
Bad Siscon.

Ripper was truly a fast creature as La Folia had to hold on to Vander to not get thrown off. That and Ripper wanted her off him at all costs so he did sharp turns, big jumps, and even full blow barrel rolls to make her fall off. Of course, she held on without trouble much to his annoyance.

Her blue eyes looked into his yellow ones with a look that was mocking him. He growled in anger, but they had just arrived at the mansion. He tossed both of them off of him in one big leap. Once again his plan was foiled as they both landed on their feet.

Vander gave him a smirk as the raptor's plan failed.

"Nice try Ripper."

He roared in Vander's face and returned to the familiar space on his own. La Folia laughed a little as Ripper reminded her of her own familiars. They were all dangerous creatures that could have killed her as she refused to get help from her family to acquire them.

She even got her Demon when she was just 6 years old much to the shock of her parents. They could do nothing, but observe as once a Soul Contract was made it was unbreakable.

"He is just like mine. I wonder what my dad was doing while we were out? He is really weird you know. For some reason, he spoils my aunt like she was his daughter."

Vander glanced down at her with a question in mind.

"So did he not spoil you? I thought someone like him would spoil his only daughter."

La Folia snorted.

"He did when I was little, but I grew out of it quick. I began to train at the age of 5 and refused to be babied, coddled, or spoiled. I even broke into his library where I learned the ritual to summon a Demon and make my first Soul Contract.

Even when I was growing up, I refused to go to extravagant parties, and celebrations as I focused on my training. I even joined my cousin Sairaorg in his physical training. I even invited my aunt, but she always made an excuse for some reason."

La Folia was wearing a very heavy outfit similar to her brother, but he did notice her arms were thicker than Rias.

"Alright, hit me."

She clenched her hand into a fist as she surprised a lot of people who thought she was a glass cannon like her aunt.

"You sure? I hit very hard."

"I can survive a hit from your mom, I will be fine."

La Folia did not hesitate and launched a heavy blow toward his Solar Plexus. She had not been here when Grayfia hit him, but it was one of the best places to hit in her opinion. Vander felt a massive impact in his chest that sent him dragging across the ground.

He looked at his chest and gave her a thumbs up.

"You have more strength to spare, don't you? I didn't see you channel any Demonic ma- power."

He hastily fixed his words, but she still heard the first part. Now she was curious, but hs would ask about it later.

"Your right."

She looked at her fist as she felt she hit something impossibly hard to be flesh.

"You are truly impressive Vander. Your physique is one to be envied as I do have higher blood purity than my aunt so I am stronger than her by default. Plus she is lazy."

Vander already liked her way more than Rias, but now he pretty much felt she was better every day.

"You are much more mature than Rias who seems to have the attitude of a pampered Princess. She is weak, spoiled, and most of all kind of weird. She has a shower in our school and she came out of it in a towel in front of me and Kiba. I feel she wanted us to look at her."

La Folia shivered as she would never do something like that.

"Do you think she has a weird kink or something?"

La Folia squinted her eyes as she thought about it.

"Maybe? I for one am not into it."

They both went inside as they both had a great time.

"See you tomorrow Vander. For the first time, I actually had a fun date. I have never enjoyed myself that much before."

Vander rubbed the back of his head a little which made La Folia giggle.

"You don't blush, but you rub the back of your head when you are bashful. I see my succubus charms worked."

"Maybe they did. Now, the important question. Where am I going to stay?"

La Folia did not know as they left before he could be told. Just as she was going to suggest he stay in whatever room he wanted, Sirzechs, Venalana, and Grayfia all went down the hall when they returned.

Venalana smiled at the two of them as she could swear they hit it off. They both were smiling and they were standing rather closely. Her plan to hitch Vander to one of their female descendants was working.

Her son might not like it, but she wanted to do something nice for her granddaughter. She had no friends, hated social gatherings, and had even brutally beaten any of the suitors her parents sent for her.

Rias was jealous of her, but La Folia earned her right to choose with the power she trained day and night for. As such, Rias had no right to be jealous of Vander's opinions.

"How did you like the town Vander?"

"It was a nice town. As the Devil is my witness, I loved it. Does that work? I think being a Devil, I should not go saying the name of God anymore."

Suddenly they all held their heads except for Vander. Even La Folia held her head as the name of God hurt their heads. He noticed something happened which made him confused.

"What is wrong with all of you?"

