7 Take Your Demon to Work Day (Ch 7)

Thomas did not believe his job would allow the Sitri in but he figured she would wait outside in the car and maybe then she be appeased. Or would it be okay to let a demoness explore the town on her own. He'd figure it out when he got there.

"The car's right over there, passenger on the left."

"Can I control it?" Her violet eyes sparkled excitedly, "I've never been in one of these."

"You've never- No you're not driving. Just get in so we won't be late please." He figured she could just wait in the car while he worked as there was no way they would let a stranger acompomy him.

Sitri sighed and rolled her eyes as she slid into the passenger seat. "Fine." She looked around the cramped car and touched the ceiling. "It's very small, it's a wonder you humans get around in these. Demons can just fly."

"Yes well, I don't need a huge truck, this sweetie does me just fine. And while it would be nice, humans can't fly so we do what we can as do I."

He sat in the drivers seat and turned the key a few times before his engine stuttered to life.

"I think your sweeties dying" Sitri quipped, tilting her head.

He backed out of the driveway carefully "I know but I just can't bear to get a new one so I guess I'll just drive this one until it finally goes out."

She studied him. "Do you care about this car?"

"Umm.. in a way I guess. My father had gifted it to me a long time ago for my birthday. I had promised to take him wherever he wanted to go but I got busy with work and other things and he passed a few months later." He sighed heavily, his chest aching with the regret.

"What was your fathers name?"

He glanced at her, " Walter Ulysses Mueller"

Her eyes seemed to go glassy for a moment before she asked "Would it make you feel any better to know he is not in my kingdom? Those in heaven have a pesky tendency with keeping an eye on thier loved ones so I'm sure he's watching over you even now. All you have to do is go to all the places he wished to go and he will see them through you. Perhaps it will also bring you closer to him." She internally grimaced at herself, what was all this sweet stuff coming out of her mouth? Usually she would be boasting about how she met his loved ones in hell and how she tortured them.. even if it wasn't necessarily true, it was fun to see humans expressions. Well, she reasoned, she couldn't play with him too much if she was to fulfill her goal in making him completely happy. She sighed, why did she come to earth to do this when it was going to be so boring?

A second moment she grinned internally, no actually this was perfect. She would take him to all the places his father had wanted and with that he should be happy to complete the contract. And then she would be back content in her castle.. She lost her inner grin. Back to the castle she had come to earth to escape. When would she ever be truely happy?

Thomas glanced over at the demoness besides him.

"I guess it makes me feel better that there is a heaven and he's in it. It's still strange to think that you actually come from Hell and exist.. and I summoned you. Somehow."

She snickered "Oh I was just bored, you where just the first human to open a gateway for me to slip through. I never did say thank you did I?"

"You're welcome..?" He pulled into a spot in the parking lot, "Anyways we're here. Ah." He watched Sitri reach for the doorhandle. "Don't be so excited, work is pretty boring. You won't even want to come inside. You can stay in here and play with my phone, you can do almost anything on there. Just don't buy anything."

"You think I refused to stay at home just so I can stay cooped in this all day? I'm your bodyguard, this is what you agreed too, let's go." She smiled confidently and flounced out. In a flash she was at his door and she opened in for him in an overly elaborate gesture. "Your wish is my command."

"My wish was that you stayed home" he grumbled under his breath. She ignored him and stayed with him as they approached his office building. A cold grey 9 story structure where he sat at a computer and phone all day taking complaints for his bosses which he would handle and record or send them to a higher up.

The security guard at the front desk stood at they came in. "Thomas and who might this be?"

Thomas opened his mouth to say something but Sitri put a hand on his chest stopping him and stepped forward. She extended a slender hand, conveniently allowing the top button of her jacket to fall loose giving the guard a full view as she said warmly.

"Hell Sam. My name is Sitri and Thomas is now my ward and I his bodyguard."

Sam didn't question why Thomas needed a bodyguard all the sudden, "How did you know my name?" He made wide googoo eyes at her.

She laughed lightly, a soft twinkly sound, even though inside she was rolling her eyes. "Your nametag silly"

He laughed in response, laying a hand on the top of her shoulder.

Thomas watched the scene with growing discomfort. "Alright Sam, I'm going to be late for work and Sitri has business with me. Good day."

Sam winked at Sitri "Alright have fun at work" He chuckled. As they walked out he gave a thumbs up to Thomas and mouthed 'nice'. He would love a bodyguard like that.

Thomas shook his head at him and hurried Sitri through the door. Some men just had no class.

She turned back to look at him "I didnt even have to charm him" She smiled smugly, "You'd be surprised how many times that works with women. Even straight ones." She winked at him.

Strangly that didn't make him feel better, "All right, all right just don't disturb anyone in here okay. They're trying to work."

"Yes my lord," She stuck her tongue out at him following him to his cubical.

He glared at her, unsure if she would keep her word. "Just wait here and I'll grab an extra chair."

"No need." She waved her hand and there was an extravagant violet rolly chair with plump cushions. She relaxed into it with a content sigh.

He eyed her chair jealously, he had never considered how nice it must be to have magic. They where given plastic rolly chairs that often had broken mechanism where you adjust the height so they where forced to sit on the bottom setting.

She noticed his look and laughed. "You only need to ask remember?" In another wave the chair beneath him was one like it in the color of his car.

"Oh wow." He reclined lavishly in the pillows. "This is the comifest thing I've ever been in"

"Ahem. I believe you're punched in so I should see you on that phone. And.. did I approve any change of office furniture?"

