
The Academy

Early in the morning in a room with a big round table in the middle,10 figures were sitting around it their faces shrouded in darkness each with very powerful auras, one of them which was a women with Red hair spoke while reading something in her hands

"it's very interesting it seems that this year we have many promising ones"

another figure spoke a man with eye glasses in his 30s "yes it seems this year is truly a golden year,among our freshman many belong to golden Guilds and some promising ones even belong to commoner lineage.

a Hump was heard then another figure spoke a women that her eyes was slightly glowing with interest holding a paper

"what golden ranks, this year we even have some talented candidates from Platinum Rank ones their talents and background are unparalleled if you ask me I think only someone like lady Hudson deserves our attention and teaching

the man from a moment ago spoke while fixing his eye glasses with a disapproving voice

"you shouldn't discard others though,maybe you find some Diamonds in the rough among them,with some polish they may shine even brighter than others like this young candidate Ye chen clearly his more deserving then some..

then suddenly a muffled lough was heard everyone's attention was drawn the woman with red hair she had a smile adorning her flawless face and said

"you all are only seeing the small ones,however I only like to see results I think this candidate is even more interesting then others his name is Damien Fallor,and you all should know about his recent achievements and power.

as soon as she mentioned Fallor the expressions of several people around the table changed abruptly some with surprise and some with growing interest

then the women with red hair said with solemn expressions

"I think you all know the background behind him

and...his Father"

at this moment a old man sitting at the first seat of the round table while resting his chin on his interlocked hands slowly opened his eyes and said

"you all are free to choose anyone you deem worthy of your attention, but never forget that the Glade academy's interest and safety should be above all,now everyone write the names you want to choose as your candidates.

with that statement only the sound of pen dancing on paper was heard in the room


at the same time outside miles away there was countless students male and female wearing Dark blue jackets or ocationaly white shirts were coming through the giant gates of the glade academy the academy had 2 gates south and north gate the main building which was a gothic style building stood tall which the future classes were supposed to be held,and many small and big compounds around it

many students were excited to the extreme and many were looking forward to their life here from time to Time there would be expensive looking and luxurious cars stopping at the gates of academy and some students were getting off of them and many were paying attention to them because these people were from exceptional backgrounds some were young masters of influential families and some high ranking guilds from silver rank to golden rank but so far only very few people belonging to platinum ones have came among them names of Laurel Hudson, James Walter, Oliver whitlock were seen which all had terrifying talents.

inside a black Luxury Cadillac Escalde a young man wearing academy uniform dark blue jackets with white shirt underneath on left side of his chest there was a logo in golden color its design was a big E and 1 sword beside it indicating that this person was a E- rank superhuman was sitting,his black hair combed to side while his blue eyes stared at the glass of wine in his hands deep in thought he ran its finger on its edges without taking a sip from it then a crisp and beautiful voice suddenly broke his train of thought

"Brother Damien are you alright?"

the young man snapped out of his thoughts said

"I'm fine"

'its finally time,the academy opened I did all I could to become more powerful,but I have one more thing to do,Nikita Morozov the girl I need to save'

the young man picked the file on his left and slowly opened it on the first page was filled with pictures of a girl with long white hair and violet eyes holding a long (1)Estoc sword in her hands snow white skin and her small coat with her beautiful lean body she looked like a ice fairy that could make men loose control with just few glances

then Damien started flipping the pages of the file in his hands and when he finished reading it

the corners of his lips pulled upward a wicked smile broke on his face

'so she hates the rich to their bone because of her father that left her and his mother to go with another woman.

her mother worked hard and finally she found a job in the Ares guild as a Dungeon miner

in the meantime she also trained her Swordmanship for 7 long years and finaly at the age of 15 she awakened an epic class Ice sage, then she automatically got accepted in Glade academy'.

then Damien closed the file in his hands with a playful smile

'its gonna be difficult to bring her to my side because of her childhood and her father...but not impossible'.

