
Study For LOVE

Helgerex · Urban
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1 Chs

Beginning of realization

Yuki walked down the hallway of his school, eyes scanning the crowd of faces around him. He was so focused on learning, that he was oblivious to everything else. He was looking for a new subject to learn about, something that he hadn't already studied before. As he walked, he felt a presence ahead of him, and his gaze shifted to the front of the hallway. There, walking a few steps ahead of him was Daichi, the most popular boy in school. He was a tall, good-looking boy, and his presence seemed to draw the attention of every girl who passed him.

Yuki felt an unexpected stirring in his chest as he watched Daichi from behind. He was something different to Yuki, something unfamiliar. But as Yuki watched, something else caught his eye- Daichi had stopped walking and was now standing still, looking back over his shoulder, directly at Yuki. His gaze locked with Yuki's, and for a moment, it felt like time had stopped.

Yuki felt a sudden surge of energy, and he felt his heart speed up. But it wasn't a feeling he could identify- it was something he had never felt before. He broke away from Daichi's gaze and looked away, embarrassed by the intensity of the moment.

Daichi turned back around and continued walking, but Yuki felt as if he had still seen something special. He felt like he had been given a glimpse into something he didn't understand, and it left him feeling unsettled and confused. He knew that he wanted to get to know this boy better, to learn more about him and to understand why he had felt so strongly in that moment.

Still lost in his own thoughts, Yuki continued walking down the hallway, determined to find out more about Daichi. But as Yuki walked, he couldn't help but feel like his life was starting to take a strange turn.

Suddenly, the school bell chimed, prompting Yuki to hasten his steps toward his classroom, eager not to be tardy for his first period. In his rush, he was taken aback by the sight of someone he recognized: Daichi. "Could it be that he's in the same class as me?" Yuki mused. He had been so engrossed in his studies that he hadn't formed any friendships or even recognized his peers. Yuki found himself perplexed by the flustered feeling that seeing Daichi stirred within him. When the teacher commenced the lesson, Yuki's focus remained fixed solely on Daichi. Lost in his thoughts, Yuki came to the realization that he had no grasp of what love truly meant; he had never encountered it before. Doubts about his own sexuality crept into his mind, leaving him pondering if he might be gay. Yuki was on the verge of drifting off, completely unaware that the teacher was addressing him. "Mr. Yuki, are you paying attention? I asked for the answer to this question," the teacher inquired, with everyone's eyes now on Yuki. However, Yuki managed to respond correctly. "Please make an effort to stay focused in class next time," the teacher advised before resuming the lesson.

Yuki couldn't stop glancing at Daichi throughout the entire class. He had never felt these emotions before and it was overwhelming. As soon as class ended, Yuki quickly gathered his belongings and rushed out of the classroom, trying to avoid any interactions with Daichi.

But fate had other plans. As he was walking down the hallway, Yuki heard someone calling his name. He turned around to see Daichi running towards him. Yuki's heart raced as he tried to compose himself.

"Hey, Yuki! Wait up!" Daichi said as he got closer.

Yuki couldn't believe it. Daichi was talking to him. He didn't know what to say, so he just nodded his head and waited for Daichi to speak.

"I noticed you in class today. You seem like a really cool guy," Daichi said with a smile.

Yuki's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe that Daichi was complimenting him. He felt like he was in heaven

Yuki was question his sexuality and what is actually love he never have ever experienced loving someone other than his parents he was to focused on his studies that he don't want to be friend or love someone

Helgerexcreators' thoughts