
Hospital Stay

Mia chased her mom to Carson's house tears soaking her face. Her eyes, red and puffy. Finally, they reached the house, ambulances parked outside, paramedics rushing in and out of his house. Mia ran to the front door. A police officer blocking her path.

"Excuse.. m-m-me.. s-s-sir.." Mia said hysterically.

"I'm sorry, miss. I can't let you through." Officer Bradley said.

"It's okay officer. She is Carson's girlfriend. Hi, honey." Mrs. Warren said her eyes also red and puffy. She gave Mia a hug. Shortly after Mrs. Jones came toward Mrs. Warren. They went to talk in private. Mia looked gloomily up the stairs at Carson's bedroom door. Two paramedics came rushing down the stairs with a stretcher. They bolted past Mia she caught a glimpse of the stretcher but Carson was in a black body bag. Mia started sobbing hysterically. Mrs. Warren came rushing out of the kitchen into the living room where Mia was. Mia fell into Mrs. Warren's arms, sobbing on her shoulder.

"Mia, honey, Mr. Warren and I are heading to the hospi-" Mrs. Warren started.

"I'm coming too!" Mia said sobbing but determined.

Mrs. Jones came out from the kitchen. "Baby, you have school.."

"I don't care I'm going to stay with Carson until he dies... or gets better." Mia said, her heart sinking at the fact that Carson might die.

"But what about graduation..." Mrs. Jones said.

"I don't care! I want to support Carson through this rough time! I'm not leaving his side!" Mia yelled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Okay, fine! You can go with Mrs. Warren. Text me when you get there. I will tell your father and meet you at the hospital." Said Mrs. Jones as she left the house to go back to her house. The ambulance left and the Warren's and Mia drove to the hospital in silence. When they got there, Doctor Ross, came up to tell them Carson was in critical condition and needed surgery immediately.

Mrs. Warren took we upstairs to one of the waiting rooms. Carson was in surgery through the night, sometime around two in the morning I fell asleep. When I woke up Mrs. Warren was pacing the waiting room.

"Mrs. Warren?" Remembering last nights events Mia cursed under her breath. "I was hoping it was a dream, a really crappy dream."

"Yeah." Mr. Warren said entering the room.

"Any updates?" Mia asked hopeful.

"No no upda-" Mrs. Warren says

"Hello, sorry for the interruption." Doctor Ross entered the room.

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