
Traveling to Safety

After we made it out of town, it was really easy to push forward. About fifteen minutes from town, we found our first encounter.

"So, is that a monster or a Demi?" I asked T'anya. "Not that I won't kill either." I added.

"Goblins are technically Dem's, but since they refuse to follow a leader, they aren't under any kind of protection." She said.

"Alright, Niko, keep an eye open for me, and kill any others that might be lying in wait. Pzymon, you're with me." I said as I broke ahead of the group. Pzymon raised his shield and stood at my side. Once we were close enough the goblin charged forward, and I burst out laughing. It was entirely naked and had maybe a half-inch rod protruding from between its legs.

"What's so funny?" Pzymon said giving the goblin a good shield bash that killed it instantly.

"I was thinking of how in games goblins kidnap girls to breed. Look at that thing. How could he even cum." I said pointing at the nub. But completely not paying attention led to an ambush. Twenty-Five more goblins rushed at us from the tree line. "Welp, time to work." I said cracking my knuckles. I used my agility to run behind the group and start sapping their stats as they kept running at the group. By the time they reached the full group they were exhausted and fell over wheezing. "Free kills, alright get to it." I told everyone. "Everyone gets two except T." I said wrapping myself around her arm. "You can have someone later."

"Alright master. If you insist." Everyone killed two monsters, and that was that. A few level ups occurred, but no new skills.

"Anyone need a break, or can we keep moving?" I asked the group.

"I mean, you did all the work there. Its pretty common for slave owners to throw their slaves into the monsters." A handsome light-blue haired man named El'rich said.

"Well Richie, I'm a bit different than other owners. Plus, I have an awesome ability that not only makes me stronger, but also lets me make others stronger too." I bragged heavily. I decided we should move as far as we can and rest at sunrise.

As we moved forward, we had to hide from a few caravans, and also take out some more groups of goblins, and a pack of weird dogs. After walking for about seven hours they were all exhausted, and the sun was about to rise.

"Alright. Seems like we are going into the woods for the day to hide from caravans. Get some rest, I'll go find some animals to cook up." I said. "T'anya, you aren't to leave my side, unless yours or my life is at stake. Is that clear?" I asked the sexy pink-haired woman.

"Of course, master." She said smiling and walking over to me. "What do you need?" She asked me.

"Well, we walked the same direction all day, but with where we were located, I'm not sure where we are on the map." I pulled out the map and held it to her.

"Well Master, we are probably about here, so if we progress like we have been, it would probably take a week to get to the next country." She said looking at me. "Just from the number of encounters we've had today, I'd say even longer. The encounter rate will increase the farther we are from any towns."

"Okay, so…" I heard a creature in the wood in front of me, so I dashed and killed it by punching the back of its head. My hand was covered in blood and brain matter, so I cast a water spell I 'borrowed' from one of the Oni and washed my hands. After I bled the wolf-like creature dry I cast another water spell on the blood and dirt to bury and hide the scent of blood. As I ran back to T'anya she looked scared. "Sorry Hun." I said as I ran back up to her. "Didn't want this guy to get away." I Dropped the wolf at her feet. "Does anyone in the group know how to skin an animal?"

"Master, you gave me an order and then made it so I couldn't follow through on it. Do you know how painful that was for me?" She was wheezing, and tears were on her face.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed. "I forgot the slave thing. Okay gimme one sec." I cut a piece of my robe off and enchanted it for enslavement. After tying it on her wrist, I disenchanted the one on her neck.

"The curse on the bracelet isn't anywhere near as pointed, as the one you had on." I informed her. "You're still my slave, but if your life is endangered, you can choose to ignore the order." I told her.

"To be honored with a gift by you." She looked at me with eyes shining. "Thank you Master. I promise to serve you for as long as I live." She said happily.

As we continued the hunt, I brought the wolves to her for her to kill. I didn't need the experience from killing, and since these 'star-wolves' were only around level ten, I didn't get much from them through 'Thief.'

"Master?" T'anya looked at me confused. "When do you plan on sleeping?" She asked.

