

Author: DaoistnFUoUl
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 1.1K Views
  • 4 Chs
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What is Sudu

Read ‘Sudu’ Online for Free, written by the author DaoistnFUoUl, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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The Billionaire stripper

" Are you sure you want this?" He asked her, having it at the back of his mind that he wouldn't be able to pull himself away from her body if she said no. The thought alone scared him. " Yes, " her breath fanned his cheek and he dragged his eyes over to her wide eyes " I am" He watched how the vein at the side of her neck moved, loved how her eyes paid so much attention to him, loved how she breathed evenly, loved how soft her body felt under him, loved how her lips pathed slightly. It drove him on edge, turning him on without her needing to try at all. A smile crosses his lips, a smile of satisfaction and he trailed a finger down her hair line, whispering " if you wanna stop me, now's the chance, love, because once I start, I cannot stop and you're officially mine " She loved how he said that, how he marked a territory with just his words and it even turned her on. If she didn't want this she didn't know what else she'd want. She loved this man who appeared when she needed somebody most and stayed. He stayed and now she loved him more than she thought was ever possible. Kelsey is your almost nonregular stripper who worked at the Extramood Strippers club around the neighborhood. Life is hard and even tougher with an abusive drunk father fighting for his life. But when he told her to leave, she knew she'd never be able to go back. She's determined to protect her virginity at all costs but when Blaire, a notorious stripper discovered this and rats her out, she's suddenly faced with a hard time shutting all the club men out, a dilemma of what she truly wants and why she's doing what she's doing. But her life is about to change when she's offered a job that takes her to Paris, to work as a stripper for the popular Fleur Del Mansioñé. A popular house which comprised of a huge family Casino, an astonishing first class restaurant, and a classy pub, owned by the popular family, "The Mercedes". What happens when she meets the cold, handsome, drop-dead gorgeous Billionaire who discovers her 'secret' after taking her home for a nightstand. Zane Mercedes is your regular billionaire whose life is about to spin around after meeting the strangely sexy innocent woman who worked at the famous Fleur Del Mansioñé, while having to deal with a family who only sees his reckless side and are determined to put his life together.

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Jangan Kau Berulah, Saya Tidak Akan Mendua

" Sebenarnya aku tidak akan pernah mengatakan hal ini sama kamu, Dai. Aku sangat mencintai kamu dan tidak pernah ada niat untuk mencintai orang lain selain kamu. Tapi, terpaksa hari ini aku harus mengatakannya biar kamu mengerti apa yang aku derita selama aku berpacaran sama kamu."ungkap Aulya. Badai hanya manggut-manggutkan kepala meskipun sebenarnya ia tidak tau apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Aulya. " Aku mau putus sama kamu. Aku tidak bisa menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang tidak mencintaiku sama sekali. Aku------ " " Kamu bicara apaan sih, Lya? Sudah, sudah. Ayo, aku hantarin kamu pulang." Badai berusaha mengalihkan pembicaraan. Ia sangat mencintai cewek itu dan tidak ingin putus darinya. Ia tidak pernah mencintai cewek lain seperti yang dituduhkan Aulya barusan, makanya ia memilih untuk mengajaknya pulang saja. Ia takut bila Aulya benar-benar meninggalkannya. " AKU INGIN PUTUS, Dai." " Jangan. Aku tidak ingin putus dari kamu. Aku mencintaimu, Lya. Hanya kamu, percayalah." Badai meraih tangannya dan mengecupnya dengan penuh kasih sayang. " Pembohong!!!! Aku melihatmu dengan cewek lain kemarin . Kamu selingkuh dengan cewek itu dibelakangku." Aulya membentak hanya untuk mencari alasan berpisah dari Badai. Kenyataannya justru dia lah yang mengkhianati cinta tulus Badai, tetapi ia dengan sengaja membalikkan fakta, dan dengan bodohnya Badai malah terjebak dalam permainannya. Darra menghentak-hentakkan kakinya dengan kasar. Ia berang. Seandainya ia bisa menelan orang, orang pertama yang akan ditelannya adalah kakak keduanya si Raka dan wanita brengsettt si Aulya Marsyan yang membodohi banyak cowok menggunaakan parasnya yang aduhai termasuk kakak kedua Darra, si Raka yang bodohnya melebihi batas normal. Jelas-jelas ia sudah melihat dan mendengar langsung rencana buruk Aulya kepada Raka, tetapi kakaknya yang kepala batu itu malah membentaknya dan hampir mendaratkan tangannya di pipi mulus Darra. Sebetulnya ia tidak pernah suka ikut campur urusan kedua kakaknya, tetapi tidak mungkin kan ia hanya menonton drama yang dilakukan oleh Aulya Marsyan, sang pembawa malapetaka dalam hidupnya. Bahkan, demi membela wanita gila harta itu Raka sampai tidak mengakuinya sebagai adik entah sampai kapan berlakunya. Ia hampir saja menghancurkan handphonenya, tapi------- Matanya terbelalak kaget. Jantungnya berdetak sangat cepat karena menahan amarah yang meluap-luap dari hatinya. Pandangannya tertuju pada dua insan yang berada tidak jauh darinya. Lagi-lagi yang ditemukannya adalah AULYA, makhluk astral dari neraka. Biarkan saja?? TIDAK. Tentu saja tidak. Cowok yang bersama Aulya adalah Badai Erlangga, pacar Aulya yang sudah hampir empat tahun menjalin kasih dengannya. Cukup kakaknya si Raka bodoh yang dibodohi Aulya, ia tidak akan pernah membiarkan penyihir licik itu membodohi yang lain juga. Badai dengan sabar mendengar alasan Aulya. Mungkin sudah terlanjur cinta sehingga ia tetap tidak ingin berpisah dari Aulya. " Kamu mempunyai cewek lain, Dai. Kamu pacaran sama dia saja. Aku tidak ingin mempunyai pacar yang mencintai dua orang sekaligus." tangis Aulya semakin meledak ketika melihat Aulya yang tiba-tiba sudah ada didepan sana yqng menatapnya dengan mata melotot marah. Ia sangat panik melihat Darra dan dengan sengaja ia menangis tiada henti. Badai semakin khawatir. Dia tidak ingin putus dengannya, tidak mau " Aku tidak pernah mencintai cewek lain, Lya. Aku hanya mencintai kamu seorang." " Maafkan aku, Dai. Aku------ " Aulya terkejut bukan main. Sebuah permen karet yang tadinya di mulut Darra tapi sekarang tertempel rapi di wajahnya. Darra mendekatinya dengan tatapan serigala yang disambut dengan sangat baik olehnya, sangat bengiss. Ia sangat jengkel dan sangat membenci Darra Anggrani. Ini pertama kalinya ia diperlakukan sehina ini. Badai mendongak menatap Darra. Ia geram, tidak sudi pacarnya diperlakukan seperti itu. Darra tersenyum sinis ke Aulya, tanpa memperdulikan tatapan maut dari Badai yang siap menelannya hidup-hidup.

