
Getting Ready for Work

"How'd it go ladies?" Lem'tril asked when we returned. He had wanted to start trying out his new set up and was covered in soot.

"Fine, although Pzymon is being a crybaby." I said pushing away his attempt at a kiss. "You're covered in soot, no thanks." I said with a grimace. He laughed and the seven of us headed to the bath. Since I made it big enough for over a dozen people, I wasn't worried about us fitting, but I was worried about Misha and Lem'tril. I kept an eye on them as we walked in and undressed, and they were talking casually as they undressed. Thankfully Misha was kind and Lem wasn't a pig.

"Alyssa is with me." T'anya sat me in one of the stools and started to scrub me down with soap and water. I made some soap from different oils and lye on the ride home and T'anya had fallen in love with it. She sat me down and lathered up a cloth before she slowly scrubbed me down. I saw everyone pair off and Lem was all alone.

"Over here handsome." I said as he went to sit down. He smiled and sat down in front of me right on the stone floor. I ran some warm water over him and scrubbed him down. Considering how shy he had acted about sex on the way home, I was surprised he was this okay with being naked around us all. I scrubbed him down with some soap and after rinsing him off he smiled.

"This soap is fantastic; the rag isn't even black." He said looking at the cloth in my hand. I chuckled before I turned to clean off T'anya.

"Right? And it works on people, clothes, even cleaning the floor and walls." T'anya said talking casually with Lem'tril. I finished rinsing her off and we hopped into the bath. Niko had figured out how to regulate a specific temperature with the monster cores and the fire enchantment spell, so the water was hot but not unbearable. I sat against Misha with T'anya in my lap as Ly'anna, Niko, and Lori'dae took spots around me.

"This is an impressive bath." Lem floated around in the pool without a worry as he examined the sides and the way it worked.

"I used a monster core and an enchantment spell, so the water will always be this warm. If it ever runs out…" She moved away from me and pulled open a part of the wall. "You just need to channel some magical power into this." She said before she returned to my side. "I was going to try something similar for your forge, but it needs to be able to be increased or decreased for you. I'm still researching that, but if I figure it out you will be one of the first to know." She said smiling at Lem. As we sat comfortably in the bath, I looked around at everyone and couldn't stop myself. I stood and headed inside and was quickly followed.

When I stepped into the room, we had a bed that we made from slime corpses and some silky cloth. It was at least twice the size of a king and I couldn't wait to use all of it. T'anya was the first to enter in just a robe and I lifted her and placed her at the edge of the bed and knelt. I slid my tongue inside her and made a full lick of her slit. I did this several times before I felt a tongue touch me from below. I shivered but continued with T'anya. She had taken her robe off rather quickly and so I did as well. As I played my tongue along her lips, I felt her hands on my shoulders and I slid a finger inside her. I slowly pulled it out and pushed it forward as her juices lubricated it and I slowly increased my speed. As I did this, I continued to pulsate my tongue over her clit and she came.

"So good." I said as I pulled away from whoever was eating me out and climbed into T'anya's lap. I wrapped my legs around her and started to gyrate as I kissed her, and she fell back into the bed. We continued to make out and eventually I pulled away. As I turned, I saw Niko and Misha eating out Lori'dae and Ly'anna respectively. I decided to continue with T'anya until she was satisfied. I spun my head to her waist, and without hesitation she kissed my folds as I aligned myself with hers. As I ate her out and fingered her, I watched Lori'dae sigh loudly as she was about to cum. Ly'anna turned her head and kissed Lori'dae as she started to turn red from Misha eating at her crotch. I must have gotten caught up in the view because I felt T'anya squeeze her thighs on my head, so I went back to my meal.