"I don't need to sleep today." She looked at me confused so I continued. "You can't tell anyone, this is an order, but I can steal anything within a certain range, as long as I can see it." I explained to her. "I also have the ability to 'Analyze' which lets me see people's statistics. Do you understand?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She showed me a beaming smile. "Does that mean you plan on using that to strengthen us as well?" She asked me.

"Sure, once I can get an idea of just how strong the people around me are. I don't want to power you guys up, and then get attacked out of the blue by someone stronger." I said as I finished piling up the corpses of the 'Star-Wolves.' "Wait here a second Pinky." I said as I ran over to grab Misha.

"She may be a bit crazy, but she saved us, and the worst thing she wants to do to us is fuck us!" Misha screamed at one of the other slaves. "I don't understand why you would be scared of someone that doesn't want to hurt you." She looked annoyed, like this conversation had been going on the whole time I was away.

"Hey Misha? I need your help with dinner. I just realized you have both bags. Can I have the mobile one?" I said walking up. The slave she was yelling at looked scared. It was a younger guy, maybe sixteen. He was handsome, but also looked scared. I used 'Analyze' and saw his age. "Oh shit, that young? Hold up everyone line up!" I shouted. His name was Jal'red, and he was thirteen. I used 'Analyze' on all the slaves and most weren't even fifteen yet. "Alright I'll be right back." I said running off with the dimensional bag. When I got back to T'anya, she had increased the size of the pile.

"Welcome back Master." She said happily. "Some more 'Star-Wolves' appeared, so I took care of them and copied your method of bleeding them out."

"What do you mean appeared?" I asked her as I started stuffing the corpses into the bag.

"Umm, 'Star-Wolves' are monsters from the Magic Geyser in the area. They appear because of that." She explained. "How do you not know about that Master?" She asked me.

"Oh yeah, I'm not from this world, I was summoned to be a sex slave, but with my abilities I turned things around." I said to her.

"Not from this world? What does that mean?" She asked me. "You look just like us, and you speak our language."

"I was summoned by a Kinnara, he summoned me and the three other slaves that were with me when we met. After he fucked us, I stole all of his strength and abilities, and then Misha or Niko killed him. I don't remember which." I finished with the corpses and stood. "The world we were from didn't have real monsters or demi-humans. It was just humans and animals." I reached out for her hand and without any hesitation she still took it. "Let's go back."

When we made it back the nine slaves were still lined up. "Sorry, I keep forgetting how this slave shit works." I said. "Here, someone skin and cook us some dinner. Feel free to help each other." I tossed the bag in front of the slaves and they grabbed it up. They pulled three 'Star-Wolves' from the bag and started skinning them. After about forty minutes a boring, but delicious feast began.

"This tastes so good because monsters have magic flowing in their blood. When they die, the blood pools and causes the meat to rot quickly. When you bled the corpses instantly, it caused the meat to taste amazing." T'anya whispered as she leaned against me. We had made a small camp pretty far from the road, and since it was daytime, we didn't have to worry about light drawing in company. The only thing I was worried about was the smoke.

"So, is the smoke gonna get anyone's attention?" I asked her. "I don't think most of these kids could handle the situation. By the way, at what age is someone considered an adult here?"

"Smoke is common near Magical Geysers Master, and the age of adulthood is fifteen." She said as she grabbed another skewer of meat from the firepit for us. She pulled off a chunk and held it out for me. "Any other questions?" She raised an eyebrow seductively.

"Just one. Why are you hitting on me?" I asked. "Seriously, I'm your Master and you are making a pass at me?" I laughed.

"Of course. After our time yesterday, I know I will never want to be with anyone else as long as I live." She looked at me completely serious. "You made sure, not only that I was satisfied, but that you did more for me than I did for you." She blushed her cheeks and made herself a bit smaller due to embarrassment, but still continued. "I've never reached climax before, but with you, I reached it seven times in less than an hour." She was barely above a whisper.

