
Chapter 2: The Su Family's Little Miss

Su Household November 21st, 20XX

Su Ling'er worked as a senior maid in the Su household. She had recently turned 27 and has worked here since she was 19. She had been present for many of the momentous occasions that occurred within the household, and would definitely say that she had seen many strange things.

Yet in all her years of service, she has never experienced anything as strange as the events that had occurred in the past two months.

All the servants in the Su household walked with caution wherever they went, afraid that the slightest noise would cause ire to the person inside the room at the end of the corridor.

For the past two months, many strange events had occurred in the household. The young miss of the family had fallen gravely ill and when she recovered, she woke up completely hysterical. The young miss locked herself up inside her room and cried and sobbed all day, sometimes throwing and breaking all the things in her room, worrying the Mr. and Mrs. Su to death.

The young miss before the incident had been a sweet little thing, she smiled and laughed as any other child would. She loved following her parents around and wherever she went it was like the sun itself followed her to brighten everyone's day.

But, one day while playing out in the cold the young miss had caught a fever that burned for three days. The doctor said it was only a mild fever and would be over soon. The doctor ended up being correct and the fever did end, but their young miss had changed.

The moment the young miss woke up both Mr. and Mrs. Su was at her side comforting her. The young miss who had still been in a daze looked up at them confused.

"Ruoyan…?" She had questioned, it had seemed like she didn't even remember her own name.

Mrs. Su quickly replied in tears tightly hugging the young miss, "Ruoyan my sweet baby mom was so worried. I was so scared."

At that time the young miss had seemed very confused but, it seemed like a sharp pain in her head that caused her to wince in pain brought realization to her eyes. At that moment the young miss had an incredibly scared look on her face, tears appearing in her eyes.

The young miss had started to mutter strange things as she suddenly pulled away from Mrs. Su's hug. Mrs. Su shocked at her daughter's actions stared at her in confusion. The little miss broke down crying as she clutched her head in her tiny hands shaking her head in denial.

"All a dream...this is all a dream." The little miss had muttered through choked sobs, "I must have read too many books, I'll wake up at any moment now."

Mr. and Mrs. Su was scared at their daughter's actions and tried to comfort her, only to be pushed away. After trying and trying for more than three hours they could only give up and wait for her to cool down.

She never did.

From then on all the little miss did was cry in her room and break anything she could get her hands on. No amount of coaxing or pleads from her parents could calm her.

Mrs. Su had broken down in front of the little miss and begged her to please stop crying and talk to her, but Su Ruoyan only started crying and hid inside her blanket.

Mr. Su had comforted his wife through his own choked tears and no longer slept peacefully at night, his daughter's condition kept him awake most nights.

The young miss's weird behavior caused many of the young servants to start wondering if the young miss had been possessed by a ghost. The rumors quickly reached Mr. and Mrs. Su who immediately fired the servants and threatened them to never reveal what they saw or heard inside the household. After this incident, everyone in the household knew not to speak badly of the little miss's condition.

To the older servants, Mr. and Mrs. Su's reactions were not unexpected. After all, among them, It was known to almost everyone that young miss Ruoyan was the jewel in Mr. and Mrs. Su's eyes.

Mr.Su, Su Ruochen, and Mrs. Su, Yu Xialan had been childhood sweethearts who married young. But, it was only after 6 years into their marriage that little Su Ruoyan was born. The head maid of the household Old Zhang had never seen the madame cry so hard at the birth of her daughter. Due to this, Su Ruoyan was spoiled rotten from the moment she was born..

After seeing their distraught daughter, the couple was scared to death. In the beginning, the little miss had locked herself in her room for 2 days refusing to eat no matter how much the master and mistress coax her.

The household was filled with the young miss's heart-wrenching sobs. Strangely enough, when the young miss was tired and hoarse from her crying she would mutter, "I wanna go home!", "I don't want to die!", "This is just a dream!", or "Why me?!"

The young miss was only four years of age so her continuous actions caused Su Ruochen to call in many renowned doctors to diagnose his daughter. All of them had no idea what was going on with her.

Though her symptoms were a bit off, they all said that Su Ruoyan seemed to be experiencing grief. But, what puzzled them was that— what could a four-year-old child be grieving over? According to Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan no one in their family had died nor do they have any pets that died either. There was absolutely no reason for Su Ruoyan to be grieving.

The doctors seeing as they had no idea what was going on with her asked Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan if they wanted to send Su Ruoyan to a Psychiatric ward to be monitored. Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan immediately refused such a suggestion. Their daughter was only four, if they sent her to a mental institution wouldn't it just worsen her condition. The Su couple decided that they would slowly coax her out of it, and if nothing else worked they would send her to the hospital.

The doctors could not convince them to move her to the hospital and thus gave up, but before leaving the doctors gave some prescriptions for an IV drip to make sure that Su Ruoyan didn't starve to death as she refused to eat, it had taken the Su couple 4 hours to coax their daughter into being hooked up to the IV drip. They only succeeded because the young miss was dead tired from her self-starvation and crying.

Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan then sought the help of many famous therapists and hired them to coax Su Ruoyan. The only reaction they had gotten was another hunger strike and since that day no therapists stepped into the doors of the household.

From then on, with no way to coax her Su Ruochen and Yu Xialan ordered everyone in the household to listen to the young miss's every word and take care of the young miss with the utmost precision, anyone who is able to better her condition will be greatly rewarded.

For the next few months, the young miss's condition did slowly get better. The young miss had stopped trashing her room and throwing expensive items to the floor. She also stopped starving herself and slowly ate the bare minimum from the meals delivered to her every day. But, even though there was an improvement it wasn't much. The little miss still locked herself in her room all day long never stepping out. She would also stare into space dazedly muttering things under her breath her eye devoid of any life or happiness.

Since the day that the young miss started her weird behavior, Yu Xialan had been sobbing every time she saw her daughter in such a state. As a mother who loved her daughter to the marrow of her bones, seeing her in such a state made Yu Xialan distraught to no end. The young miss was no longer the sweet cute child that she was before her sudden illness, she no longer spoke to the servants and rarely did anything other than cry and stare silently in her room.

The young miss was a completely different person, and no one knew why.

A/N: Please comment and vote! Also if you see any grammar or spelling errors please do tell! I always go back to read and edit my work, but I might have missed some stuff so if you see any mistakes please tell me. :)

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