La Folia was the one to inform him.

"Don't say that word?"

"Which one, God?"

They all recoiled again making him realize that they were Devils and he wasn't. He was Demonic High Human so his base species was still Human. He just gained Devil traits that his body assimuluated. As such he was immune to most Devil's weaknesses.

Now that the pain was gone they all looked at Vander with even more shock. Grayfia as the one who turned him was curious if this was an intentional part of Ajuka's Experimental Evil Pieces. He had worked on them for over a hundred years before giving them to her.

"Vander, did you feel any pain from saying that word?"

He shook his head as he felt nothing

"No. Should I have felt pain from just saying one word?"

All of them nodded with shock. Seeing that made him think it was rather stupid.

"Well, that is the dumbest rule I ever heard. How are you supposed to curse him on the battlefield."

La Folia chuckled as she shook her head.

"I guess we never thought about it that way. Are you immune to Holy weapons or something?"

Vander shrugged.

"Maybe. I doubt you would have a cross or Holy Weapon to test it out though."

Grayfia shook her head.

"We can test that out later. Just don't say that word and don't tell anyone you are immune. If the Great King faction were to find out they would experiment on you and use you are a breeding stud to spread that immunity to all Devils."

Vander shivered at the idea.

"Can't you just kill them if you try? You are the strongest queen or something right? And isn't the siscon supposed to be the Devil King. Just order them to stop."

Sirzechs glanced at his daughter who snorted at him making him feel hurt.

"It is not that simple. The Devils are split into two factions, the Devil Kings and the Great King faction that wishes to keep things the traditional way. They might obey on the surface, but they still may take you because a Devil being immune to holy weapons is a big thing."

Venalana now decided that it was crucial for him to be part of her family.

"Vander, do you like La Folia?"

Both of them could tell where this was going and they looked at each and nodded.


They both tried to rush out the front door, but Sirzechs stopped them in their tracks. La Folia might be stronger than most of her generation and Vander was a superior race to devils, but they were too young.

The energy of Destruction wrapped around them without harming even their clothes. Sirzechs put away his role as a father to act as Devil King.

"Hold on a minute."

La Folia shook her head.

"We only went on one date. It is too e-"

Hearing that made Venelana smile.

"So you call it a date?"

Vander looked around and had an idea. His eyes dulled as he acted as his mental facilities went back down.

"Where am I?"

La Folia's eyes dulled as well.

"I can't remember anything."

Sirzechs, Venelana, and Grayfia were not falling for it though. Grayfia for one had learned when Vander and her daughter used their issues to get out of troublesome situations. Sirzechs shook his head as he decided to ask something of them.

"Vander, for your safety I would like you to accept to be engaged to my daughter. You two don't have to actually marry if you truly don't want to, but this is the most secure method to guarantee your safety."

La Folia on the other hand was getting angry. She did find Vander interesting, but she was not just about to get engaged to him after meeting him one day. She knew that Vander thought the same so this was unacceptable.

They both spoke in unison.

"We refuse."

Sirzechs did not expect both of them to refuse. Vander himself shook his head.

"Trust me, your daughter is amazing, but I am not going to get engaged to someone because of a possible threat. Also, you are being a crappy dad using your own daughter for something like that. No wonder she does not like you much. Perverted siscon."

"What he said? Why do you think I try to avoid you as much as possible. You are a weird siscon and you are always so pushy. I am not Rias and I won't simply do what you want."

The Energy of Destruction left both Vander and La Folia, but Sirzechs soul looked like it left his body. He went limp and even worse was that his own wife was shooting him a dirty look. She was not going to try to engage them both and was just going to ask if they could go to the same school

Venalana let her son take the blame for her idea. She sighed in disappointment as she had a better idea.

"If that is the case we won't push you two anymore. La Folia, how about you go to Kuoh to be with Vander more. If you two are at least interested in each other won't it be better to be around each other more?"

La Folia was going to ask that anyway.

"That is fine. Mom I ask you to punish this dirty Siscon for breaking our deal."

Vander nodded.

"Yeah, he needs to learn a lesson that he can't just do as he pleases. We have rights too you know."

Grayfia smiled as she glanced at Sirzechs on the ground.

"I will have to listen to the words of my peerage member and my daughter. I have a good idea on a proper punishment."

She reached out for his leg and began to drag him outside. The servants would find the Devil King tied above the front door as a decoration for the rest of the night.

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