"I must have missed one or two, because I was sure it was only five or six. But if you insist, I don't mind you sticking around. You are one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met." In a whisper I added, "In this world or the last." Which made her relax and seem extremely happy.

"Thank you Master, I look forward to being with you." She said as she took the last chunk of meat from the skewer and we split it. She stood, and after wiping off the plain brown robe and hood she was wearing stuck her hand out. "Shall we go find somewhere to rest Master?" She asked me.

"Well shit, that's fast." I said taking her hand. She led us away and I heard Misha complain.

"Seriously? She was spit-roasted by five pseudo-men and they spent forty-five minutes fucking yesterday, and she's off again. When she said she was a bit off, this isn't what I thought she meant."

"Would you like to come along Misha?" I asked the Blonde beauty.

She stood immediately and started pacing over. "I thought you'd never ask." She smiled and the three of us found a nice little clearing in the trees with grass growing. I used 'Analyze' to check our surroundings and after making sure they were clear kissed Misha.

Misha didn't waste any time. She grabbed my robe and pulled it over my head. After kissing me again, she worked her way down my body and went straight for my pussy. I felt her tongue on my clit and shivered. I waved T'anya over and she kissed me. Next, she reached down and pulled Misha's robe off. After Misha slid her tongue back inside me, I saw T'anya line up behind her and start working her how she did me. She started quickly rubbing her fingers over Misha's clit and then inserted her fingers. I smiled as I laid down and wrapped myself so that I could get to T'anya's crotch. It smelled amazing as I put my lips on her clit and went to work with my tongue. When I felt her cum, I stopped her and pulled on Misha's hips. After getting into position, I licked her clit and stuck my tongue just a bit into her pussy. She moaned, and I heard a cute squeak. Next, I felt around with my tongue and after finding a good spot vibrated my tongue quickly until she lost control and screamed out. I felt her head bob between my legs as she finally got back into position to eat me out. I couldn't stop there though so I kept going. I moved my tongue, faster and faster. I could feel her body spasming and when I was finally satisfied with her, I stopped. She was panting and could hardly breathe. I looked at her bare chest and started running my mouth slowly over her nipples. They were a bit smaller than normal, but it actually helped with her skin tone.

"Oh please, just stop." She said. I looked at her and she couldn't bring her arm off the ground. Out of curiosity I used 'Analyze' and saw that her Stamina was almost at zero. I looked at T'anya and decided I wasn't done. I climbed on top of her, and after wrapping our legs together I rubbed our clits together. As she realized what I was doing, T'anya started to help. I leaned forward and kissed her and then after gyrating our crotches together, I saw her eyes roll back a bit. I was really enjoying this. I continued gyrating when her eyes rolled back and, she reached her arms up and tried to grab my shoulders. I took both of her hands and grabbed her hips. After I got my hands under her, I continued rubbing our pussies together until she could hardly breathe. I had finished quite a few times, so I was satisfied and let her go. She slumped to the ground and looked at me dazed but extremely happy.

"So? How was that?" I ran my tongue up her body, starting at her knee and teasing her crotch just a bit before kissing her belly button and then giving one of her tits a playful bite. As her body twitched, I laid down next to her.

"I thought I was going to die from exhaustion, but I didn't want you to stop." She panted out between breaths. "Where did you learn to do something like that?" She turned her head towards me, but it took a few seconds for her eyes to focus.

"Well, I'm no virgin Pinky. Actually, I couldn't be any further from that with the whole raped at ten thing." I said as I ran my hand up and down her body. Next, I rolled over to check on Misha. "How is my beautiful Misha?" I asked looking at her and placing my hand on her thigh.

"No, please don't touch me. I think you turned my entire body into an erogenous zone." She said softly tapping my hand away. "I may never walk again after what you did to me. Usually people stop after one or two times." She said laying perfectly still. "I can still feel your tongue inside me." She said.

"Does that mean you want me to leave you out next time?" I asked as I stuck my tongue out and teased her nipples.

"Fuck no!" She practically shouted. "If I had the energy, I'd ask to sit on your face right now, ugh." She said before she flinched when I touched her crotch.

