
Krumdrum Wildroar

Vander was quite curious about what a Devil blacksmith would look like. Maye he was a reincarnated Devil or something.

"So how good is this guy?"

La Folia smiled as this was going to surprise him.

"He is part of my grandfather's peerage and a dwarf. A rook to be exact which is the only piece worthy of a dwarf-like him. He fled from the homeland of the dwarves for making dangerous super weapons like a mad man. Here, we allow him to do as he wants as long as he makes artifacts, armor, and weapons for us. We have to pay him though, a dwarf always takes his gold."

Vander now felt more at ease at leaving this to the dwarf. Dwarves were famous for the weapons and armor they made so they would be best to use his material.

"That seems perfect. If the stories are anything to go by, dwarves and their work always are amazing."

La Folia placed her hand on Vander's arm as she was too short to reach his shoulder. It would take a while to reach his workshop by foot so this was faster.

"His workshop is not here and is actually hidden away as he is still being hunted. We needed to be careful with how many of his inventions explode."

A teleport circle opened under their feet and in a flash, they appeared in front of a large building surrounded by dark forests. Just as they were going to step inside a massive explosion made the both open some magic shields.

La Folia looked at Vander with an I told you so look.

"You were not kidding that his inventions explode. What was he trying to do to get kicked out?"

"I think he was trying to make a new god-level artifact for himself. Something like Zeus' thunderbolt, Odin's spear, and Thor's hammer. The prototype was apparently quite strong and caused the death of a few dwarfs. So he was forced to flee and my grandfather picked him up with the promise of allowing him to do all the work he wanted.

He has secretly participated in a few rating games as Dwarves are still warriors. He in particular was a rather strong one with his artifacts and weapons."


La Folia chuckled as she pointed forward.

"After you, git."

"Alright, kitty."

They both walked into the workshop where the dwarf had thrown the piece of scarp metal in his hands next to him in the giant pile. He grumbled about how Devils knew shit about metals and how they gave him trash all the time.


From inside the workshop rushed a dwarf girl who picked up all the discarded scarp metal to melt back down. She had short back hair, purple eyes, and a rather pretty face. Even her figure did not loo dwarf-like for some reason


Vander got a look at her and saw she was a bit taller than her father. Her body was robust, but not in a bad way. She was shorter than La Folia, but taller than her dad by a couple of inches. Her body was rather plump if he had to say so.



He grumbled about how the youth without looking at La Folia or Vander.

"Out with it, what ya want?"

Vander reached into his shadow to pull out the bag with the material he had.

"I wanted to see if you would make me some gauntlets and maybe some boots to increase the impact of my hits. If you can make me a halberd that would also be good. I brought my own material that-"

"Let me see it. Some of you fools think some rock is a treasure."

Vander reached into his bag and pulled out one of Daisy's broken back spikes. He tossed it to the dwarf who looked at the spike with eyes wide open. How could he miss that energy that he knew so well?


He rushed at Vander and hugged his waist with a begging tone.


His daughter watched her father beg and she could swear she saw tears and snot on his face. Vander tried to pry the smelly dwarf off of him as he was smearing snot and tears on his shirt.


La Folia grabbed the dwarf and started to try to pull him off of Vander. However, the Dwarf was extremely strong and had a hard grip on Vander. Even she was having a hard time prying him off of Vander.


Even then the Dwarf refused to let go. Naerdeth sighed as she walked into the back to get a very old bottle of whiskey that her father still had from when he lived in Nidavellir.

"DAD! If you don't let go I will drink your special whiskey."

Her father glanced at the bottle in her hands and how she was holding it above her head. His eyes went wide open as he let go of Vander. La Folia sighed as she dropped the dwarf who rushed to his daughter and snatched the bottle away from her.



Vander had retrieved Daisy's spike so La Folia decided to explain some more.

"His name is Krumdrum Wildroar. As for why his daughter does not look totally dwarf is that her mother was a succubus."

Krumdrum chuckled at the memories of that sexy succubus."

