1 Prologue

The chilling breeze from the sea made Hara Reign shiver. Surveying the dark seas infront of her, she sighed and asked herself, "how can we possibly get out of this mess?"

She felt a squeeze in her chest as she remembers her conversation with her family earlier. She wanted to be mad at herself for being dumb, but what could she do? She's just inlove.

"Hara," a deep, baritone voice fills her ears, apart from the sound of the waves. "Is there something that's bothering you?"

It's her boyfriend, Dreazer Keith who's wearing a heavy fur coat. She turned to him and tried to hide her problematic face with a forced smile. "Nothing. I'm just admiring the sea."

He sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. A sigh escaped from her lips. "You do have a problem. Care to share it to me?"

"I-i talked to mom and dad earlier," she stuttered. She's having doubts whether she's going to tell him about what she knew or she'll just let go of it and continue her relationship with him.

"If you're not comfortable with it, it's fine," he said with an assuring smile. "I won't force you."

And on that moment, she made up her mind. She's going to tell him everything. "Keith," she paused as she tries to stop her tears from coming out. "We can't be together. This relationship is illegal."

"Wait," he tried to compose himself upon hearing her words. He stood up and frustratedly combed his hair. "What did you just say?"

"We can't be together. This is not right." She cried and covered her face. Hara herself can't accept the truth, but they have to face it.

He was flustered. His brain can't process everything that Hara said to him. "Why? I can't see anything wrong about us."

"You're m-my," she wiped the tears from her eyes and breathed deeply. "You're my..."
