
A Helping Hand

As soon as I entered the room, I had planned on getting to work on some clothes for everyone, but Misha had different plans. She must have figured out how to better control her ability, because as soon as the door closed, all four of us were naked. Seeing this T'anya crept towards me and kissed me until I fell on the bed. I kept kissing her and felt her shift off of my chest as I felt someone lick my clit. I opened my eyes to see Niko playing with my pussy, and Misha eating out T'anya. We continued to kiss and after cumming a few times I rolled over to kiss T'anya's hole. I licked her, and kissed Misha as Niko continued to eat away at me. I felt her tongue and fingers exploring and could tell she didn't really know what she was doing. She just kept wagging her tongue around, so I stopped lapping away at T'anya and pulled Niko over to watch me eat out Misha. As I licked away at Misha, T'anya fingered both Niko and me as Niko tried to watch me make Misha orgasm over and over.

I had been keeping an eye on the rooms around ours, when I saw Red stop moving in her room. I cast sleep on her and went back to work.

I slid two fingers inside of Misha's pussy as both Niko and I were being finger blasted from behind by T'anya. I kept feeling her kiss me, and Niko was shuddering and arching her back from orgasming so many times. I stopped with Misha for a second and started kissing Niko while she came. As she started to lose herself, I stopped T'anya, and went back to kissing Misha's lower half. I teased her perfect pussy with my tongue and dragged my teeth over her clit. She came multiple times and laid back in the bed. I went back and took the top of a sixty-nine with T'anya. She smiled when I kissed her and laid her on her back, and immediately kissed my pussy when I laid on top of her to start eating away. I licked and lapped again and realized we had done this last time. I inserted a finger inside her and pulsated it quickly as I flicked her bean back and forth with my tongue. Finally, she was exhausted and pulled away as she laid on her back. Niko had come back to her senses, so I slid over to her.

"Hey gorgeous, mind if I dig in?" I asked before I buried my face in her crotch. She was still sensitive, so I gently massaged her lips with my tongue and used only my lips and tongue to slowly and methodically bring her to climax. As she came, I felt a spray on my face, and she screamed very loudly.

"How, da, so." She was trying to say something, but I couldn't make it out. I moved her and myself in between the other two and laid with her in my arms as I kissed her face. T'anya had recovered a bit and pulled on me for a kiss. After laying in bed on top of the blankets making out, we each took turns with each other. Misha smiled at me when she broke free from a kiss and after laying over the top of me with her ass up, started to slowly kiss my pussy. I couldn't be rude, so I pulled her ass down and returned the favor. Seeing this T'anya rolled on top of Niko and started doing the same. This continued far longer than it should have, and after a few more minutes we all laid down and, after a few kisses between all of us, we pulled the blanket over us and went to sleep.

The next morning Niko was tucked under my arm, while T'anya was under the other. I looked around and realized that Misha was laying across my stomach under the blanket. I didn't think I would ever be so excited to see people I had slept with before, but these three women in particular made me feel so happy. I felt a kiss on my chest, and realized Misha was awake. I whispered her name and she slid up the blanket and looked me in the eye before she kissed me fiercely. I pulled away and then kissed her back and after she let me, I stuck my tongue inside. Misha kissed me fiercely and bit my lips whenever I let my guard down. I looked at her and without a word I could tell she was teasing me about something. T'anya was the next to wake up, and she too kissed my chest when she woke. She licked my tit on that side, and then gave it a light bite when I didn't acknowledge her. I gave her a squeeze, and she pulled herself up to my face and gave both Misha and I a kiss. She came back to my face, and I kissed her strongly and traced my favorite line in her mouth. I had memorized the ridges and lines, and she knew this. She tapped my tongue with hers, and then after a few minutes, Niko was the last to wake. She opened her eyes and looked at the three of us and smiled. Her smile was a fearsome sight. It lit up the room and made everyone stare. I slid her to my face and gave her a kiss. She was next greeted by a kiss from Misha, and then T'anya. The four of us continued trading kisses for a while, before finally, Misha spoke up.

