
A one in a lifetime chance 1

" hello I'm Maya your host of today's exclusive program, we back again with another outstanding person for another exclusive interview. you all must be curious who is this person and why they're special so let's hear my comrade's report first" the host gave a smile before the camera change to the other host.

" this person is gifted with a genius like skills in her field from such a young age she was the most outstanding girl in her family of five she had always got the first places in her school life as of after highschool she entered OXD university, majored in computer sciences, she's known by the nickname the genius goblin and that's because of the many well known companies who tried many ways to scot her to their sides, and a genius is still a genius. despite all the temptations they showed her, she refused them politely as you can see in the screen, oh we blurred her face in case the surprise will be not a surprise anymore haha.

" for now I only want to work on my graduation project as for the job I'm absolutely going to get it fairly like everyone else who worked hard as how I do " this sentence made her more famous among the students that she even got an online fan club only highlighting her deeds, not just that she's also kind of a beauty herself, but the main reason she's our guest today is the fact that her contributions to the computer sciences community were nothing like of anyone before which allowed her a chance to get the prestigious noble prize of computing this year at such a young age" as the man finished his report the image in the screen changed back to the program hostess.

" thanks Chris for the information. by now I'm sure many of you knew who is the special guest, let's welcome miss Reya Amani " the host of the program talked with such enthusiasm to her words expressing her feelings.

" welcome miss Reya, we are thankful that you accepted this interview despite your busy schedule" shaking her hand with Reya the host seems reluctant to let go of it.

Reya who seems in the seventh sky flying of happiness said while smiling arrogantly " it's my pleasure... do you want my autograph?, come all of you I'm gonna shower you with my expensive autograph today... hohohohoho"

out of nowhere many fans rushed to the studio cheering for her. one by one everyone got an autograph but the moment she handled the last autograph Reya recognised that person , this one in return gave her a stupid smile, her eyes changed quickly from happy to disgust , mockingly she said

" isn't this chubby my ex-crush it seems you come today after seeing my beauty and the money I've made now .. Tsk tsk today I'll tell everyone that this aunty here will only marry a tall handsome rich man and you my old crush don't have any of theses conditions scram " the cameras floating around didn't miss even the smallest reaction of her . beside the fans who were behaving well changed their expressions as their leader shouted " our Angel can only belong to the most outstanding man in the world, throw that chubby away" hence they proceeded with throwing away that man out of the way while scolding him with everything they got . in a split second everything became chaotic and the police siren's were heard everywhere.

Reya got panicked as the people in front of her tried to hug her while others tried to steal parts of her clothes that particular moment made her heart skip many beats in a second struggling to push them away from her

" where's the gaurds help .. aaahhh_" her scream was silenced by a flying pillow that come from nowhere while the police siren became more noisy to her ears than before it was just then she heard a girl's voice screaming at her.

" you sh*t I told you many times to fucking never put alarms on my day off , don't you fucking have ears, all whose in the house heard it except you... even the neighbors sigh who gonna close my eyes now sh*t "

Reya was still confused wasn't she nominated for the noble prize this year and was giving autograph to her fans?! she thought in her head while squinting her eyes so hard.. it wasn't a second before her sister throw another pillow at her that made her awake completely it seems she was dreaming again and didn't hear the alarm she put at night.

" can you stop hitting just ask politely and can't you just woke me up if you hear my phone alarm tsk" she said while trying to turn off the phone alarm.

" .. were you dead or what even mother come and asked to turn it off yet you who put the phone bellow her pillow didn't hear it.. just are you a bear or a deaf " her sister was still agitated as her sleep was interrupted like most of the times.

in the other hand Reya rubbed her forehead softly, she mostly hated Waking up this way it always makes her suffer from a headache for the entire day, and now she was more panicked for being late for her job interview. it didn't take her much before she tidied up her blanket and wore her clothes preparing for her first interview in her life. she went out hurriedly and only after closing the door did she remembers that her purse is empty.

" sigh where are you my Doraemon"

Standing in front of her parents room she made sure her father isn't there before she tiptoed inside searching for his purse

" where's the money tsk I'm late enough.." it seems her efforts went for nothing as there was not even a cent in his pocket

" what are you doing there stealthily Ã" the man who suddenly appeared behind her frowned.

" Dad please give me some pocket money.. I'm in a hurry " looking at his desperate useless daughter Mr Noah opened his mouth and that just terrified her more as he was starting his nagging session again.

" how old are you can't you even earn a cent on your own, you think I'll be living for you all my life or do you think that i print money so whenever you want it I give you ??! Ah.. i tell you don't ever dream of getting a penny from me from today on.. scram I got nothing to give you! " he said while hiding his purse on his pocket. Reya was used to this but today she was really serious about the job interview so her last resort was her mother.

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