
New World


"I am not dead? What is going on...…..? I can feel my heart beating but why is it so hot, WAAAAAIIIITTTT! Why does it feel like I am being squashed? What is on my body? Kogi" Kenpachi roared

"You are currently being squashed by a 200lb boulder", a voice said. The voice sounded very raspy, "I am unaware of the exact situation, but it seems you have overestimated yourself".

Tssk. This brat! The voice said distastefully

The place was very dark and seemed hallow. Every yell from Kogi Kenpachi would echo. Unknowing to him, he was in a cave. Before coming to this world the previous inhibitor of his body was venturing this cave when the boulder crushed him.

His death was torture. He tried his best to remove the boulder but his whimsy body couldn't muster the strength. He was only at the first level of Gui after all.

As soon as his life left his body a bright light flashed in the cave above the boulder. Then later engulfing the body giving it life once more but life was cruel. The boulder was still on his body.

''Who are you?'' He asked worriedly, ''...and where am I?'' He asked with his voice shaking as if he were stammered; the beat of his heart skipped with every word. Every word felt heavy as they laid on his chest, and as he uttered them,....

The sound of yelling followed; "there is no time for trivialities. If it wasn't for me realising the situation you would be dead… again". "Now listen up!" He shouted. "Something strange is going on, and the energies here seem very different".

Even earth wasn't this difficult! He thought

I am going to channel some of my power into you. When I say go, I want you to punch out with all your might. Try not to explode!

Kogi yelled, "What do you mean power? Explode?!!..... WOOOOAH!"

He started to feel his blood boil. Hot energy started to spread throughout his body from his stomach outwards.

"What are you doing?" He screamed.

The agony, every inch of his body was aching. If he was paying attention to his body he would notice that his body was becoming swollen. He gritted his teeth in anguish. He tried to stop the energy from rampaging through his body but it was to no avail. The energy continued to flow through (or throughout?) his body unrestrained.

The voice replied, "You are so noisy, focus"; "I would rather not perish with you. Luckily your meridians are still intact. Do not lose consciousness".

After a few seconds of continuous screaming and cursing, Kogi started to realise that the weight on his body was lessening. He opened his eyes and to his surprise the boulder was slowly rising. The energy being emitted from his body was causing the rock to lift.

The voice came again." Kid! I want you to channel and compress all the energy in your body to your right hand and punch out"

Kogi was still in awe.

"Brat! Did you hear what I just said?" The voice sounded annoyed. "We do not have enough time."

Kogi found it hard to muster the strength to speak but he replied. "Yes, I heard you… but… how do I do that?"

"Why am I being cursed by the heavens?" The voice roared. "I will help you guide the energy just push all of it to your right hand".

"Okay". He responded.

Kogi started to push the energy to his right hand. Surprisingly, the rampaging energy was following his directions smoothly, it went anywhere he wished. The energy was still very tyrannical, but other than a few itches in his body where the energy passed, it didn't seem to cause that much discomfort.

The energy took less than a minute to accumulate in his fist, and it started to emit a green glow. He felt unprecedented power.

He found himself being lost in that power he was feeling and forgot the situation he was in. He lifted his arm to look at it. Wow…. This is so cool, he thought but before he could get lost in another thought, the voice came again but this time filled with rage

"You stinking brat, punch the fucking rock!"

Kogi flung his fist with all his might. As soon as his fist came in contact with the boulder, an earth-shaking boom resounded. The rock shattered right before his very eyes. He felt all the energy leave his body.

Did… I just…. Do that? He asked in astonishment.

He turned his head to look at his right arm again and was almost scared shitless. His eyes widened. Upon closer inspection he realised that his fist was gone. His fist was destroyed in the collision. He couldn't find the words to express how he felt before he started to screech in pain.

AHHHHH! The pain was so severe that he fainted.

"Hmmmmmm….Maybe you do have some use. Humans are so weak and pitiful. Especially, this one, he is such a cry baby". The voice said unremorsefully. "I will allow you to rest for now. Now that we are safe, it's time for me to gather some information".

Kogi was unconscious for a whole day. He was jolted awake by a weird dream. His body was soaked in sweat and he had a massive headache. He looked around and saw that he was in the same dark mysterious place as before.

He didn't remember much before fainting but as he tried to move his body. He realised something was wrong. Other than the fact that his body was sore all over, he couldn't move.

"Hmmm, you are finally awake I see"

"Where are you? And who are you," Kogi responded

I am the person who saved your life, don't you remember?

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