

The lands of Fjord, a cold wasteland that is home to multiple races of varying size. More notably, but not limited to, the elusive Snow Elves, the hardened Frost Orcs, the versatile Beastmen and the tenacious Humans. Such are the races that dominate the snowy mountaintops.

However, predictably, because of the harsh winters and the terrible climate of the land, raids for food and water are a common place. Tribes and kingdoms wage wars frequently to satisfy the consistent demand for resources. Only once the demand is met, may peace be known, but only for a short moment. Once resources are depleted, the cycle repeats itself akin to an endless quagmire of blood and fire. Not many can escape the the drums of war and the frozen hammer of Fjord.

However, like a piece of metal tempered by legendary Blacksmiths, the bodies of Fjord's populace are more pronounced compared to other continents and their temperament often contrast the frigid air - blazing and fearless, akin to a roaring furnace. Empires and kingdoms in other continents value these battle-hardened warriors and would often pay highly for them to be included into their ranks.

Thus Fjord has a second name...

The Land of the Anvil.

Therefore, for other races of Fjord, this land is a blessing. For Humans, however, it is a curse. Humans as a race has no advantages within these land that is fraught with danger. Aye, they may have been tempered by the frozen hammer, but the Orcs are stronger by far. They may be fast, but the Beastmen are faster. Hence, they are often targeted by other major races.

However, Humans often have large populations and various contraptions to counter other races racial advantages. So, many would think twice before raiding a large Human settlement. The smaller ones, however, are 'easy pickings'.

Fortunately, however, not everyone is at war. One secluded village in the far-west of Fjord is relatively peaceful compared to the rest of the outside world. Surrounded by large mountains and snow forest, it retains a serene and hopeful atmosphere in contrast with the rest of The Anvil.

A great location that utilizes the terrain around them to their advantage, a natural blockade that many villagers counts their blessings to.

Though trading is immensely difficult, the village gets by through hunting and growing winter crops that bear a resemblance to sweet potatoes. However, such crops are barely edible. Nevertheless, for the sake of survival, the Humans in this village will pull and eat whatever to survive. Even if it means eating the very soil the crops grew out from!

Thankfully, over the years of hunting, gathering and the lack of conflict, the village's population grew rapidly. From a measly number in the tens to an impressive few thousands. Possibly, if left alone to its own devices, it might even turn into a kingdom.

However, not everything in life is easy.

Within the outskirts of the village, a crowd of seven teens surround a large 'man' and a small shivering child on the ground.

From a distance away, no one can actually see the small boy. Only that a group of boys are hanging out and seemingly laughing between one another. A stark contrast of violence between them, hidden from the prying eyes of many.

On closer inspection, it can be seen that the large 'man' is beating the small boy senseless. Stomping, punching and slapping the lad with whatever the 'man' could move. All whilst the the boy is curled up into a ball, covering his head in desperation. If someone were to look even closer on the wounds of the boy, past the bruises and blood, signs of frostbite have already begun to appear on his fair skin.

"HAHAHA!" Seeing blood continued to drip down from his fists and dye the snow, a sense of gratification filled his sadistic heart, fueling his unrelenting strikes. He stared at the boy with a sneer and continued, "You wordless piece of shit. How dare you? When I ask you for your potatoes, you gotta hand it over! NO QUESTIONS ASKED! GOT THAT?!"

His pummels, that would make many able men flinch, continued to rain down on the boy's seemingly frail frame. Yet, if one were to look closely, the seemingly fragile boy had surprisingly no reaction. No grunts nor screams of pain, no movements nor flinches of discomfort... If the boys present didn't know any better, they would've thought that the boy had already died. But they knew he didn't, he was far, far too resilient. After all, they knew his 'circumstances' quite well.

He was a 'wordless', an individual who is not capable of speech and sound. They're powerless and unfortunate people that are cursed to never express themselves on a more complex level, akin to an ant with every sense of the word. An easy target for those with... sadistic tendencies.

After all, if the boy can't snitch or scream, then who'll hear what's going on and stop them? How will they stop it if the boy won't say it? Even if he did find a way to tell someone, they can just say otherwise!

That was their raison d'etre, their belief as to why they hadn't gotten in trouble yet.

... Yet...

Getting a little too excited, the 'man' started to add more speed and power to his strikes, finally getting a reaction from the boy as he witnessed him squirm a little, which served to fuel his fists further. The other boys around him frowned slightly, it was clear he was going a little overboard, but seeing as their 'leader' hadn't gone too far, they turned a blind-eye to it.

No one wanted to take the boy's place after all.

