
Showing power

Izuku could be seen in his usual clothes, waiting in a very big auditorium playing with one of his puzzles, a 10.251.860 faced rubic cube, 2.561.560 for aside.

While waiting in the room he sensed someone approaching him, he turns around, a girl with black hair gathered in a ponytail, she is wearing tight leggings showing off her legs and booty, and a red t-shirt.

Sarah:'' Izuku calm down, she's a girl and even a cute one, that's the second one in a day, you are lucky, don't mess up.''

Izuku:' I won't…I hope.'

She neared him since he was the only one present and the one that showed off the most in only one day when she shows the thing in my hands she was confused.

Girl:''What's that?''

Izuku:''That's a 10.251.860 faced rubic cube you know just to pass time before the beginning of the exam.''

Girl:'' Where did you buy it, if I can know?''

Izuku:''I didn't buy it, I made it if you want I can give you one.''

Girl:'' Really?'' She looked at me with hope

Izuku:'' Yeah sure, I have tons of these.'' Izuku went for his side pocket and took out a little square.

Izuku pressed a button and it became the same rubic cube as the one in Izuku's hand.

Izuku:'' You have to press the button to make it back to its original form, every time its combination will change.''

Girl:'' That's amazing, how did you make it?'' She looked at him as if I was a master and she was a student.

Izuku:'' Well maybe one day, when we know each other better.'' Izuku means without any type of second ending.

Girl:'' Well… hmmm… Sure, oh right I still have to introduce myself, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu.'' She said

Izuku:''Nice to meet you, my name is Izuku Midoriya.'' Izuku then went to back to his rubic cube

Momo:'' Ehmmmm don't you know me?'' She asked in a hesitant voice.

Izuku:'' Should I?'' Izuku said with a questioning gaze

Momo:'' Nope never mind, I hope we can be good friends.'' She said with a smile on her face and then sat down near him.

They then continued playing with their cube waiting for the others.

Sarah:'' Very good, you didn't go overboard, and you even flirted with her.''


Slowly all the participants came, when Mina saw Izuku she sat down next to him and began talking about the different types of heroes, doing things during the afternoon, most of it was just Mina talking since Izuku was more of a listener than a talker and she was totally fine with it.

After everyone finished the written exam, and everyone had taken a seat, Present Mic entered the auditorium.

Present Mic:'' NOW THAT EVERYONE FINISHED, I WILL EXPLAIN HOW THE PHYSICAL EXAM WORKS:'' He said while lowering his voice with his quirk.


In the middle of his speech a boy with blue hairs and blue eyes raised his whole body with his hand up, he is wearing an azure tracksuit

Boy:'' As you said there are supposed to be 4 targets but you only said three, I would expect better from the UA.''


Izuku:' Something is strange, it is too easy a hero doesn't only need to stop villains they also have to save civilians, there might be a secret function, what do you think Ghengis?'

Ghengis:'' I think you are right, it is too easy, if someone as your "friend" Kacchan, as you call me, would easily destroy those targets and wouldn't give a fuck about others, while others with a weaker quirk wouldn't have a chance.''

Izuku:' That's why I created you, you a very good second head.''

Ghengis:'' Thanks, sir.''

After finishing explaining the test Mic said that they could prepare and go towards the training grounds, the letter of the training grounds was casual.

Izuku:' This way friends can't help each other.'

Izuku's letter is Z, Mina's B, and Momo's H

15 minutes later

Izuku could be seen in front of an enormous metal door that when opened would let everyone inside the exam grounds.

Izuku changed he is now wearing a tight black tank top that was showing all of his muscles, black pants to not block his movements, fingerless black gloves, and all of his accessories.

Izuku was waiting for the test to start watching around to see if he could recognize someone.

While watching around he saw a brown-haired girl, she is wearing a blue jacket with a blue shirt under it, and black pants, she was biting her nails trying to relax.

Izuku neared her:'' Hey are you ok?'' He asked with concern in his voice

Girl:'' Yep totally, I am not going to miss this opportunity and not pass and get poor and have to…'' If not stopped she would have described how her life could go if she failed

Izuku:'' Stop, if you don't relax it will only get worse, here take this.'' Izuku immediately stopped her

Izuku:'' Maybe I can help you.''

Girl:'' How?'' She asked with hope in her voice

Izuku went behind her and touched her shoulder with his hands.

A feeling of relaxation went through her whole body.

Izuku:'' I usually use this type of massage to relax muscles after training.''

It lasted for 1 minute, exactly at 60 seconds, from her mouth, a not exactly under 18 sound came out

Izuku immediately stopped and began watching her trying to find out if she was angry.

