
Chapter 4: Time skip and meeting a cat

Chapter 4: Time skip and meeting a cat

4 years (only 4 days passed in total with Whis Staff)

(Present Day)

(Arcadia Point of View)

Now, I have to gather all the S-Cells. I have to feel that tingling sensation in my back.

My base power level should already be at the level of the current saiyans, and since this is the first time I am attempting this, it should be easy. Especially with my significantly higher base power.

As I thought that, I recalled my first life, and my most traumatic experience.

Obviously, for a boy my age, it was about a girl.

I remember how I got 'replaced,' how I had to go through this 'alpha-phase' and eventually how I ended up only trusting Max and Kevin.

Eventually, I let it all out.

"AAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH," I screamed as my aura turned golden in color and eventually, my hair also turned golden.

"Hohoho, so this is the infamous super-Saiyan transformation." Whis said out loud.

I soon calmed down and gained control of my Ki.

"Phew," I let out a breath as I gained control of the transformation.

However, I had an obvious difference from the normal saiyans.

I had Frost-Demon Armor covering my joints, and my power should definitely be beyond a Super-Saiyan.

Since I do have 2 races worth of talents.

Whis said that due to having both races' genetics, they merged so my super-saiyan form is boosted, equivalent to the first form of frost demons.

It did take a lot of Ki to maintain the form, so for the next few months, I will be controlling that.

(Time skip: 15 months)

Saiyans thirst for battle and power is insane I tell you.

While with my human mindset I would have long gone insane only having Whis here, with my new mindset, I can train for years.

By now I can already go Super-Saiyan 2, and I can use it at max power.

By Whis's estimations, I can easily surpass even Super Saiyan 3 Goku, and I am now ready for God Ki.

So that's what I spent the next 2 years mastering.

(Time skip: 2 years)

At this point, I can already use God Ki fairly well. I even unlocked a new state, Super Saiyan Purple. In correlation to my Frost Demon Genes I guess.

At this point, according to Whis, I am at about 70-80% of Lord Berus power, which is considered insane progress in his opinion.

But I know that it really isn't.

With my talent; having 2 of the most overpowered races genes, the best teacher in the entire universe, with the best resources, if I didn't become a god in 4 years; it would be stupid.

Well, anyone would have done what I did.

Right now, I was outside of the space inside of Whis's staff and we were about to attempt something that even made him sweat a little.

"You really think we should wake him up?" I asked Whis who also seemed to doubt his own idea.

"Well, lord Beerus has been asleep for plenty of years…and if he is greeted by delicious food I am sure he will not be too grumpy." He replied.

"Right, that all makes sense…BUT WHY AM I DOING IT?" I replied while screaming.

"Why not?" Whis asked with a massive smile, to which I just shut up.

"You really think me sparring with Lord Beerus is a good idea? He is a God Of Destruction, his power is leagues above mine."

"Yes, well, Lord Beerus also needs to stretch himself after not having a proper fight in essentially forever." Whis replied.

I just sighed and went to his nearby alarm. Then, I used some of my Ki and tapped onto it.

"CRACK." Soon, 1 crack formed, and it split into multiple cracks. Right as the alarm was about to explode, I just my Ki like a whiplash and brought all the surrounding alarms near to the one that was about to explode.

Then, I tied them up, and pushed it towards Lord Beerus.

I then quickly moved out of there.

"BAMMMMMM!" A massive explosion was soon heard, and as I heard it I could only think this.

Art truly is an explosion.

"*COUGH**COUGH* WHIS! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" Lord Beerus screamed as he woke up.

Now that I think about it, why did Whis not just tell me to wake him up with food?

"SHIT!" I cursed out loud as 2 purple color energy blasts made their way towards me.

I instantly swatted them away after coating my hands in Ki.

"Oh, who are you? Where is Whis." Lord Beerus asked as he got closer to me, looking at me curiously.

Before I could respond he looked around me and said," you are one of the strongest Mortals I have seen in my universe…since when have you…is that a tail? Are you a Saiyan? Did I not tell Freeza to wipe your race out?" He mumbled the end to himself.

"Lord Beerus, can you please freshen up and come back here?" Whis asked as he appeared next to him.

Before Beerus could reply, Whis whispered something I could not hear to Beerus.

Beerus looked surprised and looked at the sku above him and seemed frightened. I also looked up and saw nothing.

Then I saw Beerus quickly moving to change.

"Right Arcadia, have a great Spar. Don't disappoint me and go all out. Saiyans learn best through Battle, so break your limits in this fight before you have to leave tomorrow." Whis told me as he also flied up.

He probably went to look after whoever was in the sky and made Beerus sweat.

I had a rough idea who it was, but I was not too sure as well.

Soon Lord Beeurs came out and said," Right Saiyan, shall we start?"

He was in his normal Godly attire, not wearing a shirt and staring at me with slight excitement.

He was probably excited for the flight.

I nodded and just moved my feet slightly, but the second I did, Beerus rushed towards me and punched me right at my face.

I was lucky enough to grab his punch, yet the shockwave of the punch left a trail in the sky and eventually destroyed a planet.

I then grabbed his hand and threw him over me, to which he flipped in the air and landed perfectly.

Right as he landed, he saw thousands of Ki blasts raining down on him, as I myself was in the air, creating more and more Ki blasts.

Beerus constantly dodged all of them, and eventually, he himself launched a massive purple blast from his hands.

Right as he did, I decided to transform and run right through the blast to catch him off guard.

White it stung a bit, since we both were so clearly holding back, it didn't bother me much.

I appeared out of the blast and punched him right in the face, which caught him off guard, but he took the punch right on, and hit me in the gut, causing me to fly to a nearby planet.

Holly shit I might die.

Next chapter