Somewhat tired from throwing his arms and legs for so long, the 'man' shouted with bated breaths, "I was going to be generous and give you a bit of the scraps. Now? You get nothing! NOTHING!"

The other boys laughed with the 'man' as they stared down at the battered boy in disdain, praising him shamelessly, "Hahaha! Nice one Brody! Show this wordless scum his share of 'respect'. Maybe he will piss himself after you give him a lot more 'kindness'." The ruthless 'man' named Brody immediately stopped his pummeling and stared at the short boy who had made the suggestion with a spark in his eyes, approving his thoughts, "Not a bad idea Jace, I am just in the the mood to see some yellow mixed with red in the snow. My two favorite colors!" Brody delightedly voiced out.

Suddenly, all the boys turned to Jace in jealousy and envy. Anyone who pleased Brody will be awarded handsomely! They all knew him personally. He was one of the strongest kids in the younger generation and a capable warrior of the village. His features consisted of his short hazel brown hair that fluttered just above his eyes, an unnaturally large nose that fitted comfortably on the middle of his bronze face and bloated lips that had been widened into a grin - revealing his dirty and unwashed teeth.

He couldn't be considered handsome in their standards, but rather average at best. And yet even that rating was very biased. Of course, they don't dare to say it out loud for his intimidating muscles and towering height would even put soldiers to shame. Making this 'child' akin to a Human adult man outside of Fjord.

Having already broken through the sixth boundary of the [Physical Barrier] realm, the village had high hopes for the child to be its guardian and breadwinner once he matured. Thus, he gets more monthly resources in terms of food and cultivation compared to other children. However, that in turn made him more conceited and arrogant. Taking everything for granted as if he was the village chief. Worrying the actual village chief over the potential problems he may cause in the future. However, seeing as he just bullies one wordless child, he turned a blind eye towards his antics. Hoping that after he is satisfied, he will grow into a mighty fine warrior.

"Piss and I will stop beating you. Continue to resist me and even I don't know how you will turn out." With a goal in mind, Brody does not hold anything else back as he powerfully kicks the boy away, slightly elevating him from the ground. The boy rolled on the snow for a few meters and stopped, his head facing the grey sky for a moment before turning slowly to his tormentors as if taunting them, 'That's it?'.

Without the boy covering his head anymore, the bullies could finally see what he looks like in his entirety. He had a wooden mask adorning his face and straight white hair that dropped down to his shoulders, like a blanket of snow placed gently on his head. His previously white and now bloodied robes snuggled on his small body comfortably, hiding the bruises on wounds that appeared on his fair and irresistible skin. Even with the mask, his mere presence is eye catching. Almost anyone who had seen him could tell that his charm is off the charts.


"I am impressed you still had some fire in you! I guess you wont mind if I add a little of my cultivation, would you?" Seeing the charming boy's 'taunt', Brody was infuriated. He could not believe that an absolute weakling like him could defy his orders. Was he so weak that even some cripple could look down on him?


Having thought up to that point, Brody's demeanor immediately began to change as a form of pressure, akin to a raging current, washed over their surroundings. Something terrifying was coming, and no one could resist it.

At this point, any sign of superiority that was present on Brody's 'friends' was wiped away like a dream. They held their breaths as their sweat drenches their backs in waves. The power that they felt from Brody was too powerful for them to handle, too strong to resist. Immediately, some begun quivering on the spot, few had large frowns and other more weak-willed individuals directly knelt on the ground in fear.

He was serious.

He could probably kill the boy if he were to hit him right now!

, they were immediately curious about his situation since he was taking the full brunt of Brody's aura and gazed at his direction... Only to be stunned at the sight!

No reaction!

He just stared at them with nary a flinch nor sign of fear!

What the hell?!

Was he so capable?!

If they had noticed the boy, then of course so had Brody as well. He did not take it lightly as a new and more powerful wave of pressure covered their surroundings. All the boys who had previously endured the pressure before finally couldn't take it anymore and uncontrollably kneeled.

As for the boy... he just sat there without a sound as if the scene in front of him was not his problem. Like a God untainted by the vices of mortals.

Having caught sight of his uncaring attitude, Brody felt something in his mind snap as a flood of anger fueled his entire body.

He was infuriated.

"That's it!" A strange look appeared in his eyes as malicious intentions filled his thoughts. He was not one to be looked down upon!

He got into his stance and raised his fist...! And immediately lowered it back down!

His aura curiously vanishing with it!

The boy's around him were confused and relieved at the same time. They believed the consequences would've been dire if Brody had continued. However, they were still puzzled by his actions.

Why did he stop?

They curiously turned towards their 'leader' and found him staring at a certain direction. They followed his gaze, wandering what was so interesting that he would just ignore the battered boy in front of him.

