
A New Fight

"Hi In'tasha, hi Cani'lu." I said as I walked into the dining room. Cani'lu was nibbling on In'tasha's ear when I entered and pulled away when she heard my voice.

"Don't worry about me. I actually wanted to run another taboo past you…" I said sitting across from them.

"Taboo?" Cani'lu asked.

"I'm pretty sure a princess shouldn't be banging her security, but I am not surprised with how gorgeous she is." I said giggling at the two shifting uncomfortably. "Consider this place a safe haven or a bastion. I did need to talk to you about Lori'dae though." I said as I started to eat.

"The red one, right?" Cani'lu asked In'tasha before placing her hand in her lap. "Thank you for not judging our relationship first. What do you want to discuss?"

"Lori'dae is actually a run away. She was forcibly engaged to your brother by your mother." I said quickly. She stared into my eyes after I spoke and after deciding that I wasn't lying she smiled.

"Anything to mess with Mother and my brother would make me happy. What did you have in mind?" She asked.

"I plan on building a few businesses and from what Lori'dae told me… He is known for being a bit of a scoundrel."

"A bit?" She raised an eyebrow and I laughed.

"He's a scumbag I know… But I didn't want to commit treason or whatever it's called by defaming the current next in line for succession." I said placing added feeling to current.

"Lese Majesty is the term you are looking for." In'tasha said quickly.

"So, what do you plan exactly?" She asked. I went over mine and Misha's idea we had been working on and after explaining the majority of the details, Cani'lu agreed.

"Good to hear gorgeous. Give me a few days before you send that letter off." I laughed as I finished my meal and then headed to the slave dorms. Inside there were twelve men and I looked at them when I entered. They had all reached a high enough level that their natural attractiveness is really shining through.

"Everyone line up." I said, and they walked in front of me and stood. I saw they all looked a bit scared of me, but whatever. "Today is the first day of training for some of you. The rest are going to be going upstairs and helping Try'alla with making fabric. How many want to help with that?" I asked. I saw four hands raise.

"Fine you four, go to the sewing room and do not lay a hand on Try'alla. If I find out she was hurt in any way I will punish you." The two men from before placed their hands on their asses and the other four walked away. "Anyone interested in being prostitutes?" I asked next. All of them looked confused. "I know some of you like guys so I'm asking about that and the ones that like women will get a crash course on how to treat a woman." I said. Three hands finally raised up. "Name your preferences." I stated plainly. Two liked women and one men.

"Everyone else behave." I said as I took those three away. I lead them to the same room I had been with Niko in before and blocked the door. After having the two men undress, I sat on the couch and pulled my bottoms off. I spread my legs and smiled. "Kneel." I looked at the two and they followed their orders. I pulled on the first man, he was a shaved head black man with a small, muscular body. He crept towards me and I pushed his face into my crotch. "Make me orgasm." I said calmly. He moved his face around and stuck his tongue inside me. He was basically thrusting his tongue like it was his dick back and forth.

"No, you idiot, lick here." I pointed at my clit and he followed suit. He slowly ran his tongue over my clit and after looking at my face sped up. He sped up faster and faster, and after I came, he stopped.

"Now you." I said to the next man. He was built like a truck. Well over six feet tall with rippling muscles and a gorgeous head of hair. He crawled towards me and copied what his predecessor did.

"Good, now your jobs are going to be to make women cum when they pay you. You are to always start with that. Fellatio will open up the girl as will fingering them." I looked at the black guy. "Try that now." He took his finger and inserted it and started to thrust again. He was a fast learner because he ran his finger along my clit and I came pretty quick. The next guy was just as effective and other than actual penetration, I had them able to make me cum.

"I can't really help you bud…" I said to the gay guy. I pulled some oils out of my bag and handed them to him. "These will help serve as a lubrication. They aren't the final product though. I'm working on an easier to clean up lube as well."

"Lube?" He asked.

"If you put this on your dick it will help it slide in and out of your partner." I explained. He looked quite pleased with the information I gave him and thanked me with a bow. After explaining what they were to be doing the next few days we parted ways.

"Ahh, beauty…" I said as I walked into the women's dorm. I was bisexual, but I had always drifted more towards women than men. As I looked at all the girls, I remembered a few were either gay or bi and relaxed. "Line up everyone." As the women lined up, I gave them the same run around as the men and took all the women with me that were okay with being whores. On the way I stopped and grabbed Lem for a man's perspective. He was covered in soot so after telling him to bathe and arguing about how I needed a man that wasn't a slave's opinion for far too long, I had everyone follow me and told him where we were headed.

