
Welcome to Cor'vu

"So, what do you mean?" T'anya had become less jealous, but that didn't mean she wouldn't protect me.

"All I said was that I would like to be a part of your wonderful relationship." Lori'dae said happily.

"So, you want to not just spend time with us but have sex as well?" T'anya asked.

"I am still inexperienced in the bedroom, but I am more than willing to learn." She answered.

T'anya stood and walked to the back and slid the wagon shut. "Let's see then. You can watch for now." She said looking at me. I grinned and put the underwear I was making to the side and rested my hands behind my head.

"Fine by me, just don't get lost in those glorious tits of hers." I said laughing.

With that T'anya attacked. She landed her lips against Lori'dae's and played with her lips. She quickly pulled her shirt off, and after only fiddling with it for a few minutes, got her bra off. She looked at her chest that came spilling out.

"They are huge." She said smiling. Lori'dae brought her arm up and started to cover herself when T'anya stopped her. "We never really are alone, so you need to get used to being seen." She said before she lowered herself into her chest. She licked one nipple and then the other. The sheer size of her breasts was massive. I saw Lori'dae's face turn red as her nipples we're licked and kissed, nibbled and flicked, bitten and teased.

As T'anya worked her chest, she slowly unbuttoned her jeans and tugged on them. She pulled away long enough to see her panties and looked at me. "I want a pair of these." She practically whined.

Without waiting for my answer, she went back to Lori'dae. She kissed her stomach and when she went back to her face. Lori'dae leaned forward and kissed her. Lori'dae pulled T'anya's shirt over her head and then went for the bra. She got it off pretty quickly and kissed each of T'anya's breasts.

"Delicious." She said before kissing her again. They made out and played with each other's tits for a while until T'anya went for Lori'dae's panties. As she pulled them off, she placed them down gently and then pulled Lori'dae's legs apart. She kissed her leg as she worked her way up and eventually kissed her pussy. As I watched this, I noticed one of my hands had managed to get down my pants. I watched T'anya eat out Lori'dae, and Lori'dae lose herself in pleasure for a while before I finally started to undress. Hearing me move behind her, T'anya stuck her hand out to me and I took it. She kissed me fiercely and then we both kissed Lori'dae. I went for her pussy and T'anya her chest. I pulled T'anya's shorts off and then her panties. I took turns between the two making one cum and then the other. I couldn't get over the taste of either, and just kept going back for more.

T'anya stopped me eventually, and we rotated everyone so that I was the first pussy Lori'dae tasted. She started slowly kissing my crotch as I worked on T'anya's, and T'anya worked at hers. I could tell when Lori'dae came, and felt her tongue slowly searching for key areas. I slipped two fingers into T'anya and felt Lori'dae speed her tongue up on my clit. She worked my folds with her tongue and lips and used a single finger. As we made each other cum, the wagon stopped.

"Leaving us out I see." Misha yelled climbing into the wagon. The three joined us as Misha cleared everything in the wagon. She knelt between Lori'dae and myself and kissed her and then my crotch. She helped her lick and kiss my pussy. As I came again Misha laughed.

"My turn." Niko said happily laying over me so our faces we're at each other's holes. I pulled my head up and dug in.

Her tan pussy was delicious as I ran my tongue over her clit and folds. I quickly made her cum, but she was getting better at staying in the game and continued to eat me out. I glanced and saw Misha licking away at Lori'dae and smiled. It was sexy to see her tongue work and I stopped watching when Niko gave my head a squeeze with her knees. I went back to her clit and made her cum again just as she made me orgasm. She rolled off of me, and I felt a tongue slide inside of me. As I brought my body up I saw Ly'anna's hair. The soft blue color always stood out, and her tanned shoulders were sexy. I watched her play with my pussy until I had enough, and then went for hers as well. Holding her tight thighs in my hands as I ate her, I could feel her tongue rocking and vibrating over my most sensitive areas. I climaxed quickly, but couldn't hurry myself with her body. It was extremely firm to touch, and I loved this feeling on a woman. I finally went for her folds and kissed them and massaged them until she came. I rolled over so I was on top of her now, and kissed her abs and tits as T'anya made her way into the mix. I watched T'anya with almost white skin go for Ly'anna's crotch. It was amazing to see the difference in the two as T'anya ate away at Ly'anna.