"Well, you two rest up. I still have all this energy, so I'll keep watch." Almost as soon as I said that they both passed out.

[Hey Presea, you don't have to come down here, but can I ask you a question?] I thought in my head. Almost immediately I heard a response.

[Of course. What's the issue Alyssa?] I heard her ask me in my head.

[Can I control this summoning magic to a specific person on earth?]

[Umm… I think so. Why? Who do you want to summon?] She sounded hesitant when she asked.

[I used to check on my Foster Family, because I wanted to get back at them for what they did to me. I was thinking about grabbing my little foster sister that lives there now. Would that be a problem?]

[Oh? If they are doing to her what they did to you it's fine. Also, if you change the spell up like this,] she showed me an image in my head that caused part of the spell that I had to think about to flip upside down, [her body will stay there. That could help get them in trouble.]

[Are you sure you aren't a Goddess?] I teased. [That's awesome. Thanks, Presea. I'll call you again sometime Beautiful.]

[Until then Alyssa.]

I waited until both of the women in front of me had refilled half their 'SP' and then woke them up. "Alright ladies. Time to get dressed. I have something I want to do." I said to them as I woke each with a kiss on the lips.

"What is it Master?" T'anya asked me. "Is something wrong?"

"What's up Alyssa?" Misha asked as I watched her eyes travel across my body.

"Not that blondie." I said laughing. "Although…" I trailed off as I shook my head. "Get dressed. There is one more person we need to summon." I threw my robe on and then covered them with theirs.

"Who do you plan on bringing to this monstrous world?" Misha asked indignantly.

"She's sorta my little sister. She has been living with my former foster family for about three months. I was raped on the night of the second month, but the really bad shit didn't happen until I was starting to get used to the vanilla shit." I explained as I started to pool magic in my mind to summon her. I focused and watched a magic circle appear on the ground in front of me, and then with a flash of light, a thirteen-year-old girl appeared in front of me.

"What's going on? Where am I? Why does all this bad shit keep happening?" She asked no one in particular. I grabbed the collar I made before I woke up T'anya and Misha and placed it around her neck.

"Calm down Lynne. My name's Alyssa. I'm sort of your older sister." I said calmly as I crouched down and placed a small robe on her.

"My sister died in a robbery. Same as my parents." She said staring at me with hate in her eyes. "You're nothing like a big sister." She swatted my hand away.

"Well, what I meant was that I lived with the same foster family you were put with." I said looking at her with a smile. Her eyes expanded, and I saw she understood what I was saying.

"They talked about you the first night they attacked me. They said I wasn't as pretty, and that you didn't bleed as much either." The blood drained from her face. "They also complained about how long they had to wait since you ran away. I wasn't supposed to ever be able to leave."

"Hey, hey, its okay. When I brought you here, your body stayed behind. They will get into so much trouble, they won't ever get to do this to anyone else." I put my hand on each of her cheeks.

"I'm dead?" she asked.

"No, and yes. I brought you to another world, where more shitty stuff is happening. But since I'm totally broken from eight years of almost daily sexual assault, you are someone I plan to protect." I looked at her and stood up. "Just don't come into my bedroom when I finally get us a house. So, Lynne, are you ready to do some ass kicking to any would be rapists?" I asked her and put my hand out to shake hers.

"Okay, just don't try any funny business." She said taking my hand. "By the way, what is this necklace thing, and why can't I take it off?"

"It's a slave collar. Don't worry, it's only enchanted to prevent you from lying to me. I can change the enchantment, but I have trust issues." I looked at her and instead of fearing me or getting mad, she just nodded.

"I get that. So, you'll increase the restrictions if I betray you? Or something like that." She said.

"Yeah, thanks for understanding." I said as we made our way back to the group. Everyone was asleep except Niko and a twelve-year-old boy named J'erick.

"Everyone resting up? Good." I said looking over the group. This is my little sister Lynne. I summoned her here to prevent her from being attacked like I was." I explained as I reached and grabbed some skewers of meat to munch on as I got to know my new little sister.

Next chapter