"Before we get a repeat performance of last night, I think I should return every one's clothes." Misha said as she dropped our robes, pendants, and the rest of our outfits on the bed. I didn't pull away from Niko's face and just kept kissing. I peaked, and she had a smile in her eyes when I saw her face.

"Beautiful." I whispered. I grabbed T'anya and started kissing her while Niko and Misha got dressed. When they were done, I felt Misha plop onto me and take my face. I kissed her while T'anya got dressed, and then threw some clothes on for myself. After making sure we were situated I opened the door. As we went downstairs, I saw it was still pretty early. Considering the party we had last night, I thought we would have woken up pretty late. I checked, and Red was awake and downstairs, but Ly'anna was still asleep. I knocked, and she stirred and came to the door.

"Where am I?" She asked when she opened the door.

"We had an extra room at the Inn in town, so we laid you down in it." Niko said, ears red.

"Oh thanks. I'll pay you back." She said wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"Umm, we actually came to talk to you this morning." I said since we still had two hours before breakfast was over.

"Can it wait? With my husband dead, I am going to have to find a new way to make money." She said sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing some socks and boots. I looked over her stats, and she was a decently skilled bow staff user. Her skill was at 'Lv 45'.

"That's actually what we are here for." I said pulling a chair from the corner. Misha copied suit, so Niko sat on the floor with her back against my legs, and T'anya got frustrated and just plopped into my lap.

"We each have been dealt a shitty hand in life, but we found each other. We want to offer you a spot in our party." I said trying to sound official. "What do you think?"

She looked us over and then smiled. "You know, I have said husband to you like four times, right?" She said smiling.

"Although you are a stunning beauty, I am not trying to get you into my bed. Although I wouldn't kick you out of it either, I just want to offer you a chance to grow. I have a special ability that helps my companions become stronger." I started to explain, but Misha just ran around behind Ly'anna and whispered in her ear.

"See?" was all she said, and Ly'anna yelped and I saw fangs in her mouth.

"That is some incredible speed." She said looking at Misha. "You promise, no funny business?" She looked at all of us.

"That I can't do." I said smiling. "I will never force myself on you is the best I can do." I said folding my arms.

"That's what I meant so that's fine." She said looking us all over. "So, what is each of your party standings?" She asked.

"Mage here." Niko said proudly as she raised a fireball over her hand. Ly'anna stood and walked over to it and ooh'ed and ahh'ed it.

"I'm a brawler." Misha said and made her gauntlets appear on her hands and punched her fists together.

"I'm a Barbarian, I use a double axe." T'anya said.

"I'm a swordsman, and so much more." I said not really sure how to describe myself.

"Well, I'm a Bow Staff user. I heard your guys story yesterday when you were out and feel I should let you know I am a Naiad." I looked around the room and only Niko reacted.

"Wow, really?" She climbed over to her and looked at her. "Oh, I see fangs, and you do have blue hair, but I've seen humans with that." She went over her with a fine tooth come, and after realizing we were all just staring, she stopped. "Naiad are like dryads but for water." She explained. "They don't normally come out though or have husbands." She said realizing something wasn't adding up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a freak I know." Ly'anna said. "I was born to the water clan as a Naiad but fell in love with a human. After running away together we got caught in a trap, and he got killed and I got…" She trailed off.

"Raped." I said. The others looked at me, and Ly'anna jumped at the word. "It's something someone else did to you." I explained. "You don't have to, no FUCK THAT, you don't GET to be ashamed by what that fucker did to you!" I shouted.

"It doesn't make it easier just because you say that." Ly'anna said. "You don't- "

"I wouldn't go down that road." Niko said taking both of Ly'anna's hands. "She told me her whole story yesterday. If even half of what she said is the truth, then she of all people should be able to help you. You may not be able to return to your people, but that doesn't mean you can't find new ones." Niko said staring straight into her eyes. "Besides, she may be a bit off," She blew me a kiss to let me know she meant no harm. "But she cares for others, no matter how much she says otherwise." She finished.

"Hey, I take offense to that." I feigned anger as I looked at her.

"Alright, but I will need time to talk about it." She said locking eyes with me.