I felt a kiss on my back side and saw Lori'dae, so I turned and kissed her before we started to sixty-nine. Her tail felt strange since it moved when she came, but it was definitely interesting. The six of us continued to explore each other for several hours before everyone was finally satiated.

"Alright, I'll take control of the leads, everyone rest up." I said as I finally pulled myself from Ly'anna's abs. I had positioned myself right on them so I could trace my finger around them. I climbed from the wagon and took the drivers seat and headed off. It was kind of boring, but luckily, T'anya decided exhaustion wasn't a good enough excuse to sleep and climbed up with me. She rested her head in my lap and we rode like this the rest of the way to Cor'vu.

"It looks nearly identical." I said when we got to the gate. The town of Cor'vu looked just like the town we came from De'arc. The only difference was it was smaller.

"They use magic to create major structures so it would make sense." T'anya said not leaving my lap.

"Oh? That's interesting." I heard Niko say from the top of the wagon. She was laying with Misha, which meant only Ly'anna and Lori'dae were in the wagon. We were going to have to talk to the town leader before hunting the slimes, and since we rode through the night, it was pretty early. As we approached the gate we were stopped by a guard.

"Halt, what business do you have in Cor'vu?" He asked. He was another Rhino headed giant like Le'ur.

"Hey, we are hunters from De'arc, and we are here to kill some slimes." I said as T'anya sat up and stretched. "Can you point us towards the village leader?" I asked.

"I see." He glanced at my pendant and then let us in. "The mayor lives in the bright red house." He said pointing towards the center of town. As we went forward we got a few looks before we found somewhere to store our wagon. It was only going to cost us twenty-five coppers a day, which was about a quarter the cost in De'arc. We quickly made our way to the Mayors house and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" An old man with giant mouse ears and a long, thin, hairless tail answered the door.

"We are here for your request." I answered.

"Ah hunters, excellent." He ushered us in and after serving us a tea-like drink told us the details. "The slimes are encroaching on our farm land, and we would like you to kill as many as you see fit. Payment has been decided by the guild, so you will have to figure out those details." He said nervously.

"We came to help. Tell us what we need to know first sir. Let the people who deal with money, deal with the money." I answered to calm him down.

"Ahh, you are right young lady. It's good to see younger ones with their heads on straight." I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of words, but after calming down I urged him to continue. "The slimes can't see and eat whatever they come in contact with. The problem comes when they have an elemental ability. They can just randomly cast a fire spell, or an ice spell, and now a whole area of crops are gone." He continued on telling us the kinds in the area and what to expect. After a long, long, lecture on safety being the number one priority, He let us go.

"Can we get something to eat first?" Lori'dae asked. "We haven't eaten since the festivities yesterday, and I am famished." She added putting both hands on her stomach.

"I could eat. What about you girls?" I looked and everyone agreed. After asking around we found an inn and decided to get a room for a few nights, and grab some food. The overall trip would take a normal group about ten days, and for us it would be less that half. Staying off the radar was going to be harder than I thought. We got some food and headed to the farmland to take out some slimes.

"Love? Look at this." Misha said as we walked through the town's marketplace. I found some oils in her hands and looked through them. They had all kinds, so I basically bought up the whole shop.

"Now we just need Lye." I said smiling.

"You can get that almost anywhere." Ly'anna said calmly. "Why do you need that?" She added.

"With some oil and Lye, we can make soap. That can clean us better and keep our clothes from getting stinky."

"Oh? Then let's get some quickly." She pulled my arm and we headed further through the marketplace. I knew the cost of living was lower in this town, but we ended up buying a lot of lye along with the oil, and it still didn't even add up to two gold.

"I'm surprised you know how to make soap." Misha said hugging my neck from behind.

"I mean, I was pretty much a basic bitch back home. Made my own soap, shopped on etsy, farmers markets, the whole thing." I said laughing.

"Hmm… Well for me it was all dance and music. I always loved playing piano and guitar." She replied.

"Enough distractions." Niko hopped in front of us as we were looking around the market. "Time to kill some slimes." She said grabbing my arm and pulling. I let her drag me along and we headed to the farm.

