
Final exam

All of 1-A could be seen in front of an enormous structure, all the teachers were in front of them, there also was the principal Nezu.

Nezu:'' As all of you know today there will be the… Final exams.''

Everyone, hearing these words, tensed up they had spent all the last week studying and training for this exam.

Nezu:'' Due to the constants attack from Villains we choose to make the exam harder so that only the best would pass, the exam will be a… real fight.''

That made the students tense even more.

Nezu:'' You will fight against your teachers in a group of 2, the team and the teacher will be random.''

After that on a screen behind the teacher, there was a photo of all the teachers and the students, without any warning all the photos began shuffling.


1) All might VS Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo

2) Nezu VS Denki and Mina

3)Thirteen Vs Yuga Aoyama and Ochaco

4)Present Mic VS Koji Koda and Kyoka

5)Ectoplasm VS Fumikage and Tsuyu

6)Midnight VS Hanta

7)Snipe VS Mezo and Toru

8)Cementoss VS Rikido and Eijiro

9)Power Loader VS Tenya and Mashirao.

On Izuku's face, a smile formed

Izuku:' I have the opportunity to fight against the strongest hero… interesting.'

After that, since Izuku and Bakugo were the first teams they were lead towards the area where the exam would proceed.

They were lead in an area full of skyscrapers, they were told that there were 2 ways to win: 1) Reach the end of the zone 2)Beat the teacher.

Hearing these words caused an even bigger smile to form on Izuku's face.

Izuku:' Now I have a reason to fight him.'




The duo could be seen at the beginning of the area waiting for the timer to begin.

Present Mic:'' READY…SET… GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.'' Bakugo began using his quirk to dash towards the end of the area, while Izuku was simply walking.

From one of the skyscrapers an explosion could be heard, an object was falling from the sky.

Izuku:' Is it an airplane? Is it a bird? Is it a nuke? No, It's a fucking man in a tight suit.'

All might land a few feet away from Bakugo position who didn't stop dashing.

When Bakugo was right next to him All might raised an arm ready to block the passage of Bakugo, but he suddenly put both of his arms right in front of him to block the incoming attack.


The punch caused All might take 7 steps backward, All might raise his eyes only to see Izuku in the normal MMA stance waiting for him while using his index finger to taunt him. (he is lowering his power at the level of All might)

Bakugo was now too far to be caught and with Izuku in front of him, he had no other choice but to fight and then catch Bakugo.

And so the fight began.

All might dash towards Izuku, preparing a punch, Izuku, predicting the trajectory of the punch, was able to evade it easily and punches him right in the kidney.

All might flinched but still didn't go down, he kicked the ground causing a small shockwave to be created, that caused Izuku to flinch and made All might able to escape.

Izuku:'' We didn't have a serious talk from the moment of that accident, how are your lunges?''

All might smile darkened a bit but it still was present.

All might:'' I am sorry for what I said, I shouldn't have destroyed your dream like that.''

Izuku:'' You don't have to feel at fault, you just did what you thought was right, I had a LOT of time to reflect, and I came to the conclusion that to be a hero you don't have to have a quirk or be quirkless, to be strong or weak, you just need the courage to always have a smile, the courage to always get up, the courage to protect someone even if that cost your life.'' He said with seriousness in his voice.

All might smile become even bigger, his eyes looked straight towards Izuku's eyes

All might:''AHAHAHAHAHAHA You are right, I have no right to say who should be a hero and who shouldn't, from now on if a quirkless kid were to ask me if he can be a hero I will just say your words.''

Izuku:'' I am happy that I could be useful to the number one hero… now will we continue our fight?''

All might:'' With pleasure.''

All might then dashed towards Izuku, Preparing another punch but this time he had removed his weights making them faster and stronger

Izuku this time didn't evade the punch but he also formed a fist on his side while taking a karate stance.

Both of the first met.


The meeting of the fists caused a mini-explosion to happen, making all the windows broke.

The exchange continued, All might instead of getting weaker and weaker he was getting stronger.

The exchange ended when Izuku's fist was able to punch him in the stomach and making him take 5 steps backward

All might:'' What are you doing?''

All might has noticed his raise in strength, that should be impossible, his lunges were almost non-existence but now he felt as if he could breathe easily.

Izuku:'' Let's just say that I wanted to give you a gift and make a bitch stay in their place.''

Izuku during the exchange was using mana with each contact to heal his lunge.

That should have been impossible… if someone didn't have mana.

Izuku was using mana to rebuild his lunge, it took 1% of his mana to rebuild it.

All might:'' Whatever you are doing, is making me stronger and I have to thank you for this.''

The fight continued and when Izuku fully rebuilt his lunge he just teleported behind All might and used his mana to make him fell asleep





All the students won against the teacher, most of them won by reaching the end and a few of them beat the teacher.

To celebrate the end of the exam they all went shopping, Izuku went with the girls to help them buy clothes.

While helping he suddenly felt a hand on his neck, the hand had his middle finger not touching Izuku's skin

Man:'' Move of one inch and you will die.''

Izuku:'' Listen here you little shit I won't kill you since there are civilians and my girls and I don't want to scare them, so you 2 options: 1) You leave and we never meet again or 2) You leave and we never meet again.''

Man:'' I choose the third.'' When he said these words he pressed the finger on Izuku's neck… nothing happened

The man immediately retracted his hand

Man:'' How is this possible.''

Izuku from the moment he felt the presence of the man and his intention he had already coated his neck in mana making another layer that would protect his neck from any type of attack

Izuku:'' So? Option 1 or 2?''

The man then began running away at full speed.

Mina:'' Who was that?''

Izuku:'' Just a nuisance.''

Ochaco:'' Hey did you hear? During the summer vacation, we will go on a school trip.''

Izuku:'' Interesting.''

Next chapter