I drank up more of her juices as I fingered her and felt my cheek be kissed. When I looked up again Misha was in front of me. She pulled out the pride of my work and slipped it on. It was a strap on with a slime corpse hardened with two cock shapes and it even had a piece that penetrated the wearer. I turned around and started to kiss T'anya and didn't let her see as Misha guided the dildos inside. T'anya and I gasped, and Misha moaned as she rocked her hips slowly to get us situated with the size. I may have gone a bit overboard on the size, but it shouldn't take long to feel amazing. As she rocked forwards and back T'anya kissed me and brought her hands to my cheeks. I felt the cock inside me rock in and out and kissed T'anya harder. Misha placed her hands on my hips as she thrusted and as she sped up the three of us each moaned louder and faster. As my body was assaulted by waves of pleasure, I placed both of my hands on T'anya's face and we made out fiercely. I could hear Misha's thighs slapping my ass as she thrusted the entirety of the dildos inside us. She sped up until I couldn't see and eventually, she pulled out. She plopped onto the bed beside me and I rolled over and kissed her as T'anya did the same. I looked and Lem was standing at the foot of the bed looking at us, so I winked, and he climbed in with me. I lined him up in front of me and kissed him as he slid inside. I felt his warmth and slowly let him rock his hips as he massaged my tits with his hands. I turned my head and kissed Misha who rolled T'anya over and switched her strap-on to a double-sided dildo and lined it up with Lori'dae. They slid it in as the two were right next to us, almost like they were giving us a show, gyrating their pussies together with the whole of the dildo inside them. They rocked their hips together and as they gyrated my waist was grabbed by Lem as he lined me up and started to fuck me hard. He was rocking his hips back as far as he could before he slammed the whole of his rod inside. I felt myself getting warm as he slammed me harder and harder. I glanced, and he was watching the two as they scissored with the dildo between them.

"Are you using me to jerk off?" I said angrily. He slowed his thrusts and looked at me with a smile.

"Isn't that what you did the first time we fucked." He said as he sped back up. He wasn't wrong but shit. I decided to use my years of practice and loosened up my pussy as he tried to fuck me. When he realized this, he turned to face me and lowered his head and kissed me.

"Sorry…" He said so I grabbed his shoulders and he lifted me up and I took the top. I laid across his chest as I teased his nipples and gyrated on his cock. I held his hands over his head and didn't let him move. I rocked around keeping the whole of his cock inside me and let him moan as he tried to move. Finally, after we both calmed down, I started hopping on his shaft and with how quickly I could move I felt the head of his shaft thicken before I slid off and wrapped my mouth over his dick. As he came, I caught it all in my mouth and swallowed it down. I looked through the group and only Niko was still active. She was staring at me smiling with a look in her eyes.

"Come here you." I said sliding to an open part of the bed. I kissed her as she crawled to me and pulled out another of my creations. As I slid one side of the shaft into me, I continued to kiss Niko and laid her on her back. I slid down to make sure she was wet and loose enough before I ate her up a bit. I licked up some of her juices before I fingered her and slid the fingers over the shaft for her. I went back to her face and she smiled at me. "Ready?" I asked as I played the opposite tip over her clit.

"Yes." She said quietly before I thrust inside. I thrust myself over her and felt myself almost orgasm already. I was a bit sensitive and these toys were definitely too big. I slowly rocked back and forth as she pulled on my shoulders, so she could kiss me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and started to rock in concert with my thrusts. I could feel her body heating up with mine as we slapped ourselves together. After thrusting away and coming a few more times she was finally exhausted, so I laid her out on the bed. I looked over my lovers and saw that they were all panting and laid them out. I put Lem'tril to the left of the bed and Misha to the right, just to be safe and then continued to organize everyone by their favorites. I hadn't been sleeping much lately, but since I would be busy for the next few days I figured why not. I put everyone minus Lem in their nighties and threw a pair of boxer briefs on him. Lastly, I slid under the blanket and felt the girls around me latch on before bed.

I woke to see Misha's beautiful face looking down on me and smiled. I looked into her eyes and she leaned down and kissed me before talking.

"We have work to do, but I just couldn't bring myself to wake you… Everyone else is already up." She said indicating the empty massive bed. I stared at her some more and finally spoke.

"So, I made those way to big right?" I laughed as I sat up and kissed her again when she nodded.

"I don't know what you were thinking, but you two were dripping and it still took some effort to slide those in…" She said as I stood and started to dress. She followed my lead and dressed as well.

"Lem'tril is already working on the remaining bits of our requests and Niko is working on more food." She was giving me the low down since we had already planned for what to do when we returned.

"So Ly'anna is with Lori'dae and T'anya?" I asked.

"Yeah they should be at least to crystal rank when they get home tonight." She answered as we left the bedroom. I took her hand as we went downstairs, and we flirted until we were in the kitchen.

"Good morning Niko!" I said as I stepped inside. "How are you?" I asked.

"Amazing, even if it is a bit hard to walk…" She said walking up to me with a frown.

"Sorry, I went a bit overboard, I don't even know what I was thinking." I said before I kissed her. "Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better." I said pulling away.