"So, which of you prefer other women again?" I asked. There were eight women ready to be whores and they were gorgeous. Three were gay and two were bi while the other three were straight.

"Alright, show them how it's done." I said to the first gay girl. She smiled when I pulled my shorts and panties off and knelt at my crotch. She quickly nibbled on my clit and as she did her tongue played along the inside of it and I came within a few minutes.

"What just happened?" One of the other women asked.

"She orgasmed." The woman said as she wiped her face off and stood. "Anyone else want to try?" She asked. The other four took turns and some were sloppy, and others were amazing. As the last of the girls that preferred women finished me up, there was a knock on the door. I stood and opened it before letting Lem in and closing the door behind him. I looked at the three straight girls and spoke.

"Alright who is first?" I asked. None of them raised their hands. "What's up?" They all looked scared and looked between each other and me.

"You want us to sleep with your man?" They asked.

"Oh definitely." I said. Lem laughed nervously. "He is going to be the most ignored of my lovers. I like both men and women, but I have a much larger preference for women. It isn't that I dislike him…" I trailed off when he looked at me upset. "But I do have five women that I care about also and plan on using him when they aren't available… Plus he is really sweet and kind and caring and all that sensitivity bull shit." I added before I gave him a quick kiss to calm him down. "So?" The one that spoke up sighed and pulled her robe off.

"I guess I'll go first…" She said. She had an amazing figure and she walked up to Lem and pulled on his shirt. He had gotten used to wearing a button up shirt and slacks along with a pair of boxer briefs and socks. She couldn't figure out the buttons but after I showed her, she managed to pull his shirt off. She next pulled his pants down and then lastly his boxer briefs. As his cock spilled out, she stood back up and pulled him onto the sofa. She started to straddle him, and I stopped her.

"Stop, stop, stop…" I said. "Where is the foreplay? You need to make him want you to keep going even when he can hardly move…" I said. "Start by using your hands and mouth to play with his dick. Be gentle but thorough." She grabbed his cock and squeezed it, and after he yelled out, she stopped.

"Sorry…" She said. She wrapped her hands around it again and started to slowly jerk him off. As his shaft grew, she licked him and after some encouragement, put it in her mouth. She slowly rocked her head up and down and continued to jerk him off. As she sped up it didn't take long for Lem to cum in her mouth.

"Sorry." He said as she coughed.

"Good job… Now whose next?" I asked. Lem looked at me terrified and I laughed.

After showing the girls how to give a blow job, I explained that that would be a good time to finger yourself to prevent as much pain, since they were going to be whores, I didn't want them to just get hurt.

"That goes for all of you girls since some of the women are going to want to use toys and what not." I explained looking at all eight women. "Tomorrow you are all going to start working with Misha so rest well." I said before sending them away. I looked at Lem and he was exhausted and pissed.

"I joined you because I care about you Alyssa." He said angrily. "Not to have sex." He grabbed up his clothes and started to dress.

"Don't be like that Lem…" I said as he pulled on his pants and I helped him into his shirt.

"I didn't know how else to do it… I have too many baskets and not enough eggs." I said. He looked at me confused. "I want to start multiple businesses but only have so much time. My original thought was to have some slaves take over as managers, but a large number of them are too dumb." I finished buttoning up his shirt and sat him down in the sofa. I sat across his lap and smiled at him.

"So, figure something out… I won't be doing something like this again…" He said still mad.

"I'm sorry." I said as I wrapped an arm around him. "I rushed into it and figured you wouldn't mind. Most people wouldn't mind getting five blow jobs from beautiful girls." I leaned against the arm of the sofa and ran one hand down his cheek and the other through his hair on the back of his head.

"I told you then and I'll tell you now, I only want to be with you." He kissed me fiercely after he spoke, and I kissed him back. I ran my tongue inside his mouth and after we made out for a while I pulled away and looked at him.

"Better handsome?" I asked. He looked at me and I could tell he was still clearly upset.

"I am gonna need some time alone… But I don't think I will ever be able to leave you… I think you and I are going to have what they call a toxic relationship…" He shook his head and carefully stood and then sat me down before leaving.

"Shit…" I said after he left. "Now I'm in a fucking dating sim…" I muttered to myself.

