
Getting Dressed

After she got a bit of her energy back, I couldn't help myself and just explored her whole body. I kissed her stomach and her back. I licked her pussy and her ass. I ran my lips and tongue over her body and made a point to store it all away in my memory. As I continued to explore, T'anya must have had enough of being separated because she came into the room. She didn't complain or yell out, like usual, instead she looked to Misha, and Misha snapped her fingers and T'anya was standing in front of me in the nude. Misha stood and kissed T'anya, and then pulled her into the bed. I explored both of their bodies for almost an hour using only my mouth, and eventually I was satisfied after making T'anya climax, more than one time. She was breathing heavily when I climbed out of bed, and Misha dropped a pile of clothes onto the bed. After sorting through it all, I watched them get dressed and then dressed myself. I sat at the table and started to come up with good clothing designs for each of us. I had gotten my hands on some elastic for Ly'anna, and I also wanted to make nighties for me and my girls. But since we haven't slept in anything for two days, they could wait. I quickly pulled out Ly'anna's measurements and had Misha get out all of the fabric I had stored away.

After I had finished making a few things, Niko came into the room. She sat down next to me and started flirting pretty hard. After distracting me a few too many times, I picked her up and brought her into the bed. I didn't do anything other than slide her panties off, and then, when I slid my tongue inside her quickly, she almost hissed as I went to work. I licked her quickly and after I fingered her while licking her folds, she laid in bed in a daze, and I went back to work smiling. After working for a few more hours I had finished all of Ly'anna's underwear, and a few outfits for me. I made a few pairs of shorts for me that weren't very long, they didn't even make it half way to my knees, and some tank tops that ended right around my belly button. I had gathered a few different colors, so I would be able to mix and match. Next, I made T'anya a simple blouse with short sleeves and a pair of tighter jeans. After she tried them on, she was very happy, so I copied myself a few more times. Misha wanted skin tight everything, and wouldn't let me resist her, so she had a few figure fitting jeans with tight tank tops for her, and Niko wanted a looser t-shirt with normal shorts. I made a few color variants for everyone, to find out there color sets, and then made a simple, white one of everything for the Seamstress. I looked out the window and the sun was still up, so I went down to show my clothes to Ly'anna and see if she wanted anything. I also made her a small bracelet to try to put on her, so she couldn't betray me.

"Hey what's up Alyssa?" She asked me when I got to the door. She looked over my outfit and smiled.

"So, this is what you want to wear into a battle? It doesn't look like it will save you from any trouble." She said looking me over.

"I can handle myself, but those robes made me almost face plant a few times." I said smiling. I pulled out the dimensional bag and showed her the other clothes. "Do you like any of these?" I asked her. "I can make some for you, and you don't have to wear it like I do. Not that you can." I said half-joking.

"I like this." She said holding the longer shorts I made for Niko. "And this." She pointed at my tank top.

"Okay, I'll make you some." I said smiling. I placed the underwear on the bed I made for her and she looked at it.

"So, these just slide on?" She picked up a pair of panties and after looking it over slid them up her legs under her dress. "How does this work?" She picked up one of the bras and shifted her body around and then looked at me.

"I'm not gonna lie, I am going to need you to take off the dress, so I can show you." I said smiling ear to ear. She looked at me, and then sighed and let the dress fall to the floor. I walked up behind her and only stared at her ass for a few seconds, before I guided her arms through the bra and hooked it in the back. I explained how to make sure it was on right, and then I cupped her breasts and moved them, so they weren't being crushed by the cups. After I finished showing her, I bent over to pick up her dress and when I went to hand it to her, she was staring at me.

"How can you be turned on?" She asked me. "If what Niko told me earlier is true, if I were you, I'd have killed myself." She stared at me while she was only wearing a bra and panties, and I answered honestly.

"I figured she would end up telling you more than she should have, but whatever." I slowly lifted my eyes from her amazing figure and looked into her eyes. "I decided right near the beginning that I would live my life. It took a LOT longer than I expected, but I didn't want to rely on anyone else." I laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked me, tilting her head adorably.

