
The Watcher

"Finally, we're here!" exclaimed the boy, jumping in anticipation.

The boy jolted with joy as he watched the duels between two magicians in the arena. His name was Mizar Morgan, a boy who loved magic duels. His passion for the art of spellcasting burned brighter than any fireball igniting the arena.

"Be careful, Mizar. Don't get too close," his brother, Abel, warned, urging him to move away from the railing. Mizar was leaning on the railing while engrossed in the spectacle before him.

His attention was focused solely on the duel in the arena, his wide eyes reflecting the fiery spells filling the air. Mizar's love for magic duels knew no bounds, often causing him to disregard his brother's cautionary words.

The Magic Duel competition held in the city's grand arena was a showcase for amateur mages, marking their debut as duelists. It was an event Mizar eagerly awaited each year, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Despite his own busy schedule, Abel took the time to accompany Mizar to the arena. He used his remaining vacation time for the year to share this experience with his younger brother, knowing how much it meant to him.

"We were able to get the front row this time. Please don't wander off and stay seated," Abel instructed, hoping Mizar would heed his advice.

"Okay," Mizar replied, his voice filled with excitement.

He settled back in his seat, his gaze fixed on the duel before him. From their VIP seats in the foremost row, they had an unobstructed view of the battleground. Abel's connections with the Event Organizer had secured these privileged spots.

In the center of the arena, two magicians stood, adorned in protective gear and robes. Each wore a handband of different colors – one red and the other blue. These bands symbolized their affiliation and the type of magic they wielded.

With a resounding clang, a bell marked the beginning of the fight. The magician in the red band initiated the first move, conjuring a large fireball and launching it toward his opponent in a blaze of intensity.

The blue magician swiftly responded, creating a water barrier in the form of a majestic waterfall. The torrential flow of water shielded him from the scorching flames, preventing the fireball from evaporating the cascading cascade.

Undeterred, the blue magician seized the opportunity and connected the waterfall to another water-based spell, the Downpour. The water flowed down from the waterfall, aiming to push the red magician out of the arena, rendering him eliminated.

However, the red magician deftly evaded the attack, gracefully sidestepping the deluge of water. Seizing the moment, he retaliated with another fireball, this time launching multiple projectiles toward his adversary. Three fireballs successfully breached the blue magician's defenses, sending him crashing to the ground.

"That is awesome!" said Mizar, his eyes beaming with astonishment.

As Mizar observed the breathtaking exchange of magical projectiles, he marveled at the skill and precision displayed by the combatants. The duel resembled an artistic performance, each move meticulously calculated and flawlessly executed.

Mizar, born with a rare disease called Acute Mana Deficiency Syndrome, had always felt inadequate compared to others in his family of renowned magicians. The condition hindered his ability to contain enough mana in his core, the life force behind magic. Despite this, his passion for magic remained undiminished.

His obsession with magic duels was a way for him to live vicariously through the mages' awe-inspiring displays of power. Mizar longed to be a part of that world, to prove himself despite his limitations. His dream was to become the

number one duelist, a title that held the promise of recognition and respect.

As explosions of fireballs reverberated through the arena, engulfing Mizar in a cloud of hot steam, the rising temperature only fueled his excitement. His heart raced, not out of fear but from the exhilaration that surged through his veins. This was what he had always longed for – a battle of magic to satiate his thirst for adventure, if only for a fleeting moment.

The intense heat generated by the ongoing duel caused beads of sweat to form on Mizar's forehead. His eyes glimmered with determination, even as he sensed the rising danger.

As the duel continued, Mizar's unwavering focus on the magic battle wavered for an instant. His senses were heightened to an insane degree. He could hear every word that the spectators said. But when his eyes briefly shifted toward a group of spectators engrossed in their own conversations, it was in that moment of distraction that disaster struck.

A stray fireball, propelled with unexpected force, veered off its intended path. It hurtled towards the railing where Mizar stood, its searing heat cutting through the air.

"Watch out!" warned Abel.

In the nick of time, Abel lunged forward, instinctively shielding his younger brother from harm. The fireball exploded on contact with Abel's protective magic barrier, sending sparks flying in all directions.

Startled and unfazed, Mizar stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock. The momentary danger had shaken him, but his love for magic remained unyielding. The incident only fueled his passion further, igniting an unquenchable flame within him.

His mana circuit was reacting to the fire elements that were thrown in the air, and in that moment, he unconsciously felt a sensation on his palm.

A surging heat.

At this moment, the element of fire was accidentally seeping inside his core, changing his elemental affinity in the process.

As the final fireball struck its mark, bringing the duel to a dramatic close, Mizar's eyes gleamed with unwavering resolve.

At this moment, Mizar did not realize that he had learned the very basics of magic—an elemental magic. Fire.

As the duel raged on, Mizar's determination solidified. His dream of becoming the number one duelist burned brighter than ever, the fire within his heart was burning alongside the fire in his mana core.

No one knew what this reaction would do for him. It was deeply hidden inside him.

After the tournament, they went out for a walk, hoping to meet one of the fighters from the duel. Someone who could guide Mizar further on his journey. As they walked through the bustling streets, Mizar's mind buzzed with anticipation and wonder.

Then, amidst the crowded cityscape, they spotted a figure standing beneath the flickering streetlights, his back turned to them. The figure exuded an aura of mystery and power, his presence captivating and enigmatic.

Abel approached cautiously, his voice trembling with excitement. "Excuse me, sir. Were you one of the duelists in the arena today?"

The figure turned slowly, revealing piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. A smile curled on his lips as he replied, his voice laced with intrigue, "Indeed, I was. And who might you be?"

Mizar's heart skipped a beat as he locked eyes with the stranger. Something stirred within him, a deep sense of connection. This encounter held the potential to change everything.

As the event came to a close, the world around Mizar faded into the background. All that mattered now was the enigmatic figure before him and the limitless possibilities that lay ahead.

Little did Mizar know, this encounter would set in motion a chain of events that would challenge him in ways he never imagined. The unyielding flame within him would face trials and tribulations, but it would also illuminate the path towards his destiny as the number one duelist.

The journey had just begun, and Mizar's unwavering determination would be put to the test. What adventures awaited him? What secrets would he uncover? Only time would reveal the answers, as Mizar Morgan stepped forward into a world where magic and destiny intertwined.

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