"NO! You don't even get to see it today." She said upset. I kissed her a few more times and finally got her to smile.

"There's that beautiful smile." I said before I grabbed some food to eat. "So, you going to be making a recipe book?" I said as I devoured the bacon, she put in front of me.

"I was thinking of maybe, using some of the land you plan on buying to make a restaurant instead. I could train some of the people you bring home today to work there and we could have multiple sources of income." She sat in my lap as we ate, and Misha held my hand as the three of us talked and ate. After eating too much delicious food I stood and kissed her one more time.

"Depending on how much land we can get, it's not a bad idea to get the Restaurant going. Also, thank you for cooking for me Niko." I said smiling at her. She blushed when I said that, so I wrapped my arms around her. She killed me with that smile every time, so I hugged her close before leaving with Misha. We stopped into the blacksmiths and the guy that said he wanted to learn was watching him bend the metal under his hammer.

"Hey Alyssa, hey Misha." Lem said looking up at us as he turned what was formerly a 'Metal Crawler'.

"Morning handsome." I said looking at him already covered in soot. "Did you get the Mithril out for him too Hun?" I asked Misha.

"Oh shit…" She dropped some of the 'Mithril Kiss' and Lem looked extremely excited.

"Now I really can't wait to finish these tools." He smiled and winked at us before we left.

Our first stop today was going to be the Merchants Guild. As we headed that way, I double checked the location of the slave market before we made it. When we entered, the same man as before was standing at the main counter so I approached and smiled.

"Good morning sir…" I said giving a toothy smile. "I was wondering how one goes about joining the Merchants Guild." He looked at me and without expression replied.

"You apply." He handed me a sheet and I found it to be similar to the one for the Hunters Guild. After filling it out he looked it over and then spoke again. "Your pendant?" He placed his hand out, so I removed my pendant and he placed it into a contraption similar to the one in the Hunters Guild before returning it. It had a separation in it now and the left side was still Emerald, but the other side was Glass.

"So, are the ranking systems the same but based on some other leveling system?" I asked. He handed me a scroll and I looked it over. I would rank up in the Merchants Guild based on sales and trade with other Merchants. It wouldn't take long to reach Emerald based on what the scroll told me, but I had Misha apply as well as a business partner.

"Congratulations on joining the Merchants guild." He said as a smile appeared on his face for a brief instant.

"Thanks, now I wanted to purchase some property that is available for multiple forms of business." I said not wanting to give away our plans.

"I see, here is a list of available properties with prices." He said handing over a sheet similar to last time. As I scanned it and the map, I saw that I could purchase the eight lots surrounding my property and the sixteen around that for only forty-eight white gold. I conferred with Misha and she agreed.

"We'll take these." I said pointing to the properties around my home. His eyes widened momentarily before he cleared his throat and started the processing.

"That will come to a total of forty-nine white gold, and twenty gold." He said looking at me. Misha placed fifty white gold on the counter and after he counted it, he gave us change. "Congratulations on ranking up in the Merchants guild." He said with no emotion. I laughed, and we handed over our pendants. When he gave them back they were Topaz already. Money really will get you anywhere.

"So, we can use these properties for whatever right?" I verified. He looked at me and after looking at Misha answered.

"Just don't try to get away with murder and it's fine." He gave a smile as he said that, but it was only with his mouth.

"I really want to make him laugh." I said to Misha as we turned to leave. We next headed to the seamstress.

"I come with good and bad news." I said when she came over to greet us. She was wearing a decent length skirt and a sleeveless shirt when she approached me.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked as she got closer.

"We decided that we are going to start a few businesses around our property, so you are going to have competition." I explained. She looked at me and smiled.

"Thank god… I thought you were leaving." She said wiping fake sweat from her brow. "So, what's the good news?"

"This." Misha pulled out the lingerie I had made for the seamstress. It wasn't anything to risqué, but it would definitely make her husband drool when he saw her.

"This is, wow…" She looked it over and then after walking to the side, slid her bra off and looked at herself in the changing room mirror. She had a nice figure for a woman her age, so she turned and looked herself over.

"What do you think?" I asked. "Or should I ask, what will your husband think?"

"I think he will want me to wear this everyday…" She said as she tried on the matching panties. "But what is this?" She had a garter belt in her hand, so I showed her the stockings and helped her wear it properly. As she looked in the mirror, she started posing herself before she turned to me.