I handed her the dress and continued. "I don't honestly think I would be in any kind of GOOD scenario if it wasn't for the three women in my room. If they didn't appear in my life right as they did, I would probably have just gone on a rampage and killed everyone that stepped in my way." I looked at her and she didn't believe me. "I am at least twice as fast as Misha, and a big chunk of her speed I GAVE her. If you think I'm exaggerating, put this on, "I held up a simple braided bracelet I enchanted "and I'll explain more." I said looking into her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I enchanted it so that you will never be able to betray me or lie to me again." I explained.

"Enslavement magic? How?" She looked at me confused, and then after I dangled it in front of her, grabbed it and put it on her wrist. After she tied it off, she looked at me. "Explain."

After I told her my story from the summoning, the gang-bang, and the tiger slave trader, she looked at me differently.

"To come up with that kind of strategy, you truly could have destroyed the world." She said smiling. She was still holding her dress, and I was still stealing looks at every part of her body I could.

"Well, I'll leave you to it, I have work to do." I said as I stored away her image.

"One second?" She asked. I had already turned to the door, so when I turned around, and she was standing with just her underwear on and had dropped the dress next to her on the floor I smiled.

"My mind is jumping to conclusions, so you better speak up Blue." I smiled at her.

"I will need time, but feel free to look over my body, as much as you like." She looked nervous, and from what she just said, I think she may think we are going to fuck eventually.

"Wait, are you saying that you want to be with me sexually?" I looked at her and her cheeks grew darker and she looked at the floor.

"I do, but I am not ready for that yet, do you understand now?" She looked up and when she met my eyes crossed her arms over her stomach and looked down again.

"Well then," I walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek. "get better first. I am a disaster of a human being, but that doesn't mean that I didn't need time to recover before I had attempted my first real relationship." I told her.

"Well, you should know, I am most unexperienced, I had only ever been with my husband, and I'm already two hundred years old." She seemed ready to die of embarrassment, so I helped her out.

"Don't worry about number of partners or any of that." I explained. "It's not a bad thing to be with fewer, or more, partners. It just is what it is. Every person you are with is different when it comes to what they like versus what they dislike. I, for example, hate anal. I've had some dicks in there before, but never got off from it. Also, the mess afterwards is gross." I made a face and she smiled as she finished putting her dress on. "T'anya, doesn't like any pain whatsoever during sex, and Misha likes a small amount. Niko is so sensitive, that I can make her cum with just my tongue in less than five minutes." I gave a secret of each of them away, but decided it was fine.

"Uhh," her already dark skin was even darker now as she heard this. I could tell she didn't know how to respond and so I helped her out again.

"Point is that everyone is different. Just, for now, try to get better and then we can worry about the rest."

I left her room and hustled to the Seamstress' workshop to hand over the samples. I saw quite a few people looking at me as I made my way over. I entered, and when she saw me from the back, I saw her eyes light up.

"Those! Those are clothes I had never seen!" She yelled. She ran over and started to look over the tank top and the shorts. I had carved buttons out of the 'Giant Tusk-Boar' Tusks, and when she saw the buttons on my shorts she paused.

"What's this here?" She asked.

"It's a button, you put them on certain types of clothes to seal them off. It makes it easier to put on things like pants, shorts, and shirts." I explained. She continued to look over my outfit.

"I am impressed, although you sure like showing off skin, don't you?" She asked.

"What's there to hide?" I said with a smile. "I've got a great body. Might as well show some of it off." I said with a chuckle. She looked at me and gave a soft smile.

"I see." Was all she said. I opened the bag and handed over the samples I made along with three buttons I had extra, so she could figure out how to remake them. I had made them from Tusks, but most people wouldn't be able to.

"You have made me very happy." She said looking at me. "How can I repay you?" She asked.

"It's fine, just don't become some bitch that thinks she is better than everyone else, when you didn't even come up with this." I explained.

"Of course, I'll let everyone know that these were your ideas Alyssa." She said simply.

"If you want, but it wasn't really mine either. It's all common in my home country." I explained.

"Right. I thought that was just some excuse you used so I would look at your designs." She smiled at me.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I wanted to do something special for my girls." I said smiling back.

"Of course. Come back whenever you wish." She said gathering up the samples and running to the back. I stepped out of the tailors and got a few more head turns before I headed to the woods in the east.