"It took me over twelve years. I understand." I said

"Twelve? That would have made you a child?" She looked at me.

"Yeah, ten" I said holding up both hands.

"Those monsters." She said pounding a fist into her leg. "Did they get what they deserved?" She looked at me.

"There is no way in hell anyone could survive long enough for what they did." Niko said looking at me with rage in her eyes.

"I don't care." I said calmly. As all four of them turned to look at me I smiled. "I mean, if I were to find out they died by being tortured to death or something I'd be pretty happy, but they can't ever do anything to me again. I realized when I saved Lynne that they can't touch me or anything. With the strength I've built up, I can protect myself in the future, therefore, I don't care." I explained to them.

"Wow, Alyssa, that's great." T'anya said hugging me, still on my lap.

"Thanks Pinkie. So today, after breakfast, I was going to make everyone clothes, and I'll make you some underwear too Ly'anna, if that's okay." I said. "The reason I ask, is because I will have to take measurements." I said explaining the way it works.

"But these clothes will help with combat?" She asked.

"Yeah, and they will make you look better for potential suitors, when you are ready." I told her.

"Alright do what you must." She said taking off her dress. She had a few scars scattered on her body from fighting, but she was a dark-skinned beauty. Her nipples were slightly large, but they looked great since they were only a shade or two darker than the rest of her body. I sat there staring at her beauty and memorizing every inch of it for a few seconds before I cleared my throat and stood. I had Misha pull out the measuring tape I had taken from the seamstress, and slowly, and methodically measured her. I let my fingers hang from the tape, so I could feel her abs, and when I measured her inseam, I stared at her pussy like it was my job. I realized I was being a letch, but I couldn't stop myself. After I finished her measurements, I wrote them down and, with the measuring tape, put them in Misha's storage.

"All set." I squeaked out. "You, can, get, dressed, now." I had to force myself to say. Although all the women with me were beautiful, you can never see to many, is my personal mantra. She was blushing red when she grabbed her dress and put it back on. I watched like it was the most informative thing ever, and after she had herself all dressed, she spoke.

"Well, now I see why you said you couldn't agree to 'no funny business.' I'm just glad you kept your word of not forcing yourself on me." She was slightly pissed and slightly embarrassed, but I was fully turned on. I grabbed T'anya and headed to my room.

"We'll be down for breakfast in a bit." I said as I went back to my room. As soon as the door shut behind me, I tackled T'anya into the bed and kissed her. I wasted no time as I slipped out of my robe, and then helped her do the same. I dragged my lips down her collar bone, and then kissed each of her breasts, I traced my tongue along the center of her stomach and kissed her belly button. As I reached her crotch, she turned her body, and we were laying on our sides in the sixty-nine position.

Like always with us, it turned into a battle. She would quickly flick my clit and insert her fingers, in and out, in and out, as I did the same. We licked and lapped each other and after a few minutes her back arched like always. Instead of going forward, I stopped and wrapped her face in my hands as I kissed her fiercely. I slid between her legs, so she was on her back, and after finding the spot, slid forwards and back so our clits would rub, and we could still make out. As she got a feel for it, she countered me so that it sped up the sensation and caused us to climax while looking each other in the eye. I kept moving, as did she, and we fucked like this until we could almost not move. I stopped moving but stayed on top of her and kissed her lips. I kissed her over and over as she leaned into me with each kiss and used her teeth to play with my lips.

"All that from a naked woman?" She asked me.

"All that from suppressing my inhibitions." I answered her as we both panted and kept our faces locked. "Don't bother being jealous, it will only make you hate everyone, especially women." I said getting my head back on right.

"Alyssa, I just want to be with you, always. No matter how many lovers you have, I want to remain one, and since you grabbed me when you wanted a release, I'm happy." She grabbed my face and kissed me and then, after a few more minutes, we got up and went to breakfast. As soon as we reached the dining hall, I saw some plates were put down for T'anya and myself. I sat down with T'anya on my left and without a word felt Niko cast 'Refresh' on both of us.