"I feel like I'm wearing something I shouldn't, but at the same time I can't see what would be wrong with this." She said as she never took her eyes off herself.

"That's the point. It's called Lingerie and it is supposed to get your significant other ready for a good time." I answered her.

"And you aren't going to stop me from making this kind of thing?" She asked giving me a quick glance.

"I hope you come up with your own designs, but if you want to just copy mine, I guess that's fine." She sighed as I spoke.

"I wish I had your imagination." She said looking herself over one last time before putting her skirt and shirt back on. I had already told her more than once that these weren't my ideas, so I decided I wouldn't correct her again.

"Try to get it pumping with these." Misha said as she placed a few different types down in front of her. "That pair your wearing is the least risky, so I would wait till closing to try these on."

"I see…" The seamstress said before we left.

"Now the slave market, right?" I asked.

"Yup, hopefully it isn't as bad as I think it will be." Misha said before she wrapped her arms around me from behind.

We entered the slave market and I was pleasantly surprised. There was a pretty slave at the counter and when she saw us, she smiled and called us over.

"How can I help you lovely ladies today?" She asked us.

"We were looking to purchase a large number of slaves today…" I said. She was definitely human and extremely pretty.

"I see well if you could wait one second while I fetch the master." She said as she turned and walked away. We looked at the paperwork in the building and flirted until a big male demi-human came following the girl.

"How can I help ya ladies?" He said with a booming voice. He had the head of what looked like a yak with two protruding and long horns and shaggy hair hanging off of it.

"We told your receptionist that we were looking to purchase a number of slaves." Misha said smiling at him.

"Right this way then…" He turned and pulled a curtain and inside was a couch and a few chairs.

"Have a seat and let's discuss what kind you need." He was kind to us and immediately turned nasty when he spoke to the slave, "Get us something to drink." I felt Misha's hand tighten and gave her a light squeeze.

As we sat Misha spoke up "We are looking for men and women. We don't have any kind of restrictions other than they can't have any debilitating scars." As she spoke the slave returned and laid out some cups, so I drank a bit.

"Is this one for sale?" I asked looking at her green hair and white eyes.

"Aye she is. She is basically a glorified maid though." She bowed and left and without words we added her to our collection we would be buying.

"That actually sounds pretty nice." I said happily. With a brand new and pretty big house, it would be a pain to maintain and I had completely forgotten to think about that. "But first we need to talk about the numbers." I said casually. "We were looking to start with twenty. Ten men ten women but after seeing her we would also like to add that maid." His jaw practically broke from his mouth hanging open.

"T-twenty? That would cost around two hundred white gold ladies." He looked back and forth between us and we nodded.

"Good, we'll stay under budget." I said smiling. "Let's see all the slaves then. We may come across some hidden gems, huh Mish?" I asked.

"Right this way then." He stood and led us into the back of the building. The room didn't stink but that didn't mean it was pleasant. Since slave magic made it so you listened to your orders no matter what, they just had to tell the slaves to stay in the building and that was that. He led us through and introduced us to each of the slaves. I noticed most of the men were extremely muscular and most of the women were tight bodied. After picking out twelve men and thirteen women we were ready to go but the trader had other thoughts.

"I also have some girls available. They were from a group of noble families that fell a few countries over, and the only way they could stay alive was to become slaves." I looked to Misha and she nodded before I looked back at the trader.

"Let's see 'em." I said before we entered the room. I was filled with many different emotions at the sight in front of me. Three girls all under the age of ten sat in front of us. They wore terrible expressions and looked like they wished they had accepted death.

"They aren't much yet, but they could grow to be something fierce since you could train them however you like." He looked proud of himself and I guess he wasn't wrong.

"How much?" Misha asked without conferring with me. I glanced, and she looked visibly upset so I stepped in front of her.

"With all the training it's gotta be about ten white gold each right?" I looked at him and saw the light in his eyes.

"They are from noble birth and could be made into whatever you like. I was looking for fifty or more white gold each." He said greedily.

"Yeah, WE have to train them, that means WE are the ones having to deal with costs on that end, plus, you said yourself they had to give up their nobility to stay alive. I'll pay standard price and that's it." I said turning and grabbing Misha's shoulders and trying to turn her.

"DEAL!" He shouted when he saw Misha and I leaving. I Smiled at Misha and she puffed her cheeks before nodding to me.

