

The Straw hat crew had started there journey to find there 6th crewmates the sea cook and it would take them 3 weeks to reach there destination and Zoro was practicing his sword style as he thought he will get to fight the man he wanted to fight.

After 3 weeks of sailing they had almost reached their destination when Stuart went towards Zoro who was practicing with his sword.

"Zoro, the man Jonny was talking about was it Hawk Eye Mihawk" asked Stuart.

"Oh! yes you know about him" asked Zoro

"Yes, I know about him but what I want to know is what do you want from him" Stuart asked.

"Hmm ofcourse I am gonna fight him to take the title of the strongest swordsman" replied Zoro

"But right now the strength you poses won't even be enough to touch him do you really think you could beat him like that" Stuart said

"What did you say bastard you wanna die or what" Zoro snarled.

"I am not joking Zoro, if you don't believe me then let me prove you" Stuart said and then with right hand made into a fist he joined it with his left hand which was opened as a Palm the he pulled his right hand and a sword came with it.

"You-you how" Zoro asked as he was shocked how he brought a sword out of his hand.

""Amazing"" said Luffy and Usopp while Nami was shocked and mesmerized by the current Stuart who was holding a sword with serious face making him more handsome.

"Common Zoro for becoming the strongest swordsman you will atleast have to beat me so come" Stuart said.

"Hmnp don't cry when you get hurt" Zoro said as he took out all his swords putting one in his mouth and holding onto the other two.

Stuart was holding the sword with his right hand while his left hand was in his pocket while he gestured Zoro to come.

Seeing Stuart not taking him seriously and only using one hand made Zoro pissed and he directly use his special technique.

"Demon Cut" shouted Zoro as he ran towards Stuart and slashed with all three swords together but Stuart moved and horizontally slashed his sword at the point where all three of Zoro's swords meet stopping him dead at his place.

"What!?" Jonny shouted "How is this possible Zoro Aniki's demon Cut has never been stopped"

"It's a powerful move but it's weak point is the place where all three swords meet if even I can see that, do you think Mihawk won't. Like this you won't even be able to make him use his sword Zoro" Stuart said sternly.

"What did you say" Zoro snarled.

"Right, left, straight, right, straight, both left, right, straight....." were the words Stuart was saying as he easily deflected all of Zoro's moves.

"Oye what is Stuart keep saying" Luffy asked looking at others .

"Don't know" Usopp said while Jonny just shrugged his shoulders but Nami was shocked and didn't replied.

Luffy saw her and asked once again "Oye Nami do you know why dose Stuart saying that"

"Yes, he is telling from where will Zoro's sword will come before he even makes it" Nami said.

"""WHAT!?""" shouted the boys in unison.

«How can there be such a difference even if he is the strongest bounty hunter, is there a need for such a difference to be» Zoro thought as he kept swinging his swords towards Stuart who will say where the sword is coming from and then deal with it atlast Zoro pressed the sword towards Stuart which he dodged then with the hilt of his sword he hitted Zoro on his neck making him fall.

"Ok that's it" said Stuart.

"What no it's not over I am not defeated" Zoro said.

"It was never about to defeat you Zoro, I just wanted to tell you that even if you're skills are best in East Blue it doesn't amount to anything if you remain unknown about true strength" Stuart said.

"What do you mean!?" Zoro asked.

*sigh* "My skills with swords are below yours but I still beated you that's what I mean" Stuart said.

"""""WHAT!!!???""""" this time everyone shouted as they had seen Stuart beating Zoro without breaking a sweat.

"Yes it's true I just used some tricks to beat him such as Observation Haki to know from where he will attack and soru to increase my speed to respond against his fast moves" Stuart said.

"What is this Observation Haki?" asked Zoro.

"It's a necessary skill for anyone who want to stay alive in paradise" Stuart.

"Paradise!??" Nami asked

"Yes Paradise, the first half of grandline is called paradise while the other half is called New World" Stuart said.

"Wait are you kidding, how can it be called paradise when the pirates call it Hell" Nami asked.

"It's called paradise because that's what it is compared to the New World" Stuart said

Nami gasped air while Usopp's legs were shaking in fear only Luffy and Zoro could be seen excited.

"Wait how do you know so much about Grandline" Nami asked once again

"Well because I was originally from there and came to east blue cause I had newly acquired my space fruit that time and by accident teleported myself here and couldn't go back so I stayed here while honing my skills and after I believed that I won't get lost this time I was ready to go from here but decided to stay for a while and clear some pirate scums" Stuart replied.

"Oh so that's the reason for you saying that you will be taking out the top bounties, now I understand" said Luffy while nodding his head.

"So that's all I wanted to say after we get our cook I will teach you what will make us more strong and help us to stay alive in the paradise" Stuart said

"Ok" Zoro replied while the rest just nodded there head.

Next Day

"This is our destination, the Sea Restaurant Baratie" said Jonny

Yosaku who was sleeping in one of the rooms of going merry also woke up and was looking from the door of the restaurant and was salviting as well.

"Aww it's a giant fish I love it" said Luffy while salviting

"Umm I want to taste there food" did Usopp

"This is a good restaurant, Nami wanna go on a dinner date with me" said Stuart while smiling.

"WHAT!?..... no I mean yes" replied Nami while blushing.

"Haha let's go and find ourselves a cook guys" said Luffy

Everyone looked at him and shouted """""Yes"""'"

Next chapter