"What brings you here Alyssa?" Lori'dae was standing with Ly'anna and T'anya. They must have returned from their hunt. I looked and Lori'dae's pendant was now Emerald like mine.

"I had a fight with Lem. Congratulations on the rank up Lori." I said standing and walking over.

"That's too bad, I hope you guys can work it out." She said as I hugged her and let myself fall into her breasts. "Thank you for helping me so far." She said wrapping her arms around me. I pulled her into the room and laid across her stomach and chest as I thought about how best to deal with Lem.

"How long do you plan on keeping me here?" She asked cautiously. I turned my head to her face.

"I'm sorry…" I said as I pushed myself up.

"No, I was just curious. I am actually quite pleased." She said smiling. "You tend to only give me attention along with everyone else." She said blushing.

"I was never really a relationship person. I had some people I hung out with before all this… But no one I cared about. Now I have all six of you and no idea what I'm doing. I bit off way more than I could chew." I said looking into her eyes.

"Have you told anyone else this?" She asked as she ran a hand through my hair and over my back.

"No, should I?" I asked.

"It would be a good place to start…" She said before leaning and kissing my forehead.

"Speaking of…" I said looking at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"I may have accidentally pissed you off inadvertently." I said before telling her about our plan to deal with the prince.

"Actually, that makes me very happy." She raised her opposite hand to my ass and pulled me closer and kissed me. "I did not have many people that cared about me enough. The three friends I ran off with were all hoping to be my lovers and I knew this, but you are trying to help me because you and the others don't want me to leave you. It is actually quite sweet." She said before kissing me again. We made out for quite a while before I heard Lem and a woman shouting at each other.

"Don't just go into someone's private space!" Lem yelled as I entered his smithery. I looked at him and his face was red, and he was shouting at Yu'lissa.

"I apologize, but I was lost. It is only my first day in this home." She was bowing and looking at the floor.

"Then figure it out!" He shouted.

"Lem! You can yell at me, but not at her. She didn't do anything wrong and you know it. I'm the one you are mad at." I stepped between them and he looked at me and turned before going into the dorms.

"You good Yu'lissa?" I asked.

"I was trying to go back to the workshop since I saw the logs you had set aside and was going to try to make the guitar you showed me. He was crying…" She said quietly to me.

"Fuck, everyone leave Lem to me…" I said before I walked into his dorms.

"What!" He was sitting in a bunk bed and it reminded me of a fight I had with a guy in college.

"I wanted to explain something about myself so that you know I didn't mean to piss you off. I am not excusing my behavior, but I want to explain it." I said sitting down in front of him on the floor. "But first, I need you to wear this." I held a small bracelet out enchanted, so he couldn't betray me. I decided he and the others were allowed to lie.

"What is it?" He asked as he took it from me.

"It is enchanted so that you can never betray me. That basically means you can't discuss me with negative intentions." I explained. He wrapped it around his arm and I tied it off before telling him my whole story. When he learned of my abuse he came down from the bunk and sat so we were almost at eye level. I continued to explain the summoning and the events after.

"I want you to know that I have never really cared about anyone since I was a kid so, I want you to bear with me. I care about you. Almost as much as those five and I have known you the shortest." He looked at me and raised a hand.

"I am still mad, but now that I know you don't correlate sex and love, it kind of makes my anger pointless…" He trailed off.

"You are allowed to have your own beliefs on that… I just never had a choice. I HAD to disassociate the two or I would have died years ago." I explained.

"I understand. I still think I will sleep down here for the next few nights. Visit if you need me, I have plenty of work to keep busy." He explained. I kissed his cheek before I stood, and he grabbed my hand. "I care about you greatly, but think we rushed into sex. Maybe, when you catch up on your work, we could have another date." He said as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand.

"I would love to do that." I said smiling. I leaned down, and he kissed me this time before I left.

"Better?" Lori'dae was waiting for me.

"For now, I took your advice." I wrapped an arm around her and we walked to the dining room.

"That was exciting." Cani'lu said as we entered. "To see a lover's quarrel, play out like that." She was talking to In'tasha and stopped talking when we entered.

"It's fine. He is more emotional than me. We talked and are going to move forward from here." I explained to everyone.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Misha asked. I took her hand with my free one.

"It's fine Misha. I explained everything." I tugged her bracelet a bit to let her know. She smiled and nodded before I went to talk to Niko.