"She tried to get a payday by getting pregnant, but guess what. As I took her in, I did not have to pay her a dime. I did get a talented daughter out of it."

He pointed at his daughter who got the looks from her mother. As she was part Succubus, her allure and looks were rather quite high. Even her dwarven musles just made her look better as well.

(Image here.)

"Sorry about my dad. He has not reacted like that before."

Krumdrum sighed as he looked at the large spike in Vander's hand.

"Where did you get that thing?"

Vander looked at the spike in his hands with a curious look.

"From my familiar. I got more stuff in here and if you buy it from me I might sell you some stuff. As long as you can make me some good artifacts.

Hearing he had a chance of buying some of the material made him far more motivated to work.

"You wanted gauntlets, some boots, and a Halberd right? I can make all of that as log as the material is all of this quality."

Vander placed the shadow bag on a table and let everything spill out. Krumdrum rushed to the table as he picked up the different types of materials he had available. Teeth, osteoderms, red spikes, and even a few broken scales. What was most shocking was the large claw that Daisy broke.

He could feel all of the material had quite a large amount of divinity in it making him excited to start forging.

"I can tell you now, with this I will make you something grand with this. This all has Divinity, but most shocking is you."

He pointed at Vander who was confused.

"But I am not a God."

Krumdrum shook his head.

"Maybe not, but you either are the son of a god or you just had a god ancestor. Your blood would allow me to make these soul-bonded weapons if you want."

Vander and La Folia knew why that would be hard. When Krumdrum noticed their looks he was confused.


Vander pointed at his head.

"I have 10 soul-bonded familiars already. I just recently started to be able to function like a normal person. My soul is not ready for more strain on it."

Hearing that Vander had 10 soul-bonded familiars surprised even him.

"I see. You don't have to worry about any strain on your soul. Soul-bonded weapons merely grow with you and they have the chance of evolving as long as you grow. I will be able to make some very powerful gear for you with this."

"Alright, how much blood will you need?"

"I will have to take some measurements of you and you will have to be here with me through the whole process. You will have to transfer your Mana, Demonic Power, or whatever energy you use while I forge and bleed when I need it."

La Folia was not very sure it was such a good idea then.

"We Devils can heal, but we don't really have regenerative abilities. You would need a lot of potions or a skilled healing mage to keep up with the amount of blood you would need."

Vander decided to agreeas he had great regenerative abilities.'

"Sure, I can regenerate. As long as I have energy I will have enough power to sustain my regeneration."

Krumdrum was truly excited to start.

"Great, we can start right now. I just will have to take some measurements and prepare this stuff for melting."

La Folia looked at Vander with a curious look.

"So you actually regenerated instead of using healing magic earlier today? I thought your broken foot healed faster than expected."

"Sure do. I could lose my arm and it would return to me in a few minutes."

Naerdeath walked up to Vander to take his measurements. She used a spell to scan his arms, legs, and entire body. If he wanted a Halberd made it had to be made up to scale to his body. As he was a bit larger than a normal person he needed a bigger weapon too.

As she was doing that she patted his arm with curiosity. His muscles were quite large, dense, and felt like corded steel."

"How strong are your bones?"

Vander looked down at her with a shrug.

"I am not sure, but they are very strong. Why?"

Naerdeath's suggestion was one that only a mad man would accept.

"I was thinking if you can regenerate, why not take the bones of your arm to add to the material."

She said so with a totally serious expression making La Folia frown a little.

"Won't that hurt?"

The girl nodded.

"Oh, it will feel like getting your bones getting ripped out."

La Folia expected Vander to say a big fat no, but when she saw his face he was thinking about it.

"Can I just cut off my arm? I feel that would hurt way less than ripping out the bone."

Krumdrum tossed him a black sword for him to cut off his arm.

"Do it at the shoulder, I will get plenty of your material to work with."

La Folia did not know how to take the conversation she was hearing.

"Are you seriously going to cut off your own arm? That is your arm your know."

Vander decided to explain to her why it was not that big a deal to him.