I looked and was a bit surprised. "If this is a bigger version of a 'Jelly' how big are they?" I asked. The slime in front of me was about as tall as my knee. I was a bit taller for a girl, but it was definitely smaller than I imagined. They were third tier so they were all a deep blue color.

"'Jellies' are about half the size of a 'Slime'." T'anya answered. I used my 'Analyze' and the one in front of us had a lightning spell, which I took.

"So how do we save the corpse, versus the core?" I asked.

"For the corpse you do this." Ly'anna said before she took her staff and smashed the slime's core floating inside it. When the core broke it turned to dust and the slime stopped moving. She picked it up and handed it to me. It was stiff, and had a bit of elasticity to it, which gave me an idea.

"I need to get some starch later. Remind me Pinkie." I said before I gave Misha the corpse. "I am going to need a few more corpses as well." I said to Ly'anna.

"The quest is for cores Alyssa." She replied. "You can only get the core, or the corpse."

"I can see five over there, one of which I need to confront, and the quest is considered successful with ten cores. We will be fine, we have how many 'Star-Wolf' corpses left?" I asked.

"Right, I get it." She said back. We made quick work of any 'Slimes' we came across and pooled up a nice selection of elemental based spells. We found more 'Fire', 'Glacier', and 'Lightning', along with a few new ones, 'Water', 'Earth', and 'Wind'. I made sure everyone had some, and we went forward from there. I also stored up a few dozen slime corpses for my own personal experimentation. We killed more than enough 'Slimes' for us to get to Emerald rank, and still have a ton of cores for Niko and I to play with.

As we were returning to town, we went back to the marketplace to look for anything else we could use.

"Can we get this?" Niko asked me. She had some basic seeds in her hands. Using 'Analyze' I saw they were for spices.

"Definitely, but if they have the seeds, why don't they sell the plants?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Maybe they use them for something else?" She guessed. That was probably the case. It wouldn't be odd for them to use them as a way to deter monsters, or for making a room smell nice. Sure enough, most of the herbs and spices were being sold because of the scents they gave off when burned or boiled.

"Seriously? Not a single man, woman, or child thought 'This smells good, I wonder what it tastes like?'" Misha mocked. We bought up a large amount, but the shop keep said he had regulars that would be upset if we bought it all. It cost just over a gold for it all. We headed back to the Inn, and after some begging by Niko, the chef let us make use of the kitchen.

"I'll be watching to make sure you don't ruin any of my stuff." She shouted as we walked back there. T'anya, Ly'anna, and Lori'dae were all curious as to what we were doing, so they came with.

"Can you bone this?" Misha asked as she pulled out a chunk of the 'Giant Tusk-Boar'. We will start on the rest." We decided to do some basic lettuce wraps, and some meatballs with tomato sauce. Obviously we were adding some of the spices and herbs, but Niko was taking point since she seemed to be really upset about the food over here.

I went to work on turning some tomatoes into a sauce while Niko and Misha worked on the vegetables and proper spice amounts. I wasn't a chef, but I knew how to grind up a tomato into paste. The other three finished their task quickly and when Niko started to get serious about cooking, the rest of us were pushed aside to watch. I hadn't seen it anywhere, and since I had nothing else to do I looked around and noticed a large amount of utensils I would need for my starch idea were nowhere to be found.

"Hey Chef? Is there a blacksmith or metal worker that would make some kitchen utensils if I paid good enough in this town?" I asked. The chef was watching everything Niko was doing like a hawk, and just replied with a single sentence.

"Yeah, find Lem'tril." She didn't even turn her head.

"Make some extra for the chef please Niko. I'll be back in a bit." I said as I left. Misha wrapped around me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I want to make starch for cooking, and some toys for the bedroom…" I looked at her.

"Oh? I am all for toys in the bedroom. Just because I don't like guys, doesn't mean I don't like being plowed by a beautiful woman." She said without letting me go. After finding the blacksmiths we entered and it was a big guy with massive arms and a sexy beard. It was well trimmed and you could see two scar lines going through it.

"How can I help you ladies?" He asked. He didn't ogle us or make light of us for being women, which was a nice change.

"I was wondering if I could give you some designs for tools, and you would make them? I can draw

them up, and even explain their uses to you, but I'm no metal worker." I said calmly.

