
Date and Pirates

Luffy and Zoro along with the kids went towards the mansion while Nami and Stuart went on their date.

"So should I keep the hood or remove it to accompany you my lady" asked Stuart while teasing Nami

"You can remove it" said Nami while still blushing.

So Stuart removed his hood and they started walking around the village. Though the village itself doesn't had anything special to look at but it was very peaceful place so it calms the mind of people. Nami had a reminiscing look on her face so Stuart knew that she was remembering the time of her village before Arlong came there.

"Nami are you alright" asked Stuart

"Ah! yes Stuart-kun I am fine, sorry I was just thinking of something" replied Nami.

Stuart smiled "Nami close your eyes" he said.

"Huh why Stuart-kun" asked Nami.

"Just do it please" replied Stuart.

"Ok" said Nami and she closed her eyes.

After half a minute Stuart said "ok Nami you can open your eyes now"

When Nami opened her eyes she saw Stuart infront of her and then saw that there were some mist around them but when she looked down she was shocked "Aaaaaahhhh" she shouted and hugged Stuart rightly.


"It's okay Nami don't worry you won't fall, I have compressed the space below our feet sow it's as hard as ground and no matter what you do you won't fall" said Stuart

"Why did you brought me here" said Nami still holding Stuart's clothes.

"To show you something, come here" said Stuart as he held Nami's hand and pulled her, they came out of the cloud the were in and got the clear viewpoint of the ground below.

"Wow" that's all Nami could say as she was amazed by the beautiful view.

As it was the time of sunset the sea looked more beautiful so did the village below them.

"It's so beautiful Stuart-kun, Thankyou" said Nami

"No problem, I couldn't let our date be over like that now could I" said Stuart.

Nami blushed hard when she herd what he said, then she asked "I didn't know you could fly as well"

"It's not exactly flying since I am walking on it but yeah I can fly as well. Since you asked about it let me tell you my space powers I currently have are not my limit with the current moves that I have I know that I can best anyone in the East Blue and it's not arrogance, it's confidence and the information I have about the East Blue" said Stuart.

"Anyone? why are you that confident on. your strengt!?" asked Nami.

"As I said information. I know who is the strongest person currently residing in East Blue and his strength as well and I know how to beat him and that's Arlong the fishmen who is strong but he won't even be able to beat Luffy let alone me " said Stuart

Nami was shaken when she herd Stuart say Arlong's name and that he won't be able to defeat Luffy in a fight "No how could Luffy beat him you are exaggerating" said Nami

"You don't know what a person with the abilities of a devil fruit could do if he used them well and Luffy he hasn't even scratched the surface of his devil fruits true potential yet"

"What!!!??" asked Nami in shock

"Yes it's true, but there isn't a need to talk about it so let's just enjoy the view shall we" said Stuart

"Mmn Yes" said Nami and they started enjoying the view but Nami saw something "Stuart-kun isn't that a ship, and it even looks like a pirate ship" said Nami pointing towards the North side of the Island.

"Yes and it seems to be docked there maybe they are going to attack the village but are waiting for someone or something" said Stuart though he knew who they were but he couldn't outright say it.

"But why would they attack such a remote village" asked Nami

"Don't know let's go and meet the others and we will discuss about it" said Stuart

"Ok" replied Nami and they vanished from the spot.

Nami and Stuart were standing infront of the bar where they ate theie lunch. As they entered the bar they saw Zoro sitting there alone and Luffy was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened" asked Nami

"No that's not the right Question" said Stuart then asked Zoro "How were you able to come back here alone"

"The three kids were with me and continuously told me the right direction" replied Zoro.

"Oh ok now I understand" said Stuart with a serious face which made Nami laugh a lot.

"Hahaha..... seriously Stuart you should prioritise the situation first, now Zoro tell me what happened and where is Luffy" asked Nami

Zoro told them what happened which was exactly the same as the story except Nami wasn't there. After sometime Usopp came running and said "Huff huff Luffy-Luffy is dead they killed him"

""What!?"" Nami and Zoro shouted, Zoro was also holding his favourite sword Wado Ichimonji ready to cut anytime.

"Yes I don't know how they did it but they made Luffy fall from the cliff into the Rocky ground below" said Usopp

Hearing Usopp's answer both of them sighed in relief and Usopp who was looking at them got confused "What happened, why aren't you guys angry?"

"Because he isn't dead Usopp, Luffy ate the gomu-gomu fruit and became a rubber man so blunt attack won't hurt him, you don't have to worry about him" said Stuart.

Usopp started running outside and said "I will go and inform the village and Kaya about Kuro and the pirates"

No one stopped him but they also knew that since he is liar and Kuro or Kurohadol is a respected man so none will believe him.

"Let's find Luffy guys since they will be attacking tomorrow let's plan out who will fight whom" said Stuart and he started going towards the cliff where Luffy fell followed by Zoro and Nami.

As they reached the cliff they saw Luffy was sleeping on the rocks very soundly and looking at him Nami got pissed at stepped on his face with her high heels shoes.

"Ahh Nami why did you stepped on me" said Luffy waking up from his sleep.

"It's not the time for that Luffy tomorrow morning we will be having a fight so we wanted to inform you earlier as I don't want you whining about not being able to fight later on" said Stuart

"Ah that Kurohadol guy yes I will beat his ass" said Luffy.

"Fine fine let's go from then" said Stuart

Next Day Morning

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Nami and Stuart all 5 of them were standing on the North side of the island as Nami and Stuart already saw the ship yesterday so they were able to avoid the blunder of waiting on wrong side.

The ship came and the pirates came down Usopp's legs were shaking, Nami was scared as well but she knew that these three monsters will be able to deal with them.

As all the pirates came down Jango the present captain of the ship was also present. Since Luffy and his mates were there to stop the fight was inevitable so the moment the first pirate ran towards Stuart and the others he released a wave of conquerors Haki towards the pirates direction which lead to most of them falling unconscious leaving only Jango and a few members conscious but barely standing.

"What-What happened" asked Usopp really shocked.

Luffy's mouth was hanging downwards reaching to the ground literally maybe due to him being a rubber man while Zoro was just shocked and so was Nami but then they looked at Stuart who was just standing there and smiling and were able to guess that he was the reason for this.

""Amazing"" said Luffy and Usopp together after looking at Stuart and then they started to pester him to tell them how he did that and can they do it as well.

While this was happening the pirates that were still standing were now looked at him very carefully.

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