
The Guild And Class types

So me, Leifi and karen decided to go to the guild so that i can register to be a adventurer. I ask Leifi "Hey, so why did you two summoned me apart from making me your member?" as i said it to her she replied "well we wanted to see of what will happened if we use a summoning magic, and to make it much stronger me and Karen combine our magic and there we were able to summoned someone and that is you." As leifi explained it i came to understand of this case... >If they can do that then there is a way for me to come back to my world< i thought to myself, but how can we do that... do they have to do that combining magic again...

when i was thinking of that we made it to the guild, and my first words of it were "WOAH this is huge... is this really the guild?" As i asked that karen answered "yes, this is the porristine guild, let's head in pls" so as she said that we entered the porristine guild.. now that i think of it thats a pretty weird town name "porristine"... Well i'm just gonna ignore that. So as we entered the guild, the people inside was... about 200+ which is a lot i guess, Leifi pointed me where the registration center are so we headed that way.. When we were walking to the registration i saw a bunch of shady people who keeps looking at me and those two.. Again i ignored it, the registration lady gave me a paper and there was like a signature and she said "oh, about the signature sir, you have to use your blood, don't worry here's a tiny knife for you." hmm a blood ehh >are you serious i don't like that... do i really have to?! welp if i faint its gonna be your fault registration lady< i thought to myself and definitely not scared.. And so i picked up the knife and point it at my finger.. and did the blood signature... which i wasn't even scared UwU".... and so the lady said we have to wait for five minutes and they will show it to us.. And i was kinda excited of what will my class be, i was curious of how many class there are in here so i ask Leifi "hey, can you tell me every class type? i'm kinda curious on those things" when i said that, her eyes sparks like a golden star "of course there is warrior, mage, priest, witch, wizard, berserker, shielder, shooter, and last hero" said leifi still has a golden star...

Five minutes have pass and...nothing happened... 7 minutes have pass and no--- >Bells rings< "What the?!" said me being loud i asked leifi and karen "ahnm.. whats happening is there an enemy outside or something?" when i look at both of them, they were kinda shock and karen started talking "h-hu-huhh this bell means there's a person who can choose 4 class right... but that hasn't happen for like 2,000 years right leifi?!" 4 class wonder who's that person is "yeah that's right i wonder who it i-- wait... is it.." they both stop talking to me and looks at me... apart from that, a lady screams and said.. "Announce everyone, it seems we have a wonderful annnouncement for you all!!" when everyone heard that they all say " ALRIGHT LET'S HEAR IT... WHO'S THE PERSON?!!" Everyone was excited and the lady says "The person is... Justine!!".... Silent.. everything was silent all the adventurer said "justine? who the heck is that?"... it has to be me... the girls look at me with gold sparks and i knew whats about to happen "Everyone this is justine our newest member hehe" said leifi trying to act cool thanks to her everyone keeps looking at me especially those shady people...

"Oooh that's awesome leifi, looks like you got a great member there" said an adventurer and another one "yeah leifi, first karen and now him.. keep it up hahaha"... karen? is she the same.. no by the look of her face back then i don't think so.... so i ask leifi " is it that really good?" and she replied with thise golden sparks of her " of course it is! You have the most rarest class.. You can pick four classes! that hasn't happen in 2,000 years.. Your actually awesome.." after what she said, karen also replied... with the spark as well "yeah.. and i only have 2 classes you pretty amazing j-justine!" >is that so if i'm really that amazing.. Does that mean i can return to my world if i know what magic to use... But i can have a new journey here..... This is tough< i thought to myselft...

To be Continued

See you next time on the next one UwU

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