When I made it to the woods, I looked around and after making sure the area was clear, I started digging up the ground with my hands. I dug a hole about five feet deep, and then made a big tub for at least fifteen people to get into. Next, I used a water spell on it, and then, after realizing it would need a drain, blew it out with wind. I used stone to keep the water in and made a small drain at the center and slightly pitched the stone towards that. Niko had been complaining about us having to wash with a bucket and rag, so this was for her and Misha mostly. As long as I didn't feel dirty, I was fine. After I finished the tub, I used another water spell and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't hot water, for that we would need Niko, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Making full use of my 'Agility' and 'Dexterity', I made a small four-foot fence around it. After I finished, and was happy with the appearance, I headed back to the Inn. As I got close the sun had already set, and I saw T'anya looking at me out the window.

"Welcome back Alyssa." I was smacked into almost immediately by T'anya. "If I had known it would have taken this long, I would have come along." She pouted as she tucked herself under my arm. Niko and Misha were sitting at a table chatting, so we went to sit with them.

"Welcome back Sexy." Misha said as I leaned over and kissed her. As I pulled away Niko grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Welcome back Alyssa." She said softly with her million-dollar smile.

"I still don't get how that works, but I guess I should learn huh?" Ly'anna came from the staircase and sat down with us.

"What's she mean Alyssa?" T'anya asked me.

"She asked to, once she is ready, be with us." I explained to her.

"Stop it." T'anya pouted. "You need to stop flirting with girls, or there won't be any time for me." She put her head on my shoulder as she pouted and started squeezing my arm.

"I told you when I asked you guys that I wasn't trying to sleep with her, this was her." I said pointing.

"Oh? And the ten minutes you spent looking over every square inch of her body was just a coincidence?" Misha teased. Niko sat next to her silently and kept stealing glances at Ly'anna.

"Looks like she's all for it." I said pointing with a head nod.

"Oh please." Misha replied. "She's gonna get to fuck a fantasy creature. It wouldn't matter what it was as long as it didn't exist back home." She said laughing. Niko flushed red and shouted.

"That's not true. I just find her to be almost as pretty as Alyssa." After she realized what she said she jumped and looked around before burying her face in her hands.

"Aww, thanks Niko." I said as I pried myself from T'anya's grip and went over to give her a hug. "When you smile, I think you are absolutely radiant." I said quietly into her ear while I hugged her. When I pulled back, she was grinning ear to ear. "Yeah, there it is." I said as I leaned back over and kissed her. I went back to my seat and sat down with T'anya right before Red came over.

"What can I get you." She said angrily.

"Hey just so you know, if you wanna fuck someone you aren't married to I'm fine with that. I was helping Pzymon, not being a bitch. He blushes when I call him darling for fucks sake." She looked at me and I saw her eyes soften.

"That was actually why I liked him, but now that I think about it… Sorry for being a bitch." She said smiling at me.

"It's all good." I waved my hand in front of me. We ordered dinner and it was average for a meal. After we finished, I stood and when everyone else followed suit, I turned to the door. "I have a surprise for you girls." I said indicating T'anya, Misha, and Niko. "If you want to come you can, but I can't guarantee your chastity." I said looking at Ly'anna.

"Go have fun." She said smiling at me. She had two fangs that stuck out just a bit when she smiled, and they were actually really sexy. With a wink I turned with T'anya wrapped around my side and Misha and Niko each holding a hand. I led them into the woods, and after playing coy whenever they asked where we were going, I showed them to the bath.

"Is this?" Niko raised her hands under her chin.

"Yeah, I need a fire users help to warm the water, but I know you wanted a bath." I said looking at Niko. Misha swiped everyone's clothes and looked at me. "What's up?" I asked.

"You're the only one with a water spell sexy." She said to me. "You get into baths like this after you've cleaned yourself." She said explaining more.

"Oh, I guess that means I have to scrub each of you thoroughly?" I said looking at her. She smiled and brought out some rags from 'Infinite Storage'. I dropped some water on her and after slowly wiping her body down moved to T'anya, and lastly Niko. After I finished, I saw a light shine in their eyes, and they quickly made me cast one more time and all three wiped me down together. After we were all cleaned up, Niko walked over and put two hands in the tub. She cast fireball under one and used the other to gauge the temperature. After she raised it up, she stopped and stuck her toe in.

"Too hot, can you add some more water?" She looked to me and smiled. I made a few gallons of water and dropped them in and added little by little until the water was at a comfortable temperature. As soon as I got the temperature right Niko took my arm and pulled me into the water.

