
Chapter 1- The Loop Begins

In a dark alleyway, a middle-aged man wearing a brown coat with a business suit underneath it, was laying on the floor.

Beneath him was a pool of blood that came from the multiple gunshot wounds on his chest and abdomen.

Standing over him was a thirteen-year-old boy that had an emotionless expression on his face. In his right hand by his side was a gun that was producing faint smoke from its barrel.

Suddenly the sound of police sirens echoed in the silent night causing the boy to turn his head to the alleyway's entrance.

Two cop cars were seen flying in and parking there.

The boy turned his attention back to the corpse, seeming to be unconcerned about the incoming police.

Looking at the man in the pool of blood the boy raised the gun again and fired several more rounds in his abdomen.

Out of the two police cars, four officers came rushing out.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they put their hands on their guns and shouted at the boy.

"Little boy!! Drop the gun now!!"

The boy still had the gun raised at the dead man on the floor and was still pulling the trigger, but only a clicking sound echoed as the bullet had run out.

Seeing that the clip was empty, the expression on the little boy's face became distorted before he threw the empty gun at the man.

The four police officers started to approach the boy to apprehend him but he suddenly started laughing.

The laugh was low but gradually increased to an ear-piercing volume. The laugh sounded deranged making the four officers wonder how a young child could laugh in such a way

The boy's laugh echoed in the alleyway for some time, and the four officers that had stopped just looked at him from a distance.

One of the officers was about to say something only to be cut off by the boy's sudden howling.

"What should I have done?!! I tried and tried but nothing worked!!..."

"Ha.. haha…hahaha!!"

After the boy spoke those words he went back to laughing like he was deranged.

The four officers couldn't help but feel a chill go down their spines as they looked at this little boy laughing over the dead body of a person he had just killed.

The laughter that came from his lips was shrill and alarming.

During his laugh, the little boy reached behind his back and pulled out another gun.

The officers rush to point their gun at the boy fearing he was going to shoot at them, but the boy only aimed it at the dead man again. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, his figure suddenly vanished, leaving the gun to fall onto the ground.

The four officers stare with dumbfounded expressions at the spot where the boy just disappeared.

"Am I seeing things or did that boy just disappear?" One officer said with skepticism.


Wakefield Town.

A small farming town with a population of around 2900 people, where practically everyone knows everyone.

Due to the town's remoteness, not many people came to visit. Though the town was highly self-sufficient with hospitals, police stations, and convenience stores.

Within a two-story family home, on the second floor in a bedroom. An alarm clock that was stuck on 7:30 am was making noise next to a bed that had a boy around the age of thirteen on it.

Around the room, you could see 1st place trophies and gold medals for math, science, chess, and other competitions displayed on various shelves.

Letting out a moan of annoyance, the boy rolled over and hit the alarm clock stopping the blaring sound.

The boy had curly black hair, along with gray pupils that could be seen through his squinted eyelids, as he tried to block out the morning sun coming through his window.

Flipping off his covers he got up out of bed, and in his underwear, he headed for the bathroom that was down the hall a distance away from his room. But before he could, he suddenly saw a sticky note on his dresser's mirror that was next to the door.

Carefully picking it off, he held it a couple of inches away from his eyes to make out the words on it.

With a groggy voice he read, "Dear Miles, mom has to leave early, left school lunch and breakfast in the kitchen, be careful on the way to school, love mom."

After reading the note he lets out a sigh, before opening a drawer and stuffing it in a pile with others similar to it.

He then opened the door and headed to the bathroom down the hall.

Upon opening the bathroom door, he went to the sink to find his toothbrush and brushed his teeth. After finishing, he washed his face and dried it with a towel before opening up the glass cabinet above the sink, and took out his contact lenses.

Turning his head up, he slowly put them in one by one, then began closing and opening his eyes to make sure they were in the correct position. He then placed the contact lenses container back into the glass cabinet and closed it.

However, upon closing the cabinet, he saw something in the mirror that made him let out a loud shrill scream.

He then swerved around and came face to face with… himself.

Looking at the person who was similar to him, Miles saw his slightly red eyes under his disheveled curly hair and the familiar-looking clothes he was wearing.

Stumbling backward to the bathroom's exit, he fell on his butt before frantically scrambling backward, all the while the figure just stared at him while he was freaking out.

Stuttering Miles said, "Wh..who are you?! What are you doing in my house?!"

Miles and his mother were the only ones living in their house, so finding someone standing behind him scared him witless.

"If you don't leave now I'm going to call the police!!"

Miles shouted threateningly, but the figure just stood there looking at him, before he opened his mouth and said, "Is this how I looked when this happened to me? Wow, this is embarrassing."

When Miles heard that a befuddled look appeared on his face before he scrambled up from the ground and ran to his room while screaming, "I'm going to call the police!!"


His room door slam shut while his voice lingered in the hallway.

The figure stood by the bathroom door while shaking his head.

Then, as if he was a specter, his image blurred in and out as his couple of steps brought him four meters away to stand in front of Miles' door, before he passed right through it.

In the room, Miles was under his bed with an iphone dialing 9-1-1 when he heard a voice similar to his own say, "Miles Lee Harper, stop behaving like a wuss and get out from under our bed. Aren't you smart enough to realize what's happening?"

Miles looked up from his phone to see a pair of legs by his bedside.

After hearing those words he stayed still with a hesitant look on his face before he closed his phone and slowly got up from under his bed.

He was on one side of the bed, while the figure that looked like him was on the other.

Throwing his phone on his bed, Miles then said, "Even if you say that, anybody would freak out in this situation."

Miles 2 then nodded his head and said, "Well that's true."

The two then stood there silently staring at each other for a while before, Miles said, "So, are you another me from an alternate dimension, or a future me?"

"The second one." Miles 2 responded.

"Then how come you're here? Did you... I mean we, went through a wormhole or something?" Miles asked again.

Miles 2 shook his head and said, "You're going to be stuck in a time-loop, repeating today over and over again. I don't know how long it's been going on for, but the same thing happening to you now, happened to me too."

After he said that he took a small book from his back pocket and throw it on the bed in front of Miles.

Taking up the book, Miles opened it and saw in his own handwriting, certain details about different events that's going to happen today. On the first page, he saw details about what to do and not do when approaching himself in the bathroom, and what to say to calm him down when he went under his bed.

There was even a passage that explained how he was once admitted to a psychiatric ward because he kept saying he was seeing and hearing another version of himself.

Looking up from the book, Miles said, "So? What know?"

Miles 2 just shrug his shoulders and said, "Now it's your turn to try and get out of the loop. I already tried and nothing worked."

Hearing that, Miles skipped ahead to the page where the writings stopped and read it. After which his face went pale and he ran out the room to vomit in the bathroom.

Miles 2 just indifferently specter his way to the bathroom entrance and watch his past, or maybe he should say current self, throwing up.

When Miles was done vomiting, he turn to Miles 2 and said, "What's wrong with you, did you actually kill seventeen people?"

Miles 2 looked at him and responded, "You'll understand soon enough why 'we' did that."

Miles who was hunch over the toilet shook his head and said, "I won't, I definitely wouldn't do something like that no matter what the circumstances were."

After he said, he started vomiting again.

Miles 2 then said, "We're the same person, so technically you already did."

The sound of Miles throwing up harder echoed out after he heard that.

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