then the black car slowly reached the academy gates

then both of them got out of car as soon as Damien got out of car many gazes fell on him and he heard many whispers which most of them belonged to females and his sister likewise had many eyes glued on her but with her cold eyes and demeanor nobody dared to look at her for more then 5 seconds

after that Damien walked with Ciara towards the auditorium located at the left side of main building when he noticed a heated glare at him

'hmm whose brave enough to glare at me?'

he turned his head slowly to notice a girl with short stature shoulder length light black hair and brown eyes glaring at him

'she must be Stella Clark,interesting I haven't done anything to her why is she glaring at me like that'

and as if she noticed Damien's gaze she quickly turned around to avoid eye contact with him

'what a scaredy cat' Damien

The two walked for sometime and reached the auditorium,when the two of them entered many gazes focused on them immediately Damien recognized some of them one of them was Lourel Hudson grand daughter of Victor Hudson and even Stella Clark but only one person got his attention a boy his age was sitting in front row with brown hair and a beautiful girl with green eyes happily chatting it didn't took even a second before his eyes met that particular person

'so his already here huh'

after that him and Ciara slowly came to the front row and sit there among many others Damien could feel a bunch of gazes trying to drill his back but nonetheless he kept a cold look he crossed his legs and rested his head on his left arm in a leisurely manner.

it didn't took long before all the students arrived auditorium around thousand or so students were present and took their seat suddenly all the lights turned off and the stage which was huge in the front lit up

Tak! tak! tak!

the sound of a woman walking on the marble floor was heard and silhouette appeared amidst the darkness the light fell on her and a scarlet red hair immediately attracted all the attention a women around 30 years of age with scarlet red hair brown eyes wearing a formal clothing a somehow short skirt and black stockings walked on stage her alluring curves got the attention of many males unable to look away then she suddenly stopped and said

then she continued "Hello to all the proud students of the glade academy im professor Adriana,today is your first day in glade academy many of you came here with Hope's and dreams and I think many of you know the purpose of this academy it's to producing only the best of talents available in humanity

you all have..."

'she modified her voice using mana' Damien thought

and she continued her speech for 10 minutes straight then she stopped and said

"now pls all welcome the Dean of this academy

Mr'Desmond conard!"

as she said that she respectfully bowed and a old man with white hair wearing a similar white tuxedo with a long coat over his shoulder came in to light the aura that he subconsciously emitted was enough to have anyone looking at him have difficulty breathing then he started talking with a solemn expressions

"Hello to all proud students of the Glade academy,I believe professor Adriana has informed you of your purpose in this academy,the glade academy only wants the best of the best to graduate and in near future become a pillar of humanity in this dreadful war against Dungeons."

then he said his next world deliberately slow

"now listen carefully without further ado in 3 days time we will hold the first year annual ranking tournament,from your daily food to your lodging and,even your bed and bathroom along with your cultivation resources all will be decided by your rank in this tournament."

when the old man said that many surprised sounds and gasps sounded in auditorium and students started whispering among themselves

then suddenly a powerful gale of wind swept and all the students attention was drawn to the old man on the stage his brows furrowed

"Those that have the strength will live in the best place that this academy has to offer and your dorms also will be divided in accordance with your rank, the top 10 students will live in the Hydra Dormitory the best place available in this academy they will enjoy various things from personal training space to their customized meals"

then with a deep voice the old man said

"while those that rank at the bottom will live in Goblin Dormitory,but don't worry you will have the chance to raise your rank at the special events that the academy will prepare in the near future,from this moment onward you all represent the Glade academy make us proud,the future of humanity depends on us superhumans,

now Good luck hopefully we will meet again."

then the old man turned around with a faint smile and left.

then professor Adriana spoke"as you all have heard in 3 days time all of you will come back to academy to the Arena in the right side of the main building you may not bring any weapons with your selves or any special clothes but be here in the designated time the academy will inform you about the timing"

then she also wanted to leave then I noticed for a short moment her brown eyes locked into mine with interest she smiled lightly before turned around and leaving.

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