to see their future protectors, including my father, my friends, and maybe my mother. Then there was a sudden jolt and we were in front of the Castle of the Skies. The door opened, and Gill stood and got out, then took Mal's hand and helped her down. Jack followed and did the same but I walked passed him. He followed close behind me as we passed a group of moon kids. I noticed Sky, and I made eye contact with him for a second before Mal signaled for us to keep up. A minute later, we made it inside and Gill showed us to our rooms which were across from each other. Of course. I looked in Jack's room when he showed us around. It had a couch a window a large bed with gold sheets and the walls were painted blue. My room on the other hand had access to the roof. I realized happily. If I could climb out it if I needed to. The room had a grayish couch and a large bed with silver and black sheets and the walls were a shiny dark silver. Jack started toward me but I closed the door.

Crystal has shown zero interest towards me, and we're supposed to be protectors together. I haven't done anything to her she ignores me, and now closes a door in my face. Tomorrow anything we want from our homes would be brought here and we could request anything. I asked for my favorite pillows and diamonds, and all she asked for was her crafting kit bow and arrows. At dinner, Crystal wasn't even there. According to Mal, she was tired and wished to be alone.

"Will they ever scan our marks to check our backgrounds?" I blurt out, breaking the silence.

"yes, why do you ask?" Gill said plainly.

"Well, Crystal shows no interest in me or anything and I wanted to know why," I say, confiding in him.

"Well In that case just ask her," he said, gesturing to her room.

"Fine, I will." I stood up and walked to her room and knocked on the door. She cracked the door open, her beautiful purple eye staring back at me.

"Ummm would you like to get to know each other a little?" I asked shyly. She looked at me, then behind her, and shook her head.

"Jack, you're not ready to hear about my life," she said coldly.


"But what Jack?" She interrupted. "I am not telling you anything!"

"Ok, fine but I'll by know tomorrow morning," I said matter-of-factly.

"I don't care. I am just not telling," she said, closing the door. So,I walked to my room wondering what is on that mark that could be so bad.

In the morning Gill called for us so I got out of bed and got ready. To my surprise, Crystal was already there. We followed Gill to the library, were Mal was waiting for us.

"We're scanning your marks for important information," Mal explained, but I knew it was for background checks.

"Jack, you first," she beckoned. I walked up to the scanner and placed my hand under it. Then there was a bright flash as I looked away towards Crystal. I noticed what looked like scars on her face how did I not notice them before, but I didn't say anything about them though.

"Ok, Jack, you're done. Now Crystal, it's your turn," Mal says. Crystal slowly put her hand under the scanner and I read her records. Records of facility records of robbery, fights, illegal weapons, and harboring fugitives. As I read on, I looked over at her and she watched my eyes looking from her to the records. then I looked over at her parent's names and read Aaron and Nina Rose. Whereabout unknown father Archer. I kept reading when I heard Crystal's voice.

"Told you it was sad," she says.

"Who were you hiding?" I say, surprised at my tone

"None of your business," she says cooly as she pulls her hand out before I could read anything else. "None of it matters though," she says, trailing off

"What do you mean you have like a list! A list of crimes!" I say, my words escalating

"Compared to other people's, mines nothing!" she shoots back, before angrily storming away.

"Oh dear,we're gonna have are hands full aren't we Gill," Mal says slowly, noticing my anger. "Yes, we are. I read a few lines she actually attacked a guard at the facility," Gill says.

"She did?" I exclaim.

"Yeah, and it doesn't stop there so I guess we just gotta be patient with her and show her we are in control here," Gill says, with a fierceness I've never heard before.

"Yeah, you're right," Mal says. Now, Jack, you seem like a nice boy. Please be careful around her," Mal warns, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I will, don't worry," I say as I turn to leave.

"We need to keep an eye on them Mal," I hear Gill say strongly.

"Yes, I know. But, we have things to take care of right now," Mal says, and the two walk away

As I walked down the hallway past Crystals room, I hear her mumbling something. Suddenly, the mumbling turned to words.

"I hate them all! It's just a list!" she says angrily. "Stupid stupid STUPID!" she yells, hate filling her voice. I hear something hit the door, extremely close to where I am.

"Why don't you just go the hell AWAY Jack! I know you're there," she says, and I hear pure rage in her voice. At that I took off down the hallway. How did she know I was there, how did she get the scars? What did she do before she came here? So many thoughts ran through my head. When I arrived at my room I closed the door and looked at it. There's no way to see if someone's there unless you look through the hole, but she was on the other side of her room by the sound of her voice. I thought about it for so long I forgot what I was even thinking about, I just knew it was about her.

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