
Registration (II)

(Plenty of time skips this chapter. So here's a quick guide:

*= 1 second to 1 minute

**= 1 minute to 10 minutes

***= 10 minutes to 1 hour

****= 1 hour to 10 hours

*****= 10 hours plus)

"Everybody get down!" 


Once the dust from the shrapnel cleared, everyone's eyes were fixated on Sung-ho. They weren't sure of what they were looking at, was he a monster, or a god? 

"What just happened?" 

The administrator stood up and cracked his neck. This was an event that has never happened before. 

The administrator wasn't sure if he should be scared...or amazed. 

"How did it break!? Was his magic power that high!?" 

Questions were flying out of everyone's mouth. No one knew the real reason it broke, but they knew it had to do with immense power. The likes of which were never before seen. 

The administrator needed to know for sure, he needed to know just how powerful Sung-ho was. 

"Applicant number twenty-six, please come over here!" 

Sung-ho made his way towards the administrator. Sung-ho had to step over piles of rubble and destruction caused by the rock exploding. 

*"I don't know what you are! But please go last from now on!"* (Author Note" (*""*) means whispering.)

The ten people behind Sung-ho in line couldn't test their abilities. They would have to wait until a new measuring stone was delivered. 

*"Yes sir."* 

The administrator nods and beckons to the crowd of applicants. 

"We will continue with the tests now. Those of you who didn't get to complete this test will be retested at a later date." 

Disappointment was spewing from the applicants after Sung-ho. 

"That's just perfect!"


Sung-ho felt a bit of remorse but he got over it quickly. 

"Alright everyone! Follow me to your next test!" 

The physical strength test. 


The administrator led them to a second gymnasium where massive machines littered the floor. The machines were connected to a screen with wires flowing from all directions. 

"These right here are punching machines. I want you all to punch one at full power and the machine will measure your strength by color." 

There wasn't enough for everyone to have one. There were only 20 machines so several of them had lines, but there was no one behind Sung-ho. 

"Okay! Now when I call your number...punch!" 

The first one to punch was applicants number one. He slammed his fist into the machine and the screen started glowing blue with a green tint. 

"Excellent! Next!" 


"Applicant number twenty-five! You're up!" 

She draws her fist back and plunges it into the center of the machine. 


The screen started to shine a bright orange. 

"Another S Ranked display! Excellent! We do indeed have someone exceptional!" 

The administrator looks towards Sung-ho and puts a finger up telling him to wait. 


It's Sung-ho's turn now. 

"Okay... Now you can go applicant number twenty-six." 

Sung-ho pulls back his fist and thrusts forward into the machine. The machine comes unhinged and flies through the wall in front of him, just as the screen shuts off. Rubble and shrapnel covered the gymnasium, yet again.


The administrator expected something weird but he didn't expect the machine that was built to withstand the force of a missile, was punched away by a mere human. 

"That guy... He's inhuman!" 

"Just what is he!" 

"I don't know if I should be scared or impressed!" 

The room was filled with chatter about what they just witnessed. The applicants were dumbfounded by the sight of the machine and wall being destroyed. 

"Everyone! Let's advance to the next test location!" 

The administrator starts to walk towards the door with the applicants in tow.

"Hey, you!" 

Sung-ho turns around to see applicant number twenty-five calling out to him. 

"Yeah? What do you need?" 

She reaches out and puts her hand on his chest. 

"How are you so strong!?" 


"Normally I can sense a limit to someone's power. But with you, It feels like an endless abyss of power flowing throughout your entire body!" 


The administrator leads them into a third gymnasium where a white dungeon is floating above a platform. 

"You're all going to clear this dungeon. I will time you. The faster the time, the higher the rank."

White dungeons don't disappear after being cleared. They only disappear when the core is destroyed. 

Applicant number one is the first to enter. He exits after five minutes. 

"Excellent job! Next!" 


"Applicant number twenty-five! Your turn!" 

She walks up to the dungeon and jumps in. She exits after a minute of being in the dungeon. 

"Amazing! Yet again, another S Rank display!" 


"Applicant number twenty-six! Please try not to break the dungeon!" 

Sung-ho enters the dungeon. 

'This feels oddly nostalgic.'

The dungeon was a cave. Stalagmites and stalactites extruded from all over. A yellow pair of eyes was fixated on Sung-ho. 

A goblin rushed towards Sung-ho and thrusts a dagger towards him.The dagger couldn't even pierce his skin. 

Sung-ho swiped the back of his hand into the goblins face, blowing him apart. 

Sung-ho charges through the gate, killing everything he saw.

Sung-ho reached the boss room. The boss was an orc. The orc had dark green skin and a scar across his eye. 

"You disrespect me by stepping into my territory! Prepare to die, human!" 

The orc moves a centimeter, Sung-ho had placed his fist into the orc face as the orc is decapitated and falls to the ground. 

"What! You were only in there for two seconds!" 

Time in dungeons is five hundred times faster than the real world, but people don't fatigue while in them. Sung-ho was in the dungeon for fifteen minutes. 

"That's a new record!" 

"That's insane!" 

"Just what is he!" 

The administrator sits down with his head in his hands. He is visibly shaken at the speed the dungeon was accomplished. 

"I need to take this up with my superiors..." 


Sung-ho had to wait for the conference to finish. The administrator asked Sung-ho to wait for him until his superiors were done talking. 


Sung-ho turns around to see applicant number twenty-five and applicant number one, walking towards him. 

"Do you need something?" 

"We would like to know your name." 

"I'm Yoo Sung-ho." 

The two nodded their heads at his response. 

"I'm Park Kim-lee." 

"I'm Park Chae-rin." 

Chae-rin was nervous. She wasn't sure of how she should approach him. Her brother felt the same way. 

Chae-rin and Kim-lee bowed their heads towards Sung-ho. 

"Please party with us!" (In unison)

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.)

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