"Thanks, gorgeous." I said as I leaned forward. She stood to lean over the table and gave me a kiss.

"You bet Lover." She winked at me as she sat back down. She licked her lips and then looked to T'anya. "How long did you make out at the end?" She asked. "I can hardly taste her." She said teasing T'anya.

"Alyssa and I may share a bed with you, but that doesn't mean you need to know the details of events you weren't apart of." She answered flustered. We ate breakfast and the four of us flirted as Ly'anna watched.

"I would have killed anyone that talked to my husband the way you all talk to each other. What is with you?" She finally said as we finished eating.

"I can't speak for everyone, but I think we all find it easy, comfortable and pleasant to be together. It isn't about love, although that may be the case for some, but we trust each other, and we know that we work well together when it comes to both life and sex." Misha tried to explain.

"Whatever. So, you said new clothes, when?" She asked.

"Well first, I want to get my underwear, and then I plan on using one of her machines to make some more elastic for myself, so I can make you some as well. Then I will be working on clothes tonight once we do a Hunt." I explained to her.

"Oh? What is your rank anyways?" She asked.

"We are all Quartz, you?" I asked her.

"I am still only stone, so I hate to admit it, but you will have to bring yourself down to my level." She said sounding despondent.

"It's fine." Niko said smiling. "You are one of us now, so you'll get used to everyone working for everyone else." Niko's smile could melt the coldest of hearts, so when she smiled at Ly'anna I wasn't surprised by her reaction of just accepting what she said.

We finished eating and went to get the underwear from the Seamstress. As soon as we entered, she rushed over and grabbed my arm.

"I finished seven pieces for each of you, but I couldn't figure out how the brassiere worked. Could you show me an example?" She asked me.

"Sure, calm down, your scaring my companions." I said pointing behind me.

"This blue haired beauty is new. I don't have her information to make her anything." She cried out.

"It's fine, I already told her I would make her some." I said as I showed myself into the back room. I walked over and after finding a row of white and gray bras with my name on them, stopped. I looked for the panties, since there were people, I didn't feel like showing off for, and threw a pair on before taking off my robe. When the Seamstress came into the back and saw me, she drew a curtain around me and scoffed.

"How can you be so shameless?" She asked. "To show your body to someone that isn't your betrothed?" She wagged her finger at me.

"Since I fucked three fourths of the women I brought with me, I don't think I have any right to a betrothed." I said smiling at her, "Or did you forget what a pretty thing like me would be used for when she was a slave?" I looked at her and after realizing what I was insinuating, she bowed her head to apologize.

"I keep forgetting that you were put through such trials. I am truly amazed at your will power." She said.

"If only you knew the whole story sister." I said as I grabbed the cutest bra from the hooks and showed her how to wear them. I walked her through the proper way to tuck and move yourself to wear the bra and then had to do the same with T'anya. Misha and Niko both gave me a look, but since they knew how bras worked, didn't say anything. I explained how the Bra helps prevent back problems when used properly and handed over all the different styles I had drawn up. I also drew a pair of matching bra and panties with a garter belt to give her an idea of lingerie, but I didn't point it out. After four of the five of us were properly equipped, we headed over to the Hunters Guild.

"So those brassieres will prevent back problems and help protect from the jostling?" Ly'anna was asking me.

"Yeah, they were pretty common where I am from, but there were companies that just mass produced them, and since women's chests are unique, it defeated the purpose." I explained.

"Mass produced?" She asked.

"Like when a blacksmith makes five identical swords." I said looking at her.

"Oh? That wouldn't work well for a woman's chest then now would it?" She thought it over to herself. We made it to the Guild Hall and went to the Obsidian board and saw the 'Giant Tusk-Boar' Quest was still standing.

"Can we just give her some of them?" I asked T'anya.

"It's not against the rules, but it is looked down on." She said back.

"What do you mean?" Ly'anna asked.

"We have enough Tusks to rank you up to us, but we don't want to force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with." I explained.

"It's fine, just hand over the bag." She said smiling. Misha quickly put thirty tusks into the dimensional bag and handed it to Ly'anna.

