
CHAPTER 5- Benefits and Scheme

----Lena's POV----- 

" I see, Yawnthuyar Federation Kingdom also fell into the dooms, huh? " I muttered as I sat on the golden chair that made from the purest form of gold that could find in this world. I looked at the ceiling of my room and there was a lot of painting of Goddess Hestia. I was now inside the room of my office that existed in the center of the Church, my second home. I wore the white one-piece that covered every part of my body.

" Why do you think that country met the doom? Robert " I asked the old man that standing behind me. He had no outstanding appearance and he already hitting to his limited life span. It would not be surprised if he dead tomorrow. 

" Probably greed. The Yawnthuya Kingdom is a strong country with good Military power. Before the rise of Demon King, that kingdom had a very bad internal conflict. Instead of solving the front problem called ' Demons ', they tried to take their own interests. Like that, when Demons invaded and she met the doom " the old man answered me with a smile. His face was already aged and his hair was already white. But his eyes filled with wisdom and he was like a second father to me. 

' Sigh! I should check my brothers. My sister does not care about the throne at all. ' I thought. I become a priest at the age of 10 and now I was already 28. In time, I would become Pope and would become one of the most powerful existences in this entire country so I didn't care about the throne at all. Church and Royal Family held equal power, maybe Royal Family had a little bit of power. The church was also the pillar and the foundation of this country. 

" The problem is Refugees. Unfortunately, we are borderline with that kingdom. We need to show some face by accepting some refugees" I said. 

In this world, humans had the lowest Population among the Four Main Races. The human was used to be the most populated race but because of wars that lasted for hundreds of years, the Human race hit a lot compared to the other Four Main Races.

The Four Main Races were Demon which had the highest Population, controlled and ruled by Demon Lord. Because of their nature and their low intelligence, they were not that many threats before Demon Lord resurrected. 

The second race was Demi-Human, In terms of varieties. Demi-Human could rival Demon's characteristics and they were very strong compared to an average Human. Even Demi-Human's lowest in strength could rival an average Human.

The third race was ' Land Elf ' or formally known as ' Half-Elves '. They were the combination of Human and Forest Elf or pure Elf. Forest Elf had a very low birth rate but they were blessed with natural born ' Mana Manipulation '. A normal Human took at least 5 years or more than that to control the Mana but Elf could perfectly control Mana since birth. ' Land Elf ' was born due to luck and their birth rate could compare to humans and they were gifted in Magic and Human's adaptation talent. In other words, just a perfectly combined race fixed them. They had their own country called ' Eruen Kingdom ' which existed on the other side of the Ocean.

The Fourth Race was ' Human '.  Humans didn't have any particular talent in Magic like Elf or strength like Demi-Human. Because they didn't have any particular talent in any, they could become everything or nothing. Human had the things that other race didn't have that was called ' Nothing '. 

" Yawnthuya Kingdom had a lot of Human so we will absorb Human that is alive. We are the Kingdom that has the most Human race, after all, " I opened the mouth and said. I couldn't let the other races entered my country easily. Especially, Land Elves which had too much ' Racism '.  ' Hundreds of years of War ' was partly due to them. They lacked Kingdom so ' Land Elf ' was treated as a tool because they didn't have any place to call ' County ' . After the wars, they won and they built their own country from ashes. Then, they became one of the strongest kingdoms and races. The war was happened ' Three hundred years ' ago. War lasted for Hundreds of years and every race was involved. A trillion people lost their lives and a lot of countries destroyed, a lot of countries born from the ruins. 

' I will convert them to Hestia Religious by giving a few foods and places. They will automatically enter the religion. That's a way I could control them easily. Investment? ' I thought and thoughts wandered around my head. I already formed a few plans while discussing the old Man. 

"Sister, you are here? I have been looking for you the whole day" suddenly I heard a door slamming voice and a female tone. 

" Sister,  please knock out the door before entering someone's room " I knew that person said with a pledging tone.

She was the First Princess of this Anetia Kingdom, Iseballa Vovye Romeo. She had long silver hair and beautiful Sapphire eyes. Our faces were a little resembled but she had a cool vibe and she was the type that popular in females than males. Not only she was beautiful but also she was a very strong person. Probably the strongest person in the whole kingdom. Blessed with Blessing of War God since birth and had four basic elements with powerful and numerous Mana that could rival to Forest Elf. She was a natural-born warrior but she was not an airhead. She was a very smart person. She believed her strength than this whole Kingdom's strength that's why she never interested in taking part in Throne's war. And she also didn't need either. If she wanted the throne, the throne was already in her hand since ages ago. 

