

Opening his eyes he was kneeling on the floor ,convient for a entrance i guess best make a good impression ,closing his eyes focusing he slowly raising himself up trying to show a regal bearing he could hear the creek of armour and the flapping of a flag in the wind and the hiss of it through a window permiating the room ,it was eerily quite

He opened his eyes and eyeone was tremling before him ,he was toweringly tall and lumbered over them all even to the point he was at eye level with what seemed to be the king by standing on the lower dais

Slowly cocking his head around keeping absolutly still he could see every man and woman arround tremling ,Seems like he mad quite the impression .

"Beeeee at eaaaase"the voice which exited his mouth felt like a bellow quite yet intense ,everyone still yet trembled ,looking down he could see a finely made circle which probobly summoned here and he saw a small women blond wearing flowing white robes

'Guess i have to thank you for getting me out the void'

She loooked young .

Locking eyes with the women she trembled even more and trembled but seemed to steel up.

"Iamthesummoniner "she blurted out rapidly even so her voice was like a soothing melody

He chuckled and he heard it was slightly muffled but as he did the face sunk of the summoning hero

"I s summoned you t-to fight along side me ,the heros of this country to protect us ....,i know it is iimputent of me asking of oh great spirit "

'Great spirit '

Confused flustered his face

'Great spriti ,the fuck '

Glancing down at his own arm he didnt see flesh but armour and in the reflection a deamon glad in barrock black armour glintign black Looking down at his arms he saw glinting armour stained almost pitch black and reflecting was a light of his eyes which glew crimson in the void of light


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