He froze. His boss. A snarky bit*h of a lady.

"I'm so sorry." He reached for the phone, "I'll get started right away."

"And the chair?" The lady then turned her eyes on Sitri "and WHO-?"

Sitri stood at this point and took the lady's hand in both of hers, reading her name tag she plastered on the friendliest smile she could manage."

"Karen is it? I do apologize. I'm Sitri, his new bodyguard and I only strive for his comfort. I merely thought it might Thomas might work faster and more efficiently if he was comfortable"

Karen blinked and appeared confused before her eyes seemed to gloss over, "Ah yes, that makes sense. Carry on with your work." She blinked a few times as if she forgot where she was and wandered off.

"See, nothing to worry about. Although I do have to admit, I did charm her a little." Sitri smirked, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

"I somehow figured" He arched a brow at her, "I should probably get to work now though if you please."

She watched him for a little over an hour before realizing he was right and she was bored out of her mind. She had been slightly interested at first by all the yelling of angry customers but it soon grew tiresome.

"Why do you do this?" She asked after a few more hours had passed.

"Someone has too I guess." He shrugged, typing in the latest log into the database.

"Humans lives are so sad. You spend your lifetimes chasing dreams you'll never reach. So instead you spend your days slaving away until the day that you die."

He chuckled dryly. "Trust me I know. Sometimes it feels like I never even leave work because I'm here so much, I never get to enjoy anything else."

"Well, you have a demoness at your service." She replied in exasperation, "We could just leave right now."

"That's not how I want to live my life. I want to earn my way not have it handed to me by the Queen of Hell.. Not something I'd imagine ever saying but anyways I have to get back to answering phones so I can't be talking. There's a vending machine downstairs, here's a few dollars. Put them in and put in the number of what you want. Just don't disturb other people please.."

She took the dollars and left with a huff, finding her way to the vending machine. She looked over the variety of strange human snacks deciding between a cardboard tasting rectangle or a bag of the orange puff things.

"Hey, I was hoping to run into you again!" She heard a voice call down the hallway distracting her from her big decision. "I was about to grab a little snack myself."

"Ah, Sam" She flashed a false smile at him, and pushed a random button. A bar of dried meat. Humans where strange.

"What are you doing? Has Thomas shown you around?"

"He's been too busy working." She replied wondering why the guard wasn't doing the same.

"Shame. Well I'll be happy to show you around."

Sitri agreed, and followed him around the building feigning interest and amazement as he showed her each identical gray rooms in the building.

She realized quickly this human enjoyed attention as she was bombarded by constant bragging on how he guarded the whole place. She didn't really see what needed protecting but she made the appropriate oohs and ahs when he expected them.

"And here's our kitchen bringing us to the end of this tour, I know the cook so of we go in the back.. I'm sure I can arrange to get a little special something and a little privacy for ourselves."

"No need" She waved the meat stick at him, beginning feel anxious to get back to Thomas "I'm fine, I must be getting back before he wonders where I went."

Sam looked disappointed she didn't agree but barreled ahead anyways, "Nonsense, I haven't even introduced you to anyone, I'm sure Thomas won't mind." Sam grabbed her hand, eager for her to stay nearby.

Gingerly she removed her hand from his, "Alright then."

Excitedly he took her to the break room where several people where lounging. He went around introducing her, keeping his arm circled tightly around her.

"What do you do in this room?" She looked at the few couches and tables and the single fridge.

"Oh this is our breakroom. We just relax in here. Play games sometimes."

"Games?" Her eyes lit up, "I love games."

He grinned slowly "Is that so? Then I have a good one. It's called spin the bottle. You spin it and you kiss whoever it lands on. It's more fun with alcohol but I guess we'll do without."

Sitri tilted her head "All humans do this? With alcohol?"

"Oh yeah" He assured her, "Just hold on" One of Sam's coworkers called him over at that moment.

"Isn't this a little juvenile?"

Sam grinned again and clapped him on the back. "You won't think so once you get to kiss her."

Sitri meanwhile has conjured up alcohol and when Sam came back she asked "will this do?"

He looked down at the packs of beer confused. "When did you get these? Oh whatever- they're perfect." He grabbed them and held them up, "look what she brought us!!"

The room burst into a cheer. Soon more people where attracted by the sounds and Sam started a game with one of the empty beer bottles.

"I'll just spin this and you kiss whoever it lands on." He gave it a lame half spin to ensure it landed back on him and smiled triumphantly amongst the groans of his coworkers.

"If it's the game" Sitri replied, drawing closer to kiss him, when Thomas burst into the room. "I heard the commotion. Do I need to call Karen?" He glared around the crowded room.

The room quickly cleared and he marched up to Sitri and grabbed her hand to drag her out. "You where gone for hours, didn't I say to not disturb anyone? And here I find you getting my coworkers drunk and kissing them!"

"It's my fault" Sam spoke up, the last one lingering around, "I only wanted to show her around and introduce her."

Thomas snapped his head back towards him, "Sitri does not work for this company, she works for me, do not take my employee again without my permission."

"Sorry." Sam muttered, rubbing his head and trudging out.

"I'm sorry" Sitri tried to reach for him but he brushed her away.

"I don't need to hear it. I'm almost off work, please just sit here and after work we'll go out, I promise." Thomas said once they reached his cubical again, rolling her chair within eyeshot of his.

"Alright," She huffed settling into her chair, "But we better have some fun~"