"Is this heaven?" I asked as I leaned against the wall. I had Niko leaning on my right, Misha leaning on my left, and T'anya was between my legs.

"This feels amazing." Niko said. "What made you think of making this?" She asked me.

"I saw your face this morning when we were getting dressed and remembered about public baths and Onsens in japan. Misha mentioned something about this stuff as well a day or two ago." I answered.

"You made it for us Sexy?" Misha said giving my neck a kiss. She let her lips linger on my neck as she looked up at me.

"Yeah. You are my three favorite humans after all." I said giving T'anya a kiss on the top of the head since my hands were squeezing the other two. We stayed in the tub for quite a while, and as the water started to cool, finally, T'anya turned around and kissed me.

"I guess I should warm us back up?" Niko said when she saw this. I nodded and kissed T'anya back. I felt the water get to a comfortable temperature again and slid my hands from Misha and Niko's wastes and slid them inside of them. T'anya wrapped her legs around my waist as she held my face with both hands. She was gyrating on top of me and had somehow moved herself into a position that she was rubbing our clits together. As we made out, I continued to finger Niko and Misha and before long they both came. Niko stood and stepped between us as Misha did the same. I started kissing Misha's pussy as T'anya did the same to Niko. The hip movements didn't stop, so I came as I playfully bit Misha's thigh. I lifted my head back as I licked at her pussy and felt droplets of water drip from her fit stomach and drop to my face. I continued to kiss and lick her pussy until she sprayed me, and then she and Niko traded. As I came Niko squatted down first and kissed me and then smiled at me. Every time I saw her smile, my heart would skip a beat, so her smile while I was cumming was really something. She stood up and let me play with her crotch. As I came again, I felt her knees give out and she fell into my lap and put her head on my shoulder panting. Misha had just cum on T'anya's face, so she turned and laughed at Niko's reaction. After lifting her out of the tub, I kissed her a few times, and then went back to play with Misha and T'anya. Since we were in the water, we couldn't just go to each other's crotches, so we sat in a triangle with one of our hands inside of each other. I had my right hand on Misha's crotch, and was fingering T'anya with my left. As this went forward the three of us sped up our movements as we continued to finger each other and trade kisses. I saw T'anya shudder from another orgasm and felt her fingers fall from inside me, so I turned to Misha. I kissed her and after adjusting our hips, slid into position so we were sliding and slipping our pussies over each other. I kissed her when our faces came close and continued to have my way with her until she arched her back so fiercely, she was doing a dead man's float on the water. I was panting heavily when I felt two hands from behind reach around and start teasing my nipples. Niko had recovered from earlier and wanted another go. She pinched my nipples and it felt painfully good. I moaned at this, and she kissed my neck from behind. She kept playing with my nipples and kissing my neck. After a few minutes, she reached around and inserted her fingers inside me. She was still behind me so all I could do was pull on her arms and turn my head. She continued to play with my neck with her tongue and lips, and when she felt my body tense, she softly dug her teeth into my neck. I moaned and leaned my head back and she bit harder and I came. She didn't stop there though, and kept finger blasting me as she left bite marks up and down my neck and shoulders. As I came again and again, I finally turned my body, and kissed her mouth. I could taste blood and realized she had broken my skin when she bit me at least once, but I didn't care. I ran my tongue along the back of her teeth as I slid my finger inside her. I ran my finger in and out, and after she came, I sped up. I made her climax multiple times in the matter of a few seconds, until she couldn't even kiss me anymore. I looked around the bath and saw all three of my lovers floating in the water in bliss. I was extremely satisfied and started to gather them up to prevent them from being over heated by the water.

"No wonder they all like you so much." I heard a woman's voice say. I turned my head as I laid Misha out of the bath next to Niko and T'anya. It was Ly'anna and she was standing at the fence with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I know it had to be after we started, since I checked, but how long were you watching?" I asked her as I dropped towels over the girls and they were starting to get their senses back.

"Oh, around the time those two stood up to bring your faces to their crotches. You looked like you were really enjoying the meal." She laughed as she hopped over the fence and sat at the edge of the pool, dipping her bare feet into the water.

"I've never ate a pussy I didn't like." I said smiling at her. "So what's up?" I asked as Misha finally sat

up and made our clothes and some towels appear.