"It is about perspective. To a normal human cutting their a hand open is a big deal. To you that is just a tiny cut and losing an arm is bad for you, but manageable. For me, losing an arm is like cutting open my palm. My mind does not see it as a big loss so my instincts don't panic. Easy enough."

He removed his shirt as it was his Jurrasic Park shirt that he liked. Naerdeath, glanced at his abbs, chest, and arms with a silly look on her face.


Her father bonked her on the head with a hammer making her hold her head in pain.

'Damn succubus genes.'

Vander placed the sword under his armpit and began to boost its cutting power with Demonic Mana. He cut up and cut right through his entire arm. Before it could fall to the ground La Folia grabbed it while Vander placed the sword on a nearby table.

She even made sure the blood did not leak out of it as that would be useful material. She looked at the wound to see if he was bleeding, but she saw him regenerating already. Vander's Demonic Mana began to course to the wound to speed up his healing even further.

"You weren't kidding that you could regenerate."

Vander looked at the sword he used to cut his arm off with some interest it cut his bones leasily.

"What was that sword made of? Not just anything can cut through these bones of mine."

Krumdrum snatched the arm from La Folia and looked at the sword with pride.

"Adamantium. It is extremely rare, but with the backing of the Gregory family that is not an issue for me."

La Folia's eyes twitched when she heard him butcher her family name.

"It's Gremory."


He placed the arm on a nearby table as he used some magic to drain the blood from it. His daughter brought some jars to transfer the blood into. Once the blood was drained he pulled out a black knife and began to break it down.

He removed the skin, muscles, veins, tendons, and even the flesh itself He was extremely careful with his work as he was working with a treasure in his eyes. La Folia looked at the process with both interest and digust.

"Vander, what do you think about watching your own arm be broken down in front of you?"

He held up his new arm which was almost fully grown back. At the moment the bones of his hand were regrowing to form his fingers.

"My arm is almost fully regenerated so it does not matter. I think it is cool."

She shook her head as she had doubts he was human.

"You know I doubt you were human before you got turned into a Devil."

"If you can figure out what I was, I will give you a prize."

Krumdrum placed his knife away as he had gotten the bone inside and noticed something odd. It was not white like normal bones, but dark grey. It was even thicker and more robust than a human or Devils bones.

"She is right you know. This looks like the bones of a race that was designed for war and battle. The muscle, vein, and tendon structure is far too refined to be normal. And don't get me started with just this bone. If that sword was not made of Adamtnium, you can be sure this is not getting cut."

Vander looked at his new arm and clenched his fist to make sure everything was in order.

"Alright then, I am great material."

Naerdeath nodded as he was still shirtless.

"You can say that again."

Her father raised his hammer causing her to run away before he could crush her skull again.

"Fire up my forge."


She rushed off to do what he said as he gathered up some material. He had so much because of how large Daisy was. While these were just small pieces of her overall bulk, it was still a lot. Just the claw she broke was half as tall as Vander.

"Vander, just because I like you, I will be adding some Adamantium to this. You don't have to pay me, I will just leave the bill to red wine hair."

La Folia sighed as he was impossible.

"My father or my grandfather."

Krumdrum shrugged.

"Whichever one gets the bill. It will be expensive, really expensive."

Vander patted him on the shoulder.

"I like you a lot."

They both began to laugh like they were insane as they were scamming Zeoticus. He was the one who paid to get the Adamantium in the first place and now they were charging him for using it too.

La Folia felt bad for her grandfather, but she was not going to say a thing. Krumdrum gathered up some of Daisy's shed material and even Ripper's tooth that Vander had on hand and began to cut it up into smaller pieces.

His Demonic Power and Mana began to surge into the material while a formless power seemed to gather around the materials. Naerdeath, explained a bit as she saw how curious Vander and La Folia were.

"We dwarves have a unique power that lets us make the material easier to work with. That is how we can work with things like the roots of mountains and the breath of a fish for example. We can even turn mist into solid gear."