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"Queen Of The Night"(Reborn again and again)

In this story you can get to know that how a crazy night Goddess lives and her daily life in the 21st century in compare to her other life. actually in this story just like other stories, there is a girl who lived miserably in her first life about 29 years and then make a comeback in her 20's. Upon having a rebirth or been given an another chance, she who lived with great pain now don't want someone else to give her pain. And if someone does...,she pays them a hundred folds with taking refunds. But this is just the beginning.. As she turns 29 years old , something happens which changes her life completely. She got a home, a loving mother, a loving grandmother, a protective big brother. Some bad characters like her ex-husband, ex-husband's fiancee , his and her family members. And a special someone. But the big change was that she was in an another world where powerful speak and weak becomes a stepping stone. She wants to go back but don't want to go back that...... is a serious problem. In 21st century she gets everything a nice family, a name which can give others a shiver all over. As she was a multitasker She was good in business, good in taking life and giving life to others, was also an assassin, an actress and also has done odd jobs. but sometimes fate plays an important role in life. She got killed and you won't believe by her own family. Then got into an another world. So, in short : - originally from 21st century - got killed on 29th birthday - reborn on 20th birthday in 21st century - face slaps her enemies - then again get into an accident on 29th birthday - reborn in another world - face slaps her enemies - Now she don't want to go back to 21st century because she is tired of getting killed or dieing - become more powerful day by day

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My Diabolic Lover

I'm an ordinary girl until he came into my life. I'm walking on the street in the middle of the night. The road is empty and silence taking over the place. Me and my boyfriend.. uhh we broke up. After three years! After three years.. well who cares!? we never kissed anyway. It turned out I'm just like a friend to him.. from now on i'll focus on my studies! While walking, I saw a bench and I feel my legs suddenly want to sit down and I sat down. I took a look of the dark sky... I can see a lot of stars! I felt the fresh wind touching my skin and my ears loved hearing this silence. Suddenly I encounter a man that looked creeped out, scared, angry and very very tired. He was running and out of breath.. he asked me to help him but i'm in daze and very confuse. I let him sit on the bench and I gave him water to drink. I stood up and stared to the darkness... I saw nothing but I felt something different! I was trembling... I felt the cold and I also felt scared. I feel like someone is staring at me with cold, scary, intimidating eyes! I looked away and then the man who was seating here a while ago took my attention! He was no where to be found.. I fell and I can't breathe! my asthma!.. ahh ha ha.. ah ah ah.. then a moment pass and I'm able to breathe again, I'm now at a crowded place! the road is full of noisy cars and I didn't understood what just happened.. I ignored it and I started to think where i'm suposed to go.. Oh! that's right! i'm supposed to be with Chloe! nahhh! imma just text her and go back to my home and sleep. When I got back to my home, I fixed myself and do my homework then sleep. The next day I fixed myself again then went to school. Something is different, alot of students are in the hall and I can't really see why it's so crowded. I saw my bestfriend then she told me that Ms. Amy is Dead! she was killed ny the vampires abd ware wolves. I actually don't believe in it but when I saw her body... I saw claw marks.. her neck full of vampires bite and her body almost splitting up and there's no blood in her body. I'm terrified! but when the police arrived the students went to their classroom and they acted as if nothing happened. I went to my classroom and My Homeroom teacher, Mr. Bean also went inside. He tought us few things before a new student entered the room. He's wearing a hoodie and has a mask on and he look like he's a gangster or a member from MAFIA.. there's something odd with him! he didn't listen to anything that mr. Bean had asked him to do. When Mr. Bean could not take it anymore, he said "Let's go to the principals office young man! hurry up! the principal must lecture you" And we did not expect what he said "Why not bring the principal here? If you want us to talk.. why not you! bring him here? If you still love your job better move your ass and start bringing the principal here"

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