
Kaiju's Tremble

"Tear them all, limb by limb"

Arthas gave the command to the rex. It rushed with incredible speeds that made the ground tremble with great quakes that reminded the planet who once was the ruler of this land.

Every stomp of the giant scaly foot made the villagers fear for their existence and their futures. Though with Arthas's command, the Rex dodged everyone and went straight to the Bloodstained Amirite that still was focused on the humans running around.

When the ground began to shake near it, it diverted its attention to the Rex that was quickly approaching. It seemed to recognize what this was as it gave a shrill sound as if to invite the Rex to a challenge and the Rex roared in response to this challenge as a matter of acceptance.

Letting go of the humans that were trapped down from its pincers it charged with matching speeds that encompassed the village and killed villagers along the way.

With a head-faced match, they both collided with the Rex ramming himself into the Rex and the pincers of the giant Scorpion that failed to penetrate the scales of the Rex.

The Rex tried to bite the pincers of the Bloodstained Scorpion but was having a hard with those pincers and its stingers were dynamic.

'Not only has it become bigger, but in this short amount of time it has become stronger.'

Arthas clicked his tongue and realized the amount of strength was being held back by Lia's barrier. With just a juvenile Nemesis they were able to offset at least a thousand Amirites but without the barrier, it was difficult to subdue one with an Adult Rex.

'Just how powerful was that barrier to make such a big difference in the fights?'

"Maria, secure every villager that we can save, make sure to prioritize yourself. Don't die I need you in this fight, we can't save everybody we just save who we can"

With a short response from Maria, she quickly left and got to work securing villagers by letting them ride their back. Although some were afraid at first they quickly understood what she want and went with it.

Seeing this Arthas began to make his part as well, while a kaiju battle was happening he was dashing through the decimated houses trying to find any survivors that might have been buried under the ruble.

Roars and shrill speech were heard as time passed by with the fight, by no means the Rex was weak it was just the Scorpion becoming powerful in a day. The rex tried its best to not get hit by its pincers but was to no avail as having hands were better than practically having none.

The giant body of the rex began to show scratches and lacerations from the attacks brought by the Scorpion, though the scorpion was also heavily injured with 2 of its legs squashed and rendered useless.

Both were fighting for supremacy as to who will be victorious in this fight. Agitated from the prolonged fight, the Scorpion lunged and tried to end this with his pincers taking this opportunity the Rex hastily dodged the attack while taking counterplay.

The strong bite of the rex successfully connected to its pincers. As the scorpion tried to pull back its pincer the Rex showed no remorse and quickly pulled back, ripping off the giant pincer from the scorpion.

It screamed with a resonating screech that carried pain and anger. For the first time in this fight, there was clear damage that was dealt to the scorpion, green blood dripped down from its dismembered body and pincer.

Running through the area Arthas saw the whole thing while carrying a child on his back. She was unconscious and was having a hard time breathing in through the chaos.

"Nice one tear that little shit to pieces" He yelled, joyful and satisfied.


Arthas shouted and Maria responded with a loud clacking sound. He looked at where it came from and saw Maria with at least 13 bodies beside her.

"Atta girl, you're doing God's work right now"

Maria acknowledged his praise and circled and did a little jump to show joy.

Arthas smiled at her little gesture and made a stern face as he looked towards the kaiju fight.

Both were exhausted trying to outmatch the other. From this fight alone Arthas concluded that both of them were inexperienced with fighting even though they have bodies and capabilities made for fighting, the rex wasn't able to fully utilize his destructive power leaving out his tail and the scorpions stinger was not used for offense but only for defense.

"It might be a battle of amateurs but still it's a battle between giant monsters"

The Scorpion went defensive from the moment its pincer was taken away. The rex took this opportunity to push on aggressively, it stomped its foot with strength as if to tease its vigilance. With the scorpion slowly walked back to further gain distance.

Not letting the advantage go the Rex charged towards the Scorpion taking its final stand making itself brave by standing his ground. With its remaining pincer and stinger on the ready for whatever the opposition will decide.

The ginormous lizard stopped and whipped its large tail towards the blind spot where he chomped off the right pincer. The scorpion tried to dodge taking from the unexpected attack but failed and was flung to its side. It tried to stand out but its broken legs failed to recuperate from the fall.

Broken and frail was the scorpion lying down on the ground, the Bloodstained Scorpion was soon covered by its green blood. The rex stomped its stinger and dismembered it from the main body with it the exoskeleton lining came along. The pincer was motionless, it seemed like it was dead but its eyes showed strength to continue living.

"Stop, that's enough"

The rex stopped and stood before its paralyzed prey while holding the stinger in its mouth, chomping as if it were food. Arthas placed the villager that was unconscious on the ground and walked to where they were.

Standing side by side with his Rex, Arthas approached the scorpion with a considerable distance between them. He looked at the invertebrate with disdain and indignation. His eyes were bloodshot from the tears that flowed down as he remembered the scene in which he dreamed for himself.

Ever since he was a child his parents were solely focused on their status and worked, to elevate their standing above society. They were a prideful family, powerful but full of pride. It was a fight against competition from other families and him being no exception. His family treated him with strict parental guidance with the philosophy that they should always excel and rise above others.

In his words, his family doesn't give a shit as to what he likes. One day when he was going to their family library he crossed the fiction section and took a book out of curiosity. It was about the irony in which a happy family can come from the simplest of things. He finished the book in one night from which he learned that in the most simple of objects can one learn to appreciate peace and harmony.

It was about the love of family and how everyone in the novel would fight for one another, love one another, and continue to endure for the sake of their family. It was a thing not for Arthas to experience from a complicated and rich family. That day he wished that it may not be him that experience such a blessing but for others and he wouldn't want it any other way.

When he heard screams that was with mourn and remorse. His heart sank when he realized that he was the reason for their loss and grief he didn't wish for them to feel dread. While they despaired from the loss, he was happily strolling through the forest. The thought killed him as he never wanted to hurt someone.

"I'm a killer…Because of you, I am now a killer… Repent you little shit, I swear I'll kill every last one of you, and tear you limb from limb. For everyone that you've killed, hurt, and pained I'll take responsibility, and you…I'll see you in hell"

His voice was strained from the feeling of regret, pain, agony, and fear of the unknown. But one thing his mind was set on killing on every single Amirites that escaped. It carried strength that was voiced with words. He looked back and saw countless people dead, injured, and crying.

His eyes glared at the scorpion and eventually looked down with tears flowing down, clenched hands to his side bleeding from responsibility and pain. Raising his right palm up towards the immobilized monster. The wind began to rustle as the ground began to heat with indefinite temperature, and the trees danced with fear and anxiety.

The surrounding air began to rise in temperature as the ground began to slowly turn orange with a hint of blood-red all around Arthas. His eyes began to seethe with a spectral glow as his clothes began to flutter in the wind. It was the first time that Arthas ever used magic besides summoning.

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