
Why She Reads Books

Hal must've thought that being fictional was as good as being non-existent in this world.

Perhaps, for him, coming from another world means he doesn't deserve living the same way as the others. He might've felt out of place. After all, that mindset about having an irrevocable fate stayed with them. Along with that was probably the belief that they're different from humans of this world.

Eli finally realized that bacause of that, him seeing her as a tool was more likely an act of insecurity rather than exploitation.

"When I said that I like reading, there's actually a deeper meaning behind it. It's not necessarily because I don't like being with people. Sure, I'm unsociable but it's not the reason why I read instead. My love for books is pure. More than an escape from reality, I believe that books help me understand it even more. By reading, I learn just as much..." Eli started, letting go of his hand and striding over to a nearby bookshelf.

"...I learn from the characters as I see just how human they are despite being fictional. If you'll ask me, the world of Metis is just as real as this universe. The only difference was all that magical stuff and those prophecies," she continued while drawing out a random book and scanning its cover.

All the while, Hal attentively listened to every word as he caressed the gift on his palm before pocketing it.

"That being said, I actually want to read the "Masque of Moirae". You probably won't understand the feeling since you're not fond of reading, but what happened yesterday was worse than a cliffhanger! It's like reading the climax without even knowing what the story's all about!"

He then flinched at the mention of yesterday's occurence, but immediately slumped again as she suddenly turned into a ranting bookworm.

"Well, there's that. But most importantly, I want to know the reason why a character like Felix existed. After all, a hero or villain wasn't really born..."

Eli then paused for a moment before glancing his way.

"They're made."

Hal couldn't remain motionless at that. His eyes widened in surprise and glistened with enlightenment. As Eli turned to him with a bright grin that rivaled the sun, a faint tinge of pink graced his cheeks. The warm golden rays of twilight made her appear glowing. When she started sauntering towards him, the sight looked even more dazzling and compelling that he could no longer take his eyes off of her.

"You're no different from me, Hal! You and the others are just as human and as real. In fact, I admire you a lot!" she confessed, snatching both of his hands and holding them tightly with a look of sheer resolve and unadulterated purity.

Hal was combusting on the spot.

Although it's but a small display of gratitude and solace, he's deeply moved by how genuine she looked and sounded. She just said the words he always wanted to hear, and with such a gentle gesture, he forgot about fretting over the fact that she saw right through him. This classmate of his seems to have a knack of exceeding people's expectations without her knowing it, and he couldn't really complain.

For the first time since coming to this world, someone looked straight at him.

And probably for the first time in forever, a girl told him that she liked him.

"You're quite bold today, Eli. Do you really like me that much?" he teased with a mischievous smirk, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, much to her annoyance.

"As a friend, okay?! Geez... Right after I poured out all my heart in that. Hmph!" she huffed and pouted, taking back her hands and pulling away.

Hal didn't let her, though.

He immediately took her hands back and intertwined their fingers together.

"Thank you for that. And by the way, you're absolutely far from boring," he replied, smiling tenderly.

Hal remembered the time he arrived at this world.

Right when he had just inherited the throne, he was suddenly back to playing hero again, much worse, in a foreign environment. He already accepted his future as a king who was cursed to never find love no matter how much he gave to others, decided to focus on serving the empire for all his life, and devoted his years to this role, and consequently, to his fate. But then, he came to learn that all these were mere dictates of ink and paper, which was something much more vexing than the empire's primitive foretelling.

As time passed by, Hal eventually got used with the carefree way of living that the academy had to offer. Everyone here was quite fortunate – untroubled by an unforeseen siege, well endowed with daily necessities, and unbounded by the inspired utterance of some stranger. Sure, there were the occasional exams, some challenging extracurricular activities, and piles upon piles of school requirements, but other than these, the students were endued with a life of luxury.

However, he looked beyond those things. What he actually yearned for was the freedom that came along.

Ever since coming to that world, Hal found himself longing for a do over – a fresh restart of his life before becoming the prophesied king.

While he's absorbed in his recollection, Eli just watched him in daze until she recalled something.

"Hal, will you please answer my question? May I train?" Eli chimed in, halting his train of thoughts.

Wielding powers was every bookworm's sweetest dream. That's why the idea was very thrilling for Eli. Aside from the wondrous experience, she'd get to help Hal and the others. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.

"No," he firmly objected, smile strained, much to her dismay.

"Why not?"

"Magic is dangerous to someone who's not born with it. You may have survived the Empress's first unleashing unscathed, but what she showed was only the tip of the iceberg. That's but an ounce of her true power. Your body may not be able to adapt to it."

Now that he thought of it, Hal wondered if Venus also knew that. He noticed that she restrained from creating too many illusions and relied mostly on mirror manipulation during their recent squabble. She's probably aware of the impact it'd have on her vessel's body, thus settling on a predictable and weaker form of magic.

"That's why I'll train! The Student Council President said it can be handy, you know! I'll be useful, you know!"

She's like a child having a tantrum now.

Hal planned to scold Allen for giving her dangerous ideas. Perhaps, he didn't emphasize his aim enough. Although it certainly looked like he's taking advantage of Eli, he didn't mean to push her into more perils. Her willingness to help was more than adequate, so there's no need for her to step up the game.

"The fact that I'm not forcing you in any of this was enough. All I wanted you to do was to lure them out. Don't worry about your safety either. I promise we'll back you up," he insisted in a reassuring way.

Eli slumped at this and reluctantly complied, refraining from protesting any further. Since he went all the way to say that, she had no choice but to give up for now.

Seeing her deflated reaction, Hal only heaved a sigh. That is until he thought of something.

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