
Academic Journey

The atmosphere was silent, the somber wind came from the light of the sun as it came to the garden with its graceful light. The grass danced with a soft and gentle sway that made them feel happy.

The day was calm as it was soothing, however in the garden Arthas sat there listening.

"I see how it is, you want me to go to school? Not a chance, I mean what are the benefits that I would receive anyway? Is there anything that I would get other than just your support?" Arthas complained.

Arthas's goal was to go to the academy so it was a huge opportunity that would be given by the stroke of luck that went to him.

"Inexperienced with magic, experienced with playing the guessing game I bet? We haven't even gotten to that point, but to be frank we want you in the academy." Roland dropped off a letter on the table.

Arthas and his summons looked at the letter covered by a red seal with a symbol of a crescent moon.

It was to Arthas's advantage to be personally invited by the kingdom to go to the academy but for some reason, it seemed suspicious.

Although I would have done the same thing, Arthas thought as he pondered about his situation.

If he was in the situation of the kingdom and some sudden powerful mage that could be seen as a diamond in the rough, he would guarantee to try whatever he could to assimilate it to his forces.

'I think Thalia also thought that it would be better to go to the Academy to gain some experience, I don't see anything wrong about it so why not.'

Arthas already decided to accept the invitation the moment it came to him, but...

'I need to milk more to my advantage and see how I can get certain things from this, I thank you Mayward for helping Moltar with his dreamhouse but I need more.'

"So, tell me, what exactly do I do inside the academy other than just learn and gain experience? Nothing right? I am quite interested, fill me in the details as to what would the kingdom give me other than a scholarship?"

Arthas realigned his chair and sat straight to lay down the big question that he hoped to ask.

Roland remained unfazed and expected a question along those lines would be asked him, he sighed before once again picking up another letter inside his pocket to open it with meticulous efforts and unlock the inside.

"Inside are the requests that are written by Her Majesty and with her judgment alone, no one of external forces other than her have opened, or read this until now. So please listen carefully, as I or this Idiot have piqued our interest." Roland made a statement that seemed to be full of integrity.

'You just want to read it out of curiosity don't you?' Arthas thought after hearing his statement, he looked at Mayward and saw him looking back at him with a face that said to just let him be.

Roland grabbed what was inside the letter and unrolled the paper with a simple gesture of sliding it down with grace. Although it appeared graceful his motives of curiosity can be felt with his swift gracious movements.

The paper in his hand was colored white and had rough edges, different from the paper that Arthas was used to.

On Earth, letters of importance or with significance coming from a high-ranking official, not even an official but maybe just a school area would have access to some A4 paper that would make it look clean and formal.

But the paper he was looking what was on the contrary ragged and lacked the proper clandestine appearance to appear formal.

Right now there were two letters including the one that was given first at the start of the conversation but that letter was even better than what was in Roland's hand.

So Arthas wondered what was the difference between the contents of the two that the letter could be so crude and the disparity of quality be imminent from the paper alone.

Roland gave a short cough clearing his throat before proceeding to read the letter out loud.

"Hello Arthas, I bet you might see how different the letter is compared to the official notice. For courtesy's sake, I am Twilight, the Queen of Moonglade, it is always nice to introduce yourself first right? Unlike a certain long-eared friend we have in common to just skip the formalities and continue with the objective matter…" Roland paused for a brief period wondering about the weird phrasing.

'Long-eared friend? Which one are you talking about? Are elves generally just people who forget to have the common courtesy of introducing themselves? So which one is it Ralia or Thalia!?' Arthas thought about the message that was spoken out loud...

Clearing his mind from any distractions and jokes, he wondered about what could be the relationship between Twilight and their long-eared friend.

'Assuming that both individuals at hand are Rulers then it would be safe to think that she would be talking about Thalia, If so What would be their relationship, and aren't they supposed to hate each other? What's going on?'

Arthas got rid of the thought and decided to think of it later and just listen to what Roland had to say.

"It might seem to be different, well it is but I want you to go deep into the city and go to the Academy, from there we will provide you assistance. As someone from 'that' world, I assume that you would need all the help that you can get. The conditions that I set, and cannot be changed whether you like it or not. First, All the expenses of living and materials for education would be provided that you are to keep secret that you are under the kingdom."

It's already starting to look good for me, Arthas thought as he listened to the first benefit that he would receive.

"Secondly, I would not offer you equipment because that would be on your own. Instead, I will oversee that the village that is under you is kept safe and monitored. Lastly…"

Roland squinted his eyes, seemingly trying to understand what was on the last beneficiary, with a look of confusion scattered across his face.

Arthas took notice of that and found that maybe the last benefit was something that would be something crazy that even he wouldn't expect to receive.

'Hopefully it wouldn't be that crazy, I just hope it would be mild crazy that I would be able to handle' Arthas prepared for the worst but he really can't tell what the worst thing that would be given right now.

"Hey, Mayward, I know that I am not yet senile or a psychopath, but can you please double-check that I am not reading this incorrectly?"

Roland passed him the letter with a gentle motion as his face was worried and unbelieving about the situation.

Mayward was confused about this friend's action and quickly took a glance at the letter, Grabbing the letter his eyes rolled quickly across the letter. Which each second his face began to distort from unbelief.

Arthas was getting worried as to what it might be, it might be something so unnerving that Arthas would need something to cover up something big in the long run.

"No, I don't think you are crazy just yet, Roland, If you are then I might be as well, however, I think we are reading this correctly, I just can't understand what this means…" Mayward replied to his friend with a weird smile across his face that seemed to be confused.

"Yeah…that seemed…impossible…" Roland with an emotionless face looked dazed as he grabbed back the letter.

They both looked at Arthas whose heart was beating loudly from the thrilling anticipation as to what it might that got them so spooked about.

"Hey, mind telling me what it is already?" Arthas was getting annoyed and scared about what it could be.

"Ah… yeah, ahem… So it says here, You are given the privilege of becoming a professor at the academy by teaching students about summoning, to spice things up not only will you be a teacher but you will also be a student there. Isn't it wonderful…"

"Eh?" Arthas was dumbfounded about it, they were so shocked that they were dazed for moments only to be told that it was about being a teacher.

'EH???? Why are they so confused about me being a teacher, Well I am confused but why? Is being a teacher really difficult in this world?' Arthas was surprised about the letter of course, but it stood out to him as to how they reacted to this information.

Arthas looked at them both like they were some old people who were confused about technology and didn't understand anything anymore, and so not understanding anything he asked out of curiosity.

"Hey, it's just being a teacher why are you guys so worried about it? It's just teaching, right? I mean I'm scared cause I don't know anything but…I could survive, right?"

Roland and Mayward looked at each other and were once again reminded that the person in front of them was someone they didn't know and it might even be someone that wasn't part of the kingdom.

"Should we tell him? Roland?" Mayward kept his smile as he asked with a face of despair.

"How do we tell him, poor soul…" Roland made a salute as he said so,

"Hey! Both of you tell me what you guys mean! What does it mean to be a professor." Arthas shouted at them annoyed about their secretive talk.

They both looked at Arthas and talked in unison.

"" Hell ""

To which Roland followed up, "There is nothing more privileged than a professor but the process of having that position would take a person at least 2 years to receive a reply from the academy, so everyone expects the highest of educational standards…"

Mayward then continued his sentence, "Much more, they have high standards of knowledge and understanding that beyond you, I have no idea how you would survive…"

Hearing their assessment didn't feel so bad for Arthas, but hearing it was different from experiencing it, and soon Arthas would one day remember this conversation and scream that what they just said was just a massive understatement to Hell.

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