"How long till dinner Niko?" I asked. She looked at me holding Lori'dae's hand and smiled.

"You two go have fun… I'll come get you." She said with a wink. I led Lori'dae to our bedroom and after laying her in bed, kissed her. We laid on our sides making out for quite a while before I slowly worked her shirt off. She was a bigger woman, but her body was still built amazingly. As I unlatched her bra her breasts spilled out and I caught them with my hands. I kissed them and ran my tongue over them before slowly working my way around her beautiful orbs. I licked her nipples before I dragged my teeth over them and worked my way to her stomach. I unbuttoned her pants before I pulled them down and then pulled her panties down. In front of me was her beautiful and slightly hairy pussy so I dug in. I felt her hands on my shoulders as I licked her hole and kissed her clit. I slowly played around and eventually started to speed up my movements. As I pulsed my tongue over her clit, I felt her legs stiffen on me as she came so I stopped. I went to her face and kissed her and then repeated the entire process starting at her chest. As I made her climax a second time I went for another kiss and she grabbed my shirt this time and pulled it off. She reached around and unhooked my bra and wasted no time in getting me naked. As she finished undressing me, I saw her eyes pour over my body greedily.

"You are all mine for now." She said as she went for a kiss. She kissed me fiercely and after a few minutes she ran her hands and her mouth over my body. She pinned me down and slowly traced my breasts with her tongue before she played with my stomach. Finally, she slid her tongue over my clit, but then moved down to my legs. She explored my body and then went back to my pussy with a new-found level of ferocity. She quickly ran her mouth and fingers over my most sensitive areas and made me climax in almost no time flat but didn't stop. She continued to run them over me and I felt my body getting warmer and warmer as I felt her tongue and fingers entering me faster and faster. A jolt of electricity caused my legs to stiffen as she finally pulled back.

"That… was… amazing…" I said between breaths. I had not experienced many orgasms like that and was a bit dazed still. I got my head back on and positioned myself between her legs and looked at the red tuft of hair over her clit. I kissed it before I started to really move my mouth over her crotch. She placed her hands on my head as I ate and quickly started to dig her nails into my scalp. I didn't stop and continued to make her orgasm repeatedly until I heard a knock at the door.

"Dinner is ready." Niko came in and started to pick up our clothes as she watched me make Lori'dae cum one or two more final times. As I pulled away Niko looked at me and smiled before she kissed me and then wiped my face down. "Time to go Lori…" She said before kissing her.

"I thought I was ready…" She said tired.

"Oh, don't be silly… Although we can make her cum, that doesn't mean we can match her." Niko said as she helped us dress.

"Why do I feel like some sort of final boss?" I asked feigning anger.

"You are a final boss." Niko said before she kissed me one more time. "But that's part of why we all care for you." She finished. After leading us to the dining room we sat and started to eat.

"Everybody save room for dessert. I made pudding, ice cream, and a small cake." She said as we ate.

"What are these?" Cani'lu and In'tasha asked at once when their servings of pudding were brought out. It was a light-yellow color and looked really good from my perspective, but I didn't know too much about food.

"It's pudding, give it a try…" Niko sat back in my lap and watched as they tried their first bites.

"Mmmm…" They both agreed it was pleasant. As they devoured their puddings Mi'a went and brought out ice cream for everyone.

"This is ice cream. It is a frozen sweet so don't eat it as fast as you did the pudding, or you will hurt your head." Niko warned. They paid no heed after their first spoonful and within seconds were both clutching their heads in pain.

"Why would you attack a princess like this?" Cani'lu asked as she held her head.

"I warned you not to eat it too fast." Niko laughed as she fed me a spoonful.

"Last is the cake." She said as she brought out a small simple cake. "I'm still trying to find standard sugar for icing, but this will have to do for now." She had drenched it in a fine layer of something I wasn't sure what, but it didn't look appetizing to me.

"None for me thanks Hun." I said as I stood. "I don't like cake." I left the room and headed over to Lem's workshop with the pudding and ice cream.

"Hey." He said as he pounded on a small piece of shining Mithril.

"Hey Lem. Niko made some sweets and I wanted to share." I held up the two bowls and he came over. After letting me feed him a spoonful of each he went to the work table and sat in a stool before clearing some room in front of him.

"This is amazing, come sit." He said with a smile. I jumped at the chance and ran and sat in front of him at the table. He let me feed him since he didn't want to stain the spoons and bowls with his blackened body. After he finished off the ice cream, he closed his eyes, so I kissed him. I decided to pull a play out of Niko's book.

