
Chapter 61

She covered herself using her arms and looked away from him. Travis stared at her with a confused expression. He then remembered how insecure she felt about her body for some reason.

"Hey, why are you covering yourself?" he asked.

"Huh, I don't know, just a nervous reaction I guess," she said.

"Oh, is there a reason why you got like this? Do you think you're not appealing?" he asked directly; he didn't know how to beat around the bush.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone though."

"Well, I don't know why you feel that way. You're really hot, you know? If your sister wasn't so scary, I would have fucked you right now," he said.

She blushed and hurriedly hid her face by looking away from him. She smiled secretly, she knew Travis would say that, she just wanted to hear him say it.

"Alright, let's continue; this time I'll beat you," she said.

They played for a few more rounds, they equally won and equally lost. Both of them were now sitting in their underwear.

"So what now?" he asked. Eve shrugged and said, "I don't know, I don't know if I have the strength to continue."

"Hmm, why don't we just do something else?"

Before she could respond, Travis was already carrying her to the bed. He placed her on it and got on top of her. She wanted to say something, but Travis closed her mouth with a kiss, which she couldn't refuse.

"He's such a good kisser, I can never get tired of this," she thought as she embraced him with her arms and legs.

While they were kissing passionately, downstairs, Odette was busy thinking of ways she could tease Travis. Grace walked in and approached her.

"Where is Eve?" she asked.

"Oh, she's with Travis upstairs, probably getting down and dirty right now," she replied. Grace frowned; she hurriedly got up the stairs and entered the apartment. She opened Eve's door and found Travis and Eve making out.

"Eve! How could you do this with a guy you barely even know!?" she shouted. Eve's eyes widened in shock; she pushed Travis off and sat up.

She was about to talk when Travis held her back and got up. He stepped out of the room with Grace and closed the door.

"Who do you think you are, making out with my little sister? In her house, much worse! Don't you have any decency? Give me your pare-"

She stopped talking due to Travis grabbing her waist and pulling her towards him.

He stared deeply into her eyes; Grace found herself unable to move as she was enveloped by an unknown feeling. His hands slowly went down her back until they reached her ass. He squeezed her plump, juicy rear and slowly uttered, "Eve and I like each other, so we don't appreciate you disturbing us. If you want some attention, just ask for some. I'll give you indescribable pleasure, alright?"

She slowly nodded her head; he smiled and spanked her ass, making her blush. He then let her go.

He walked back inside Eve's room.

"Problem solved. We'll continue with this later; it's really late now," he said.

He got dressed then gave a kiss.

"See ya."

He left her room and found Grace standing there by the door. Travis placed his hand on her chin and raised it.

"You're really pretty; I'll give you my number. Give me a call if you need some help with mental and physical stress; I'm good at massaging," he gave her his number then left.

As he walked down the ladder, Travis saw Odette. She immediately got up and approached him.

"You know, I've been with many guys, but you have this thing about you that I really like. Give me your number; maybe we can do some exploring together." He gave her his number, but before he left, Travis grabbed her breasts and fondled them. Odette didn't complain; she instead let him do as he wanted.

"You really have nice breasts; can't wait to paint them with my cum," he said.

"What's stopping you from doing that now?" she asked.

"A disobedient girl that needs a bit of training," he replied.

She laughed and got closer to Travis.

"You can only dream. I'm not one to get tied down; after I fuck you, I'll find another guy and fuck him, and repeatedly do that. You're not special; I just find you interesting."

"Okay, Odette," he pinched her nipples, making her moan loudly.

'Huh, it felt so good just by getting my nipples pinched.'

He let her go, then walked out, leaving Odette to think about what she had just felt.

While Travis walked back home, he thought about what just happened.

'I think that pheromone is still inside my body; it's just not apparent. But when I get really emotional, it starts to exude. Fuck, guess this is another side effect,' he thought.

He returned home; what he didn't know was that a van was steadily following him from behind. Travis entered through the window and sat on his bed; he then heard a car stop right in front of his house.

'I guess they've arrived,' he thought.

He got up and turned the lights off in his room. Travis locked the door, making sure that nobody came in.

'I wonder if I'll feel bad for killing them. Nah, probably not,' he thought.


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