
Synergistic Powers/Alike powers

1. Adaptive Body + Devouring (force) + Super growth

2. Any flame + Any flame <this goes without saying>

2a. Any flame + Fire dragon/demon/god slayer magic

3. Gormet Cells(Toriko) + any food item thats special in other series + devour

3a. Devil Fruits(One Piece)

3b. Soul Candy(Bleach)

3c. Any food that has something to do with energy(Mana food, cultivation based food, etc)

3d. Teigu(Akame Ga Kill)<demons extract and maybe others especially if you were to add devour>

4. Armiger(FFXV) + Devil Arms(DMC) + Shiro Emiya(Fate) + Bleach

5. Shiro Emiya(Fate) + Minato Arisato(Persona 3)

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