"What did you have in mind, and what kind of budget are we looking at?" He answered immediately.

"I want to make a grater, which is used for quickly cutting foods into fine pieces. I have a few more ideas, but that is primary on my list." I explained.

"What's it look like?" He asked. I went over the most simple plate design and explained how different sizes are possible. As we went over it he smiled. "That sounds like fun. I'll make you a prototype for one gold. If you let me make more for sales, I'll do it for free." He said smiling.

"As long as you don't try to hold proprietary rights its fine." He looked confused. "Don't give others trouble if they start making them too." I raised an eyebrow and he just nodded.

"It's fine miss, lets get your idea drawn up." Misha never let go of me as I drew up a grater, a whisk, a strainer, and a few more ideas I could remember from home.

"Start with the grater, and here, for supplies." I put five gold on his counter. "We are only here for a few days, so the faster the better, and I have a white gold for you if you finish the whole collection before we leave in three days." I said before we left. His eyes practically bulged at the mention of white gold so Misha held one up and then put it away again.

"It's a race against time I see." He said scratching his beard. "I love me a challenge." He laughed as he scooped up the designs and headed into the back.

As we entered the Inn the chef was swooning over Niko like she was a god. It was hilarious to watch Niko keep pushing her away and when she saw us she ran over.

"I finished the food, but the chef ate some and has been trying to eat the rest. I don't want to hurt her, but she won't give up." She explained. T'anya and Ly'anna were keeping her away from the plates as we approached.

"Shouldn't you be trying to make this food yourself?" I asked. "You did watch the whole process." I said as I grabbed my plate with two lettuce wraps and a bowl with three meatballs in tomato sauce.

Misha and the rest followed suit and we sat down to eat.

"I am so glad a foodie was in the mix of the people summoned." I said to Niko after I took my first bite. "It's delicious." I said before I stood to give her a kiss. The chef was trying to figure out the spices and amounts, so I told her the black smith was working on measuring tools for use in cooking in the future and she beamed.

"For now you have to go by taste though." Niko explained. After we had a decent meal we headed to the Mayor's house to tell him the count.

"Two hundred killed?" He said surprised. We actually killed significantly more, but figured this would be a fair number to use.

"Yeah." I said laughing. "We kind of lost track of time, and whenever we killed one we found another. It went like that for a while, and before we knew it."

"No, thank you so much, I can't thank you enough." He said bowing his head. "Let me give you this." He reached into his cupboard and pulled out a small box. "This root, when boiled can help stimulate the healing of wounds." He explained. I had the spell 'Heal' so I didn't need it, especially since I technically had an unlimited amount of the spell.

"We took the quest from the hunters guild sir. We can't accept gifts." Ly'anna bowed to him and turned his gift down.

"I see. Thank you still." He said happily. He filled out a form of completion for us and we left. As soon as we entered the Inn the chef basically attacked Niko. I had everyone go with her and headed upstairs with Misha to get started on the lace stuff I had started and not finished thanks to Lori'dae. Misha assumed her usual position of wrapped around my back as I worked on some more underwear.

"I made you something." I said as she watched me work. "Can you pull out the dimensional bag?" I asked her. She made it appear right next to me and smiled.

"This ability is so fun." She admitted. I opened the bag and pulled out the leotard and she reached out for it.

"Can I wear it now?" She asked as she held it to her chest.

"Sure. I told T'anya you might show her some dances some time, just so you know." She had already physically taken her clothes off and slid into the leotard. It fit almost perfectly, and I saw the shoulders were a bit higher than her. Before she could do anything else I made her wait until I fixed it, and then she was spinning around the room.

"It's amazing thank you so much." She said as she leaped and spun around the room. She moved with grace and beauty as she danced, and it was a sight to see. As she danced around the room the rest of the girls came up to the room.

"What is she doing?" The three from this world asked as Niko and I just admired her body and the way it moved.

"This is the dancing I told you about, I just wish we had an instrument for playing." I said to T'anya.

Everyone climbed into bed and watched as Misha put on a small soundless dance for us. Even her movements were silent, and everyone watched, deeply caught up in the way she moved herself. After about thirty minutes she stopped and all five of us clapped when she turned.

