
The Red Rain

The march was few hours long till the reach the city, fast forward, it was midnight by the time they got to the outskirts of what once looked like a lively capital. They had to walk over bodies of troops some of which the battalion and Stella could recognize personally, it was heart breaking but then again, it was a driving power, something to fuel. Maria and Adam were both new to fighting demons in the field even though Maria has fought some before, not in a field certainly not in the field where they have lost. Back at Asadonia capital, King had his hands wide opened in the cathedral right outside the castle, "If you kill her tonight, you kill humanity" he said looking towards the dark night filled with bright stars through a glass window, "Osmane, we are your child, we took your duty to be born and fill this world with joy, if you steal that joy from it today….." he crossed his eyebrows, "….you will fail humans"

"So, what do you have to do to kill a demon?" Adam was curious unlike others, not scared, angry or anxious he was also hungry after that march even though he stayed in a cart with Maria pulled by the bulls from outside the castle stable. Maria made sure that they were all covered with the spell given by Alnidha.

"Pop there head off and it's over" Stella took out her sword and hopped off the horse, "Get ready, archers, assassin you go ahead and scout, take positions with higher perspective, anything you can find, trees, storey structures or towers" so they did almost hundred of them with their hoods on, disappeared in the darkness of night, "Shield, Onwards we go" they formed a firm and defensive transformation, they entered the capital easily because there were no demon guards on the outskirts.

In the market there was a kid, still alive and breathing out on bloody mud, he pushed two bodies continuously, "Mother! Father! Wake up" the bodies won't move, "Here is a lively one" there were some demons who stood some feet behind him, "You, you did this" he had anger in his eyes and was gripping his fists and clenching his teethes. Those archers and assassins jumped roof to roof avoiding any contact with the ground enemies and were taking position in the same place they heard something from, "You killed mom, dad and everyone!!" he picked a stone in his hand and threw it to them, it landed and bounced off of one the demon's chest plate as they laughed, the clouds gathered, about couple of hundred meters away Wilhelm stood on a tower smelling the air, "They are here" a marble like thing flew down on him and his demon army, it was Drokonna who had the city spectated, "I know, I smell odd" he said jumping off from the tower, "Oh I can't wait" he looked to the clouds, "I am glad it rains red here".

"You think that will do anything? You humans are truly inferior aren't you?" and they laughed even harder, he kept throwing whatever he got in his hands from the muddy ground, "You took my life away!! Give it back!!!!" he yelled his throat out, "Give. It. Back." He continued to throw only to realize that it was no good, even so, he held another stone in his hands, closed his eyes and threw it with every bit of strength he had left, the demons ignored it and with in a blink that stone turned into 50 arrows and 40 knives flying at them at the same time, it broke their first line, the boy was surprised and could just gaze at his hands. He lifted another stone and threw again, this time it turned into a spear, it was the holy spear of Ryena it came raining on those demons, piercing every layer of them and blasting off on a building, the boy turned around and with in the shadows, Stella and her army came forth, they had shiny, enchanted armor, weapons, the boy couldn't hold his tears back, he looked to Stella and yelled, "Only the bravest!!!" to which Stella firmly replied, "Shall survive" the archers rained arrows upon those demons and the assassins came jumping off of those buildings and towers, they had poisonous enchanted knives that they stabbed the demons with, on their necks, in their eyeballs even the splattering blood on their face was not able to hide their fierceness. Then came crashing down from the clouds, Wilhelm with his army behind him running towards the scene from the narrow roads, so they backed off and held their guards up, "You know, I was thinking may be the throne room was a cool site to have sex with you but this ain't that bad, is it?" he had an long axe and a broken sword in his hands, "And I was waiting for you to show up" Adam came forth amongst the troops, "Excuse me" they had to move a lot to give him space to come forth, "Yeah just like that, a bit more" he had his struggles but he came forth, 'Something tells me this is not going to go good' Stella thought seeing Adam pull up his boxers and getting the mud of his crocs, "Who the fuck are you?" he said with smile, "I am the hero of Asadonia!" he pulled his chest out although it was still a no match for his tummy, "Him? Really?" he laughed and so did his army of demons, "Don't get ahead of yourself buddy, I have the pass to kill you ya'know?".

Some distance away there was tower that had a clear view of it and Maria was trying to climb it, 'There is no way I am going down there, I'll help them from up here' she thought climbing up only to see that marble thing up their as well, she smiled, the floating marble had the sight towards the scene, "Hello, Drokonna" she said slamming her left foot onto it before it even turned around, the marble broke in many pieces, "Well, someone across few islands won't be happy about that" she dusted it off and took it in an empty bottle she carried.

Back on the laughter, Wilhelm and demons couldn't hold it back, "I- I don't even need a weapon to fight this fat ass" he kept laughing, "What are you going to do buddy, fart at me?" he threw his weapons down as Adam looked back to the same kid who threw stones at demons who was also now standing behind Stella, "Watch this" he said loosening up his arms and flexing them, he didn't had muscles just fat, 'Alright, just like in the novels, you got this' he thought to himself, Stella and Maria were both worried but Wilhelm didn't had any second thoughts and he felt the rain as well falling upon them, it was like an indication, he dashed towards Adam with his speedy shoes skill and gripped his right fist, for everyone it looked like he was in speed but from Adam's perspective he was slow, slow enough so that he could align his right fist in line to Wilhelm's face, 'don't over do' he reminded himself loosening the fist a bit, he tightened his buttocks and ducked the right fist Wilhelm threw at him and landed his fist to Wilhelm's face, his teethes broke out of his gums and his eyeballs almost popped out, he couldn't control the speed he was in and only his head was held back by Adam, rest of his body was in speed so much that it got separated from his head when Adam pressurized his punch, his right eye came out of his head but still was connected to it, he had blood just leaking over from all the holes of his head and the rain got heavier, his body fell couple of meters away. The rain came down to the ground with a thunder and shook everyone who saw it happening, there was no blinking or moving from anyone for a brief moment as they tried to sink in what happened, no words, no magic, no weapons, Wilhelm died.

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