" Well, I have news for you, Sister. How is your process of ' Summoning Heroes Ritual? " my sister asked me as she sat the chair in front of me. There were two more people beside her and also wearing light-plate armors excluding ' Helmets '. Their armor was beautiful golden armor and my sister wore silver armor. They were also beautiful girls. Under my sister, there was a unit called ' Herja ' which consisted of around 500 women. All of them had outstanding battle skills. 

" Almost complete. It was quite difficult to gather Human mana. Most of the nuns died in the process. Every ingredient is already completed. Only need to do ritual " I said to my sister. 

Summoning Rituals had special seals and could only use when Demon Lord reincarnated in this world. Under the pretext of Demon Lord, the otherworlders could become good tools not only in battle but also in politics. The summoning circle had age-limited seals. That's why we only summoned the students what they called. Sixteen years old kids who still didn't firm idealistic and beliefs. A delicate age that could shape and teach as we desired or brainwashed whatever we wanted.

" I see. You're doing great. Well, you will become a Saint after Hero Summoning Ritual is successful. I believe you will do the best. You will only need one ladder to become the Pope " my sister told me with a beautiful smile.

" It looks like Holy Empire successfully summoned the Heroes. Numbers are around 25 and ages are around 16 so the summoning ritual is a success without a doubt" my sister told me with a smile. 

" I see. Thanks. I heard that you are planning to go to the front " I said but it didn't surprise me that Holy Empire succeed in the Hero Summoning Ritual. They had much more resources than us to do the Ritual. 

" No. I will stay here. Well, the Demon's invasion is not that many threats, probably scouting forces which mainly consist of Goblins, Hobgoblin, and Mobgoblins. But we are planning to send ' General Lokura ' with the Forces of Ten thousand with ' Shadows ' and ' Royal Guards '. Also, we will hire some S-Rank adventure parties " My sister said.

" Really. That much. Is not too much even including elite forces like Shadows and Royal Guards?" I asked with a surprised tone. I didn't specialize in wars that much. Even sending the Kingdom Best General ' Lokura '. 

" No sister. Holy Empire even sends the whole Platoon Unit which is the strongest unit in this world. This time war is totally different from the previous ones. We are in desperate because of the war that happened ' Three hundred years ago '. Demons didn't participate in that war so their populations can rival all races combination. Do you know why the Three hundred thousand forces that send in our continent mostly consists of Goblins and Orcs? and attacked to the Yawnthuya Kingdom. Well, that country fell very quickly. It was out of my expectation and everyone else. " my sister said and looked at my eyes intensely.

My eyes widely opened and my mouth also opened widely because of realization.

" Yep. You're right my little sister. They are here to breed and to build a strong place to land on this continent for upcoming wars. So we need to clean every goblins and orc before another force arrived here. That's why Alliance Force will strike down immediately. I came here to demand the Holy Knights from you. At least, I want ' Rank 5 Holy Knights ' and around three digits. We already hired S-Rank Adventures Parties to clean the Goblin's nests and breeding grounds " my sister talked while checking out the papers that were on my desk.

" Ok. Sister. You will get them but I need the time. Give me a day. " I immediately agreed. There were ranking systems in Holy Knights that served as shields and spears to Church. In another world, Church-owned private forces. Ranks were from 1 to 7 and ' Rank 7 Holy Knights ' could even count in Hands. ' Rank 6 Holy Knights ' were only 2 digits. ' 

" This time, we need children who have good heads on their shoulders. Not some horny bastards. I prefer quality over quantity. And get someone from them as your subordinate because I can not cover your back forever. Keep someone who has a sharp mind. You are smart, cunning but you always forget to cover your back, and also you are not cold and ruthless. Well, that's advice from your Big Sister." my sister said and she left from the room with her two bodyguards.

 - A few days later 

" Let's start the Hero Summoning Ritual," I said with the demanded tone and I was inside the castle where a place that had a lot of protection seals and rays which could immediately protect me when something went wrong. 

I closed my eyes and I spelled spells and seals with the help of Magi and Priests After that, the bright light covered the room and I found Ten people. I smiled with satisfaction. 


Writing long Chapters worn me out in a good way. Well because of the long chapter, errors and mistakes also increase. I also try to check and edit but...

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