The girl turned towards him with red cheeks.

Girl:'' Thanks, now I am way more relaxed than before.''

Izuku:'' You are welcome.''

Izuku:' Fewwwww she ignored it'.

Freud:'' She didn't just didn't want to make you fell in fault, and also she liked it... a lot.''

Izuku:' Fuck, well at least I know, thanks, Freud.'

Freud:'' You are welcome.''

Izuku then simply waited for the start.


Izuku then went full predator mode, his eyes went cold, his mouth took the form of a sadistic smile, all of his muscles tensed, the moment he kicked the ground an enormous crack appeared, the only reason why all of the UA grounds didn't collapse was that he was restraining himself.

Izuku:'Alfred put "A little faster" and then put the fighting playlist on random.''

Everyone was stunned, not only because of Izuku but also because of Present Mic


Everyone then began attacking the robots, only that Izuku had already accumulated more than 50 points, the robots were built with the same weak points as the human body, and he perfectly knows all the weak points of the human body, he just needed to touch one of the weak points with one finger to make the robot crumble.

The test continued, during the test Izuku discovered that there were people under debris, but strangely their hearts were calms as if even if they were to be left there they still could save themself.

Izuku:' They are fake civilians, so my theory about saving people was right.'

After that Izuku part destroying robot also began helping people in need.

Meanwhile, on the top of the exam grounds, heroes were watching the examiners.

Sleepless hero:'' That kid is a monster.''

18+ hero:'' He destroyed more than 178 robots in few minutes and he also saved the fake civilians.''

Muscle brain hero:'' What is his quirk?''

Cat/Mouse/Bear:'' That's the interesting part… he left it blank.''

Zipper hero:'' So let's resume it: Intelligence over the top,speed at the limit of the human body, enough strength to punch a robot with his bare hands, and enough knowledge about martial arts or medicine to recognize the weak points of all the robots, and there might be the case that he isn't showing of everything.''

Sleepless hero:'' I want him.''

Cat/Mouse/Bear:'' Then you will have to teach the hero course because he will surely gain 1st place.''

Sleepless hero:'' Fine by me.''

The muscle brain hero was watching the boy.

Muscle brain hero:' Mirio-shounen it seems like you have an opponent… wait that kid is…''




The end of the exam was coming and Izuku was simply looking around trying to find other people to help, he stopped destroying robots when he reached 300 (robots not points)since he wanted to leave some of the robots to the others.

While he was searching, the earth began shaking and some pieces of the fake constructions fell.

An enormous Robot began walking towards the entrance of the exam groundes most of the participants began escaping, most because Izuku didn't move from his spot.


Someone is under the pieces of the constructions that fell and is in the trajectory of the robot.

Izuku used 1% of his speed to reach the place, under the debris there was the girl that he met at the beginning

Izuku:'' Are you ok?''

Girl:'' Yeah but I can't move my leg is stuck.''(step-bro I'm stuck… JK)

Izuku:'' Don't move I will help you:'' Said while removing some of the debris

Girl:'' Tha- WATCH OUT.'' She shouted

Izuku immediately in a split millisecond turned around, why? The giant robot is behind him.

The punch of the robot is nearing him ready to "kill" him and the girl


The punch of the robot landed… on Izuku hand

Everyone had their mouth touch the ground because of the shock.

Izuku:'' Ohhhhhhh you just made a grave mistake.'' He said while detaching the whole of the robot.

Izuku:'' Why? Because I have the power of God and Anime on my side AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.'' Izuku then jumped at the level of the head of the robot and used the arm as a mace to hit the robot making its head fly

Izuku:'' HOMERUUUUUUN BITCHES.'' He said while falling

When he almost reached the ground he wanted to use his vector manipulation to stop the falling ì, but before he could he felt someone slap his ass.

It was the girl that was using her quirk to stop the fall.

When Izuku landed he looked towards the girl.

Izuku:'' Did you just slap my ass?''




Izuku was going towards his newly bought home, courtesy of Kevin, after saying goodbye to Mina, Momo, and Ochacko the girl who slapped his ass.

After the exam finished Ochako thanked him for 10 minutes.

It took so much time that Mina and Momo were able to find him and since they were already here they exchanged numbers.

When he was almost entering his house he received a notification similar to when he first entered the white room.

[You will be sent to the white room in 5 seconds]

[Your mission is to win against 10 hordes of enemies, the enemy will depend on your current strength, there will be spectators]

Izuku:'' Fuck.''

Izuku then disappeared.

Next chapter