Brody had sensed something. Something familiar.

His back straightened as he craned his neck over the horizon at the direction of the village, spotting a figure in the distance. The figure in question was a vague silhouette of a small child with long straight hair, running towards their group at an incredible pace. Normally, people would assume that he will brush off this disturbance and continue the pummeling. However, that wasn't the case at all.

All of a sudden Brody, as if he was petrified, froze in place whilst his eyes widened with terror. Surprising the surrounding boys. On closer inspection, It seemed like THE Brody was frightened beyond his mind! The boys, confused and curious, narrowed their eyes to get a better look at the figure... Then, as if it was practiced, each boy comically replicated Brody's actions. Some even go the mile and collapse, as if their legs turned to jelly.

Now they understood why he didn't continue, its just he didn't dare to! Their faces paled as they snapped back into reality.

"Oh shit! It's the she-devil Eva!", one of the frightened boys shouted.

"How'd she know we were here!? I thought we were safe this time!", another exclaimed.

"You know her scary intuition! When she senses her brothers pain, she comes running to the right place no matter what!" Jace screamed in fear, his eyes scanning behind the ever-approaching silhouette. "Is her older brother there?!"

Brody stomped on the ground as all of his hair on his body stood straight. His previous demeanor vanishing with the winds, as if it never existed in the first place. He did not care, however, he was not wasting any more time than they already had!

"Does it matter?! I am not waiting around to find out!" He angrily replied at Jace's comment.

All the boys, including Brody, scattered like flies. Seemingly disappearing into their surroundings.

If any person outside of Fjord was watching, they would be very impressed. They did it so flawlessly it was almost like they were never there!

And the person who made them flee had finally appeared within the vision of the profusely bleeding boy. His aura and posture, which was as unmoving as a mountain, finally collapsed in front of her, as if he knew he would be fine. He locked his gaze onto the female figure whilst sprawled on the crimson snow, squirming in pain.

The figure in question approached in shocking speeds, stopping directly before him, revealing her features for the first time. She was 144 cm tall and had long raven black hair that fell to her knees with emerald green eyes which can seemingly detect evil from miles away. Highlighted by her sharp eyebrows akin to the most exquisite swords of the world.

A future top beauty that would fall any man graced by her presence!

However, at this moment, none of that mattered as she quickly kneeled down with a large piece of cloth that appeared out of no where.

"Sullivan! SULLIVAN!" Eva cried, worryingly and carefully propping the head of the boy named Sullivan on her lap. "What did they do to you...."

Eva assessed the scene of the crime, shocking her immensely to the core. 'They didn't pull back their punches at all! How could they have think of doing such an inhumane thing!' thought Eva as she quickly looked all over Sullivan's bloody body, she wanted to get a basic idea on how bad his injuries were. While she did that, the boy realized her intentions and took out his mask in pain, showing his face to the world.

Suddenly, it's as if the surroundings lost all color the moment his head was revealed. What first greeted Eva was a face sculpted by the Gods. She absentmindedly stared at his face, gazing deep into his deep sapphire eyes, accented by his small adorable nose. A charm, with the addition of his fair skin and ethereal hair, that should not exist in this world!

He was gorgeous!

Drop-dead handsome!

How could that possibly exist on a mortal child?!

Eva was stunned stupid at the sight, forgetting her initial goal. She studied him like a piece of art as he laid there, drenched in his own blood on the snow. Feeling a sense of inferiority in comparison.

If she was like a star in the night, twinkling light onto the world, then Sullivan was like the majestic and serene Moon! There was no comparison to speak at the very start!

No comparison!

"How are we twins? He is my brother yet he looks prettier than even me... I can never get used to it..." Eva thought out loud in her stupor.

She contemplate the secrets of the world until the frail boy pulled on the side of her black winter coat with his entirely bruised arm. His face contorting in pain with the simplest movements. A testimony of the beatings that had just ensued.

Snapping out of her daze, Eva looked at him apologetically and then attempted to pick him up. If anyone else was watching, they would wonder how can she possibly get this boy to a safe place with her seemingly weak and small body. Yet, either she was experienced or her stature defied her actual strength, but she effortlessly carried the broken lad onto her back. Avoiding more injuries in the process.

"Let's head home and get you treated, Sullivan." Eva breathed out a sigh of relief after getting him into place. She glanced back, watching as Sullivan nodded his head. Though, it can be seen that he clearly regretted his actions as he twitched in pain. "Hehehe. Why are you so silly..."

Long... I know.

I got carried away.

Any spelling errors is greatly appreciated!

Stirecreators' thoughts
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