

I was not used to feeling like this. Everything had been fine, but now everything is broken. I felt empty, hurt. Mother said to always keep things in line, but I don't think i can in this moment. I've tried to, but nothing works anymore. Father has resorted to other means to be happy, and I am just trying to contain myself. Nothing in feels normal anymore. The rooms are always too bright, the floor moves awkwardly. I've tried to keep my balance, but everytime I get up, it all comes crashing down again. Once it gets better, I swear I will visit you mother, once i can find an escape from this treacherous hellhole.

* * *

"Melanie, don't do that!" I say as my friend begins to climb the ladder to the roof, "this was a bad idea."

"What? Are you too chicken?" She says, dread in her voice.

"Of course not, i just don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't be silly, Jack, its alright."

"Get down Mel, please?"

"I'm not giving up on this dare just because you want me to, you don't control me." She says as she continues up the ladder.

"Fine, but when you get hurt, I'm not helping." I say annoyed.

"Fine by me."

I watch her intently, waiting for any misstep, as she makes her way across the gutter of the roof.

"Mel, stop, get down." I say, after a few minutes.

"Like I said, stop con--," her sentence trails once she starts swaying to the side. "Ah!" She screeches. I hold my arms out to catch her fall, she was surprisingly light for a 11th grade girl.

"Falling for me again?" I say, jokingly.

"Oh shut it." She laughs.

I set her down and everyone looks at us.

"I ship it," says Adeline, one of the sophomores.

"Shush, they're just friends!" says Ethan, a junior.

Mel grabs her stuff and starts walking to her jeep, she always jingles the keys in my face, teasing me for having my parents old Volvo.

"I'm starving." Mel groans.

"Yeah, food does sound pretty appetizing right now." Says Adeline.

"What do you say? Wanna go to the weird new diner on 4th Ave?" Mel looks at me pleadingly.

"I don't see why not, but i wont be able to stay for long."

"Okay! Let's go!" Mel says excitedly.