"Be right back ladies." She said with a wink. She walked up the counter and the woman talked to her for a bit before taking the tusks. Next, she looked at us when Ly'anna pointed and then waved us over.

"Did you accept Ly'anna into your party, Yes or no?" She asked.

"Yes." I said calmly. She nodded and took Lyanna's pendant and ran it through the ranking device. As she pulled it out it was a light blue color like her hair.

"Lucky, it matches." I said pointing at her pendant. The woman handed a purse with some coin to Ly'anna and she immediately handed it to Misha.

"She is your financier, right?" She asked when we all looked at her surprised.

"Umm? For the most part she holds everything. She was blessed with a unique ability." I explained in a whisper. "She has a dimensional bag that only she can see or access."

"Oh? That's why she handles everything." She nodded, and I realized she didn't have a collar. I decided I would make something simple for her when I was making clothes later. We left the Hunters Guild and headed back to the Inn. Our travels today were light, so it wasn't even noon and I knew that meant I would have some free time to make clothes. When we made it back to the Inn Red was leaning against the counter flirting with Pzymon.

"Oh sure, when it's me I hear 'I'm married' but a cute guy talks to you and you hide your ring." I said loudly as I walked to the stairs. Pzymon looked at her hand and saw the ring and shook his head as he turned away.

I went into the room and when the door shut, realized it was only Misha with me. She snapped her fingers and hers and my clothes vanished.

"It has never been just you and I, and I'm starting to think you only keep me around for my skills." She said stepping towards me. I smiled and immediately grabbed her ass with both hands and kissed her. I lifted her off the ground and spun as I kissed her and dropped her into the bed.

"You have been sorely mistaken." I said as I pulled her legs, so her pussy was right at the foot of the bed. I knelt so that the backs of her knees were resting on my shoulders and started to eat. I used the very tips of my teeth to tease her clit periodically as I licked her inside. I had my hands wrapped around her thighs and used my tongue to make her cum. As she came for the third time, I felt her adjust her weight, like she was going to try to move, so I pulled harder on her legs and stood so that she was sitting on my shoulders with her pussy in my mouth. I continued to lick away as she shook her body and after she tapped my head a few times, I let go. She used my help to roll above me, and then took a position so that we were in a standing sixty-nine. I had seen a few porn with this, but was never strong enough, or interested enough, to try it. I looked down into her pussy and slowly, as to not drop her, adjusted my arms around her waist. Her pink folds were fully exposed to me and I couldn't be happier. I felt her lick me from below and realized this felt different than when they were kneeling before. I lost focus when she put full trust in me while I was holding her. She was using both hands and her mouth to play with my pussy as I helped myself to her juices. She sprayed me over and over, and I finally turned my body and fell into the bed, as my knees were going weak. As soon as I landed, she repositioned herself off the bed and went to town on me like I did her at the start. I felt her move my legs, so they were on her shoulders, and she kissed my crotch over and over. It felt like she was making out with my pussy, but my brain and stomach were both fuzzy. I tried a few times to raise myself from the bed, but I would climax and topple back. As I felt the waves rush over my body, I lost all focus for a while. When my senses came back, I felt her topple on top of me and caught her. I moved her hair out of the way and kissed her. I laid with our bodies pushed together and grabbed her ass. It was so tight it felt amazing and made me wish I could see it in yoga pants.

"What?" She asked as she kissed my smiling face.

"I was just thinking how amazing this ass is." I said as I smacked it. "I wish I knew the material Yoga pants were made from." I said as I kissed her again. We were laying on our sides at the top of the bed, and I had an ass cheek in each hand. I realized she was staring into my eyes, so I looked back. When I looked into her eyes, she grabbed my ass back and slid one of her legs between mine. She started to gyrate our bodies and started rubbing my clit with her thigh. I moved around so we were lined up properly, and as we gyrated our hips, we started stimulating each other as we locked eyes. After a few minutes, she opened her mouth, and I saw her Orgasm as she screamed out, right before I did the same. We kept going like that until she was on the brink of exhaustion, and then I laid with her for a while until she got some energy back.

Next chapter