"Great then let's get the paperwork and contracts over with. I'll be taking ownership of you girls." I said. They jumped at my words, but I figured something like that would happen. We went back to the front area and the slave smiled at us again before we sat and waited for the slaves we purchased to be rounded up and readied for the transferal. Eventually the trader came back and led us to an open space filled with the slaves we picked out. Twenty-nine and most were going to be making us money in the matter of a few days. It would definitely be fun. After finishing the ceremony to take ownership Misha paid the trader and we had the slaves follow us home.

"God dammit that's a lot." Niko said looking at the almost thirty people behind me. "I thought we said twenty…" She trailed off.

"It was cheaper than we thought, and a few caught our interests in special ways." Misha answered as she pulled the younger girls from the mass. We had plenty of extra rooms for them, so they may have to be a bit cramped, but they certainly didn't have to worry about much.

"Aww, they are adorable. Let's get everyone cleaned up and then we can get some food in your bellies." Niko said taking two of the girl's hands. Misha followed suit and I went and grabbed the lowest leveled slaves, ten at less than level ten, and headed out for a hunt. Less than six hours south of here was where we saw the 'Metal Crawler' and with the recent power boost they would help us strengthen our slaves as well as level them up. I wanted to get the most out of their appearances and leveling up made someone more attractive.

After hunting down many a blue 'Metal Crawler' I had them all over level twenty-five, and they were all much better looking. As I loaded them into the wagon, I decided to pop the question.

"Everyone answer honestly. Out of all the men here, which of you prefer to have sex with other men?" I asked and saw a few hands go up. "Out of the women, which prefer other women for sex? Answer honestly." I said next. I saw a few more hands go up. Good, this would definitely help.

"Welcome home Alyssa." T'anya greeted me at the door as the slaves followed me in. I made out with her for a while before stopping.

"You guys can go get something to eat and rest up. Good work today." They headed to the kitchen and I could hear Niko talking happily in there. "Hello Pinkie, I missed you." I said as I took her hips and lifted her. I kissed her and plopped down on a sofa near the door and we made out for a while. I tickled her as I kissed her and smiled to myself whenever she laughed. After a while I felt another hand on my cheek and when I looked over, Niko planted a kiss on me.

"Dinner is ready my sweets." She said before she kissed T'anya and headed back to the kitchen. After kissing T'anya a few more times I stood and pulled her up before we went to the kitchen. Dinner was a smorgasbord of cultures.

"What do these 'eggs' look like that she is so obsessed with?" T'anya asked leaning on my arm. Having heard her as she came over to sit in my lap, Niko answered for her.

"They look like this." She made an egg-shaped stone appear in her hand. "If anyone finds an animal that lays these regularly, I will make sure you live a life of luxury." Niko said before she grabbed some food and put it on my plate. As we ate, I saw the slaves look at us confused.

"What's up? When we are in this house you may all speak freely, as long as we don't have guests." I gave the command and a woman with black and white stripes in her hair spoke up.

"What do you plan on having us do?" She asked

"That's a long story." Niko started. "Some will be doing this, some that, we don't want to make anyone do something they hate, but we do have a certain number of jobs and since we own you… But you aren't in any kind of bad situation." She said when the woman flinched.

"We want to turn the surrounding area into a business district." I said to stop any problems. "Some of you will be working on the items, some will be running the stores, and some of you will be using your bodies." I looked at them and no one seemed to care about the last part.

"But like Niko said, we don't plan on forcing you to do anything." T'anya finished for me.

"But it's bed time. Go clean up in the bath and then find somewhere to sleep." I said to the slaves. They stood, and Niko showed them the way to the bath. I heard a few murmurs as I entered while they played with the soap and faucets, but no one shouted or anything. I sat down and T'anya sat behind me and scrubbed. Seeing this Niko sat between my legs and I washed her. After I finished I turned and washed T'anya and climbed into the bath to soak.

"This isn't a thing in America, but it should have been." I said leaning my head back in the hot water with T'anya on one side and Niko on the other. The slaves copied us and used the soap to scrub and then after rinsing climbed into the bath. After we got out, I grabbed a white robe and went to the bed. Misha was laying in the bed with two of the noble girls and Lem had one in his lap. It was an adorable sight to see. I kissed Lem's cheek and then crawled across the bed and kissed Misha before laying myself down and being squeezed between Niko and T'anya.

Next chapter