
Chapter One - II

Ansel slowly and gracefully stood, strolling towards the tree Tye was sitting in.

"You have friends?" He asked, his new curiosity and lack of tension letting him abandon the stiff manners he'd been raised to be automatic reflex since he could remember.

Tye eyed the man slowly nearing him "Is that shocking?" He countered. Was it strange to think he had friends? Did Ansel think he was unlikable?

Ansel chuckled, the warm chuckle that only two people got to hear from him "No, not shocking. I'm simply curious, I can only dare to call my personal guard and tailor my friends and even at that they're more family than anything else" he admitted, stopping a step away from the branch that was just above his shoulders. "What's it like? To have friends?" He asked, looking up at Tye, eyes shining with a bright curious fire blazing in them.

Tye smiled and slid off the branch, landing perfectly in front of the taller fae. It was clear Ansel was a mature court fae, his power and status radiated off of him in both suffocating and irresistible waves. Finding a queen for him shouldn't be an issue. "Would you like to meet one" he proposed.

Ansel smiled widely, his tan skin again almost glowing "Really? I'd hate to be an inconvenience my prince" he said.

Tye's cheeks coloured but he rolled his eyes "I'm barely a prince, besides I'm the inconvenience here. Shouldn't you be attending to some big royal duty surrounded by guards and admirers?" He fired back.

Ansel smirked, that was... an interesting reaction. He simply shrugged "My duties are none until spring is over, the preparations for the solstice are complete for next week. I refuse to help with a celebration I don't condone, my head guard is here; he and I have an understanding that I like space and I have no admirers" he stated.

Tye frowned and shook his head "Well that's just not true, many from all courts adore you. The amount of fae with your name on their lips is nauseating" he said making another face.

Ansel raised an eyebrow at the smaller male, clearly amused "Is that so?" He provoked.

Tye nodded and began walking away, when Ansel didn't immediately follow he turned with an exasperated face "You wanted to meet one of my friends right?" He asked.

Ansel smiled, realising what the younger man was insinuating, he took a few long strides and easily caught up to Tye. They began walking together, Tye leading them through the forest and Ansel happily following.

"So you spend most of your time alone out here or with friends?" Ansel asked, itching to know more about his new intrigue.

Tye nodded, walking as if dancing to music only he could hear, he weaved between daisy patches with ease "I like to watch the forest, and humans. Some of our kind enjoys ... doing other things with them" he said with a certain stiffness that Ansel could understand. Fae could be very creative and aggressive with their curiosity and obsession with fun. "But I just like to observe them, they fascinate me sometimes" he finished.

The summer prince smiled and nodded "That actually sounds like a lot of fun, what are your friends like? Are they all from the spring court?" He asked, now being careful not to disturb any of the flower beds growing, though he was successful he was definitely not as graceful in doing so as Tye.

"No they're not all from the spring court, in fact only one of them is spring fae, besides me of course" he said, hopping over a small stream.

Ansel suddenly wondered what it would be like to dance with Tye, he was very light on his feet. He quickly shook his head and stepped over the stream with ease. His mothers constant chatter about the banquet was getting to him. Too bad they weren't planning on inviting the other courts.

"In answer to your other question, they're very nice. Well most of them, Diona can be an acquired taste and Kiian is very cold but such can be expected from winter fae" Tye added, twirling around a mushroom circle. He let out a musical laugh, as if he was in a world of his own for a moment.

Ansel smiled at him, he'd never met someone who made him feel so at ease. There was something about Tye that just made you melt, no wonder he was friends with winter fae. No doubt he had them warming up in seconds. "You're delightful, the court is missing out" he said without much thought "If you were to attend I doubt it would be so boring" he added, surprising himself. He'd never thought of court being boring before, sure it wasn't exciting, but boring?

Tye laughed again, this time shining a bright smile towards Ansel "It'd still be boring, but thank you" he said before taking a mock bow.

Ansel felt his own smile growing and he bowed in instinct, in the distance he could hear water crashing, where were they heading? As if reading his mind, Tye grinned and span around "Keep up flame boy" he called as he began dashing away, closer to the sounds of the water.

Ansel laughed and followed after him "Is that a challenge?" He asked, long legs easily catching up with the other faerie boy.

Tye smirked, shooting Ansel a bright look "Race you to the waterfall" he said before leaping forward into the woods, almost disappearing.

Ansel gasped, how had he done that? A wide grin spread across his face, so he enjoyed playing games? It'd been a while since the prince had the chance to play. Ansel's shoulders squared and his predatory instincts kicked in, he scanned the forest as he ran. When he caught a glimpse of pink in his vision his speed increased and he could hear the sounds of the water growing.

He caught sight of Tye standing in a small clearing, the waterfall now in view. He was going to win this race, Ansel's grin widened mischievously. He didn't give the prince time to hear him coming as he quickly snuck behind Tye and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. The kiss left a small pink mark and the spring prince gasped, his hand shooting up to his cheek.

Ansel winked and his steps increased, closing the distance between him and the waterfall. He reached it within seconds and stood triumphantly. His chest puffed in smug satisfaction, he turned and grinned at the now pouting prince walking towards him.

"That's not fair! You cheated!" He accused, though you couldn't miss the slight blush and smile on his cheeks.

Ansel chuckled and shook his head "When you're raised for the soul purpose of being king you learn how to win" he said simply.

There was a flicker of something in Tye's eyes but before Ansel could investigate it was gone and his bright smile was back "I call for a rematch sometime" he said.

Ansel smiled and nodded "Deal" he agreed.

Tye smiled wider and turned his attention to the water, a whistle sounded from his lips and after a moment something rose to the surface.

A young water nymph with blue skin and green hair smiled widely at the spring prince "Tye! What a lovely surprise!" She said, slowly swimming to the river bank where we stood.

Tye smiled back and gestured towards Ansel "Aqua allow me to introduce Ansel, Prince of the Summer court" he said with a mock bow.

Aqua seized the older prince in a studying gaze, after a moment she smiled and bowed "Its true what they say, I'm surprised my river hasn't turned into a hot spring with you just standing there" she said, her voice travelling across the landscape like water over stones.

Ansel smiled and bowed in return, people were rarely ever this bold with him. He was used to diplomacy and the intricate verbal dance that came with communication in the court. He never realised meeting someone could be so relaxed and enjoyable.

Next chapter