"Sorry, I used to dance for hours everyday so it felt like forever." She blushed as she came to the end of the bed. She gave each of us a kiss, and then came back to me. "Thank you, so much for this." She said and kissed me again. She made everyone's clothes vanish, and then dropped nighties down.

"I'm exhausted." She said as she crawled into bed after pushing me down. We laid in our usual heap, and after a lot of kissing and making out, we all went to sleep.

I woke up to everyone talking.

"I'm not waking her up, it's the first time I have ever seen her sleeping." Ly'anna said.

"She's so pretty, it would be a shame not to let her sleep." T'anya said next.

"I wish I had a camera." Misha said cooing over me. I opened my eyes and everyone snapped to their senses.

"I am going to find a way to never be asleep around you all." I said after getting kissed heavily by each of them.

"No!" Niko complained. "You don't understand, your sleeping face is so peaceful, usually you look so mischievous that it is, not better, just different." She said.

"Whatever then." I answered since she was smiling, and it was basically my weakness. Each of these girls had something that just caused my brain to stop, but luckily, only Niko could use hers in public. T'anya could, if she knew how to use her cuteness as a weapon, but Misha isn't about to use her ass when people are watching, Ly'anna's abs showed from the bottom of her tank top, but she couldn't use it all. Lori'dae's breast were massive, which normally wouldn't do anything for me, but since they were perky along with the size, it made me very happy.

"Hey enough of the lecherous thoughts, we are right here. If you want to do something do it." Misha said, her face barely not touching mine.

"Fine." I said as I kissed her. I pulled on her nightie and she just made it vanish, along with everyone else. I stuck my tongue in her mouth and felt everyone moving around the bed. Before long, as I made out with Misha someone was at my hips, kissing my other lips. After a few seconds I realized it was T'anya since she stuck her finger in and worked quickly. Misha pulled away and was kissed by Ly'anna as Lori'dae kissed me. I pulled Lori'dae into my arms as Ly'anna pulled Misha off of me and started to almost instantly eat her pussy.

I pushed my face against Lori'dae's and kissed her. As I shifted my body to play with her tits I felt T'anya move and follow my crotch. As I came I accidentally bit down on Lori'dae and she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close. After she released me, I moved to her pussy as T'anya wouldn't leave mine alone. I felt a wave of heat flush through my body as I licked Lori'dae the first time and felt a bit relaxed when I felt the hair on her body against my face. I hadn't had any hair when I got here, which is apparently a human thing here. I felt Lori'dae's fur tickle my nose as I ran my tongue on her clit and into her hole. It tasted sweet when I brought my tongue back, and I licked and lapped her until she came.

I turned and saw Misha was on top of Niko in a sixty-nine position, so I slid myself over and took a taste. She shivered before she looked at me with a grin. I came again from T'anya at my waist and pulled her up to my face. We both took turns eating away at Lori'dae as she shook and went immobile from the orgasm. In between kissing Lori'dae's pussy, we made out as the other three did what they wanted. I saw Ly'anna's pussy was soaked as she ate out Misha, inches from T'anya's and my faces. This continued for a while until we were all satisfied and headed to breakfast.

When we headed downstairs the waitress stopped us.

"The chef will prepare a meal for you. She would like you to tell her how she did." She addressed Niko and led us to a table near the kitchen.

"I knew I should have played dumb." Niko complained. I pulled on her until she was in my lap to calm her down.

"I was going to ask once we got a house built, so it wouldn't have done any good." I said as I hugged her and kissed her neck. T'anya was holding her hand and talking with Misha. I looked over and saw Ly'anna discussing fighting styles with Lori'dae, and smiled before I kissed Niko's neck again. The chef appeared after twenty minutes or so and piled plate after plate on the table.

"You look terrible. Did you stay up all night?" Niko asked.

"You gave me so many ideas, I couldn't stop myself." She said. She had black rings under her eyes and was swaying as she waited for us to try the food. There were different types of meat with spices, and some soups with vegetables floating in them. I ate and realized some of the food was pretty good and others were too much of one spice or another. Without leaving my lap, Niko discussed with the chef about the recipes, and helped clarify sizes. After resisting for a while, the chef finally convinced her to give her a crash course. T'anya, Lori'dae, and Ly'anna went along, while Misha and I went to check on something else after making a stop at a guard shack.

Next chapter