"You had some on your lip." I said as I bit mine. He grinned and reached for me but stopped and looked at his arms. "I don't care right now." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him and could feel the soot transferring to my face and body. I quickly made my way down his chest and pulled his apron and then his shirt off. After I got his pants and boxers off, I looked at his face. He reached for my face and kissed me again. I slowly placed my hands over his cock and slid it up and down before he pulled my shirt off. I helped him with my bra and then knelt. I locked my eyes on his as I brought his cock into my mouth and started to blow him.

"Aww fuck." He said as I ran my tongue over his shaft and along the head. I sped up and before long he was ready to blow. I caught it but didn't stop. I continued to suck him off and before long, his knees were weak, and he laid down on the floor. I continued to suck him off after he laid down and it wasn't long until he came in my mouth a second time. I ran my tongue over it a few times before I stood and kicked off the rest of my clothes. I laid across his body and kissed him again before he grabbed my ass and moved his hips, so he was inside me just a bit. I leaned back and rocked his cock into me and gasped since I hadn't prepared myself. He looked at me apologetically, but I just started to rock back and forth. As I felt his cock move more and more easily, I placed the bottoms of my feet on the floor and started running his cock up and down inside me. He looked at me but couldn't do much with how I was positioned. I ran the entirety of his cock in and out over and over as I bent my knees and swallowed up his shaft. It didn't take long for him to cum but again, I didn't stop. His eyes were unfocused as I continued to use my pussy to stroke his dick. As I ran him in and out, he came a fourth and final time before I pulled him out of me. He was laying there panting and wheezing as I went to the table and grabbed the pudding. I came back and sat naked on his bare chest and held the spoon to his lips. He slowly opened his mouth and I slid the spoon in. As he closed it some was still on his lips, so I kissed him and licked them to get it off. This continued a few times before I heard a sultry voice speak up.

"If you treat all of your lovers like this, I don't need a contract." It was Yu'lissa and I don't know how much she saw, but she definitely saw a lot of our tryst. Lem quickly stood and got dressed again. After getting dressed I reached for Lem, but he just smiled and went back into the bunk.

"There is such a thing as tact… you're a few hundred years old, you should learn it." I said looking at her.

"Sorry. I thought that was make-up sex." She said with a smile.

"No. At best it was apology sex." I said turning to go to the baths.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm taking a bath, I'm covered in this shit." I looked and there were traces of black soot all over me. I had no reason to be shy since the house was filled with my lovers so i grabbed my clothes and headed to the bath. She followed me to the bath and when I entered it was empty. I threw my clothes in the hamper and went to scrub myself down when she sat down with me.

"Wow. You are beautiful…" She said as she sat behind me. "How does this work?" She asked.

"Like this." I channeled some magical power into the faucet and started to spray her down. Her body was gorgeous. I found myself looking over her body and sped up the process. Her skin was a darker hue and her long, fine, silver hair was gorgeous. Her lips were naturally a purplish color and her eyes were as well. As I scrubbed her I noticed her nipples were the same. After I scrubbed her down, I turned, and she followed suit. Once she rinsed me off, I hopped in the bath to relax.

"This is amazing." She sat in the bath next to me and I stared at the ceiling. I was attracted to her and really wanted to fuck her but with everything going on it wouldn't be healthy. I glanced at her and she was staring at my body.

"What?" I asked. She flinched but just looked from my tits to my face.

"Nothing, I just can't stop myself from looking you over. I find you to be very appealing." She leaned her body against me and I felt her nipples graze against my arm.

"T'anya hasn't given her thoughts about you yet… And besides… I'm in a bit of a bad mood with the whole Lem'tril stuff..." I rested my head back and felt her shift herself in the water to be against me. Her hand slid around me, and she hugged me in the water. After she hugged me, she tried to slide her hand to my waist. As she grazed my clit with my finger, I stopped her and looked into her eyes.

"If T'anya says we can trust you, I will eat your pussy so much you won't be able to see straight for a few hours." I had my hand around her wrist and she looked into my eyes and nodded. I got out of the bath and after drying down and looking myself over in the mirrors in the changing room, I grabbed a robe and headed up to bed.

I'm on vacation this week so I'm not sure how many chapters i will get written. I have a few lined up to auto release, but that's it for now.

Anonismcreators' thoughts
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