
We go surfing

He came back soon.

He looked at me smiling and then suddenly he put a huge blue colour surfboard in front of me.

"Surprise", he said.

"Wow ", I said gazing at the beautiful board .

"Like it?", he asked.

"Is that a question? Come on , you know the answer", I said.

"Yeah, I guess it's a yes from your expression", he said.

"Let's go, surfing", he said.

I waited a minute.

"What's wrong?", he asked

"You Know I can't obviously take that", I said , hesitantly.

"Hey , it's okay", he said. "Everything that is mine is yours too , isn't it so?"

"Yeah, but...

He didn't let me finish. He grabbed the surf board and dragged me to the ocean.

"Ready?", he said , smiling.

Seeing him smile , I couldn't say that I wasn't not at all ready.

I nodded.


There were other surfers too about our age . Some of our school friends were also there .

Since , Dairon's dad owned the beach house there were mostly our friends.

Some of them were there to surf and some of the girls were there to seduce Dairon.

But what did that matter to me? Seriously, why did I feel so weird?

I concentrated on the waves . Then , I looked back . Dairon was calling me .

I couldn't quite get what he was saying. Something about going too far. We weren't supposed to go too far since the tides were coming in soon.

Wait . Did I see Dairon waving over to Alesha?

I turned back . What was wrong with me?

I knew they were in a relationship but why did that matter now? I had seen them kissing before , but that didn't mattter to me then . Then why does it matter now?

And suddenly everything was dark . I felt a huge wave swallow me ....

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