"Oh nothing. I was just curious how you all worked." She swept her hand over the tub. "Is this why you said you wouldn't guarantee my chastity?" She smirked as she said the last word.

"Well you saw how hard I fought the urge when I was taking your measurements." I finished drying Niko and started to slide her panties on while she was still laying down panting. I continued dressing her and after I got her sat up, saw T'anya laying there expectantly. "Fine." I said as I found her clothes.

"I see, although, with how generous of a lover you seem to be…" She looked over the others that were all still recovering slowly.

"Well you just let me know when you're ready Blue." I said with a wink as I finished putting T'anya's clothes on. I leaned down and kissed her and then went to sit against Misha, since she was the only one moving right now. T'anya, seeing this crawled over and put her head in my lap while Misha pulled Niko into hers.

"The four of you all dote on each other?" Ly'anna asked seeing this.

"I mean, why wouldn't we?" Misha asked back. "We all spend too much time together, and we all know every part of each other's bodies. Just because this one is the best, doesn't make me dislike the others." She said nudging me.

"Humans are interesting." Ly'anna replied.

"I'm not gonna pretend what we are doing is normal Blue, but I care for each of these women equally, and although we aren't sleeping together, I want to see you happy. At least as happy as these three." I said as I ran my hand through T'anya's wet hair combing it. After sitting with each other for a while chatting, the five of us headed back to the Inn since it was getting late.

When we entered the Inn, I was holding T'anya in a princess carry and Niko was on Misha's back.

When we stopped at Ly'anna's room, she gave each of us a small kiss on the corner of the mouth, and then closed her door. I took everyone upstairs, and then after getting T'anya and Niko laid down to rest, I had Misha pull out the softer material, so I could start making some snug nighties for everyone. I went to work, and instead of making them frilly, I made them short, just above the knees and risqué. I put spaghetti straps for the shoulders, and let the remaining parts just rest over the body. Since I only had gray and white to work with, I made a few of each color so everyone could pick. It took me only a little over an hour since my 'Dexterity' and 'Agility' were so high, so I decided to run a few I made for Ly'anna down to her.

"I'm gonna head out for a few minutes, okay Misha?" I said as she sat with her legs wrapped around me and her head on my shoulder. She leaned forward with a smile and kissed me.

"I'm coming along, just in case anything exciting happens." With her saying that, I stole 'Refresh' back from Niko before heading back. Just in case. As we walked down the stairs, I could hear talking from Ly'anna's room.

"I just didn't want to be alone." I heard her say. I looked to Misha, and she just shrugged her shoulders. "I wanted company." We heard next. As we stood outside the door, I heard Ly'anna say a few variations of the same sentence before I realized what she was doing. I whispered into Misha's ear and after she realized she smiled and knocked on Ly'anna's door.

"We wanted to invite you to a slumber party." Misha said smiling and holding a nightie I made for Ly'anna.

"Oh well, if it is a party." Ly'anna said blushing. "What is this?" She asked playing with the cloth.

"It's something people wore to sleep back home. It's really comfy, and it makes you look sexy." I told her smiling.

"One second then." She said turning around. She pulled her dress from her body, and I could see the curves of the muscles along her tanned back. She was only wearing a pair of panties now, and she tossed her dress onto her bed. She slid the nightie over her shoulders and pulled at the straps before turning towards us. I stepped forward and helped her adjust the straps, and then we went upstairs to our room. T'anya sat up when she saw us come in with Ly'anna, and after seeing her nightie gave me a pouty look.

"Come here Pinkie." Misha said pulling out the ones she stashed away. T'anya instantly started to undress and when all she had was her panties on, she draped her nightie over her head. Niko was sound asleep, so Misha stole her clothes away except her panties and dropped a nightie across her. Lastly Misha and I changed right in front of everyone, since we weren't exactly shy, and that was that.

"So, what does everyone think?" I asked earnestly.

"It is very comfortable, and I see why you said it would make someone look sexy." She blushed as the four of us were sitting in our bed. I had snaked my legs in between Nikos, and T'anya and Misha were holding onto me. Ly'anna was sitting very close in front of me, and we just chatted.

"Well, to be fair, your skin really helps make it look great." I smiled. "Is that your natural skin tone, or do you just spend that much time in the sun?" I asked.

"This is my natural tone." She explained. "Most of my family has darker skin like this." We went on like this until we finally went to bed.

Next chapter