
Just Wake Up

[3 months later Mia hasn't left Carson's side at all.]

"You need to go to college, Mia! You already skipped graduation! They had to send your diploma in the mail!" said Mrs. Jones. "I know you are upset about Carson but I don't think he'll wake up today or maybe ever! You need to continue your life, you can't just put it on hold."

"I'm staying! I want to be next to him when he wakes up! It's not a matter of if, he will wake up, mother." Said Mia sourly. Mrs. Jones angrily went to work. Mia started to sob. "Please wake up Carson. I will never give up on you, but mother isn't wrong. I can't put my entire life on hold. Although, I want to. So so badly. I need to be able to support myself." she sighed and sat back down in her chair, she pulled out her book and started to read. She looked up at Carson and said with a sigh. "You better remember me when you wake up." She sat back down. A few minutes later she heard a long hard beep. She jolted up and screamed "CARSON!"

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