Krumdrum cut a part of Vander's arm bone and placed it in the forge along with a few osteoderms, scales, teeth, and spikes to begin to melt down into the liquid to turn into ingots. He constantly added more of the material along with Adamtium chunks from time to time.

La Folia remembered where she heard that.

"Aren't those part of the material used in the making of Gleipnir? The magical rope used to bind Fenrir up?"

Krumdrum nodded as he kept adding more and more material.

"My ancestor was one of the Dwarves who worked on the thing. He passed on his experience through our family until I got them. I felt I could do better, but I kind of fucked up and caused a big stir."

La Folia felt that was an understatement.

"I will say. You got Thor to hunt you down and if not for my grandfather you would have gotten caught and probably executed for your crime. I think they are still searching for you so we keep you secret."

Krumdrum shook his head as he poured out part of the liquid into some molds.

"That just means I am good enough for them to think hunting me down is worth it."

Once he had the ingots he quenched them in magical oil, but he was far from done. Now that he had these ingots, they contained impurity he had to remove. As a master blacksmith, he could purify this until only the Adamantium and the truly strong materials were left behind.

Only after he finished the purifying process would this stuff be ready to use. This could take a while, but he found out that the amount of impurity was insignificant when compared to normal monster bones.

This was because Persephone had made Vander's new body and his familiars from pure Divine power. As such, Krumdum finished melting and purifying everything after 2 hours. Compared to the total material he had, he still had many ingots worth of black glowing metal.

They radiated powerful divinity which made Krumdrum smirk.

"You and your pets are better material than I thought. Normally when using monster bones for melting we have a lot of impurities, but this is perfect."

Vander grabbed an ingot and looked at the pitch black metal. It was even heavy that a weak devil might not even be able to lift it."

"The Adamantium really shined through. I can't see the red, black, or grey from our material."

Krumdrum knew that was normal.

"That is to be expected. Adamantium's color is unique after all. I feel I can start now."

La Folia had not seen him work before so she was curious about something.

"Are you not tired?"

Krumdrum scoffed at the idea.

"Not even close. A Dwarf like me can work for weeks without a break. We Dwarves are built tough after all. I already got in mind what I will make for you. Just give me a minute."

He collected all the ingots he had made and placed them next to him. He knew that he would use up most of it as he was not going to cheap out on Vander. He would condense plenty of it into each item to make them as strong as possible.

"I got it. Can I keep some of the leftovers after?

"I don't mind. If I get any more I will come to you first."

Hearing that made him like Vander even more.

"Great. Time to put this brawn to work. I will use even more Adamtitum because of how much I am glad to work with this. Your blood will make this even better, I am sure of it."

Vander who was still shirtless grabbed the sword he used to cut his arm off.

"Whenever you are ready."

"I am ready to start now. Naerdeath, bring me the Muspelheim fire core. I will use the very best I got. I will put my pride and honor as a dwarf on the line for this."

She was shocked as he only had one of those and it was hard to replace.

"Yes sir."

She walked into the back to get the core as Krumdrum got ready. He was going to put his very best into this as this could be the experience he needed to make his god-level weapon in the future.

Naerdeath returned with a large orb in her hands. A flash of heat assaulted the entire workshop, but neither Naerdeath nor her father were affected. Dwarves were fireproof and even the hottest flames would not bother even an infant dwarf.

Some even worked with their bare hands, but Krumdrum was not one of them. He grabbed his black Adamantium hammer ready to forge. She placed the fore into the forge which caused the flames to turn a bright blood red. La Folia raised her arm to block the heat as it was truly insane.

"Vander, you better be ready when I tell you."

Vander kept his shirt off as he stood right next to the hot forge with Krumdrum.

"Ready when you are."


He grabbed the first ingot and placed it into the fire. They were going to be busy and this might take several days or longer. Naerdeath was ready to help with whatever her father needed while La Folia just watched.

She was curious about what the end result would be when they finished.

Considering Zeoticus